Tuesday, January 27, 2015

How to Get A Butt Like Jennifer Lopez - Follow These 5 Mind Boggling Tips

Let ' s face it - Jennifer Lopez has the sexiest butt on this planet - it drives guys potty with want and makes girls go grassy with envy. So, how can you too get a butt like JLo? I can ' t say it will be a piece of cake; there is some hard work involved, but the compliments you assume will more than make up for all the hard work you ' ve done.

Here are some exercises you can do to get that shapely and killer butt which will make you the target of attraction in no time.


Squats are one of the best exercises you can do to get your butt in shape. Stand with your feet apart, in line with your hips; keep your back straight, suck your abs in with the knees behind your toes. Now squat and while coming back to the standing position squeeze your butt. Do 2 to 3 sets of 8 to 12 reps each. If you urge to increase the intensity of the exercise, add weights.


There are sundry types of lunges, such as front lunges, circle lunges, side to side lunges, mobile lunges, and reverse lunges. This exercise can be number exacting since it works on various groups of muscles at the same time, including the glutes, hamstrings, quads and calves. To make the exercise hard, you can also raise your back foot on a platform or step.

Hip Extension

Hip extensions work on the largest muscles platoon of the body, the gluteus maximus. Sway a dumbbell and place it behind your knee. Alternatively, use ankle weights to increase the intensity of the exercise.

If you are bored of the usual hip extension, you can do supplementary entertaining variation. Lie with your torso and hips supported by an exercise ball, place the hands on the tile and bend your knees. Then squeeze the glutes and point your feet true blue up at the ceiling.

Leg Raises

Lie down flat on your back. As you inhale raise your legs. Emit, and conduct them down but don ' t let them touch the tile. Keep your legs about an inch or two greater the root. Rub in this at first 10 times and do two to three reps.

Cardiovascular Exercises

In addendum to these exercises, you should also allow for a potpourri of cardiovascular exercises in your workout routine. Swimming, jogging, seafaring an exercise bike, or mobile quickly are excellent examples of cardiovascular exercises. A few variations in your usual cardiovascular routine will help tone your butt. For instance, instead of sitting down, stand up when cruising your bike, pedaling as fast as you can.

A word of advice - before you go into exercising, make undeniable you thermal up a bit. Ignoring to do so can cause muscle pull and strain. Spend a few minutes stretching your whole body and follow that with some light jar. This will glowing up your body and prepare it for the exercises that you are about to do. Now, go get that perfect butt you ' ve always dreamed off.

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