Wednesday, January 28, 2015

LifeVantage Scam Review

Founded in 2003, LifeVantage Task is a openly traded ( wristwatch LFVN ) network marketing transaction specializing in technical anti - aging products using its clinically studied Protandim supplement.

LifeVantage has a very curious history€ฆ

LifeVantage ' s stock skyrocketed way back on 2005 after the announcements of clinical studies and television specials by ABC, the Today Fair and PBS about their Protandim product in 2005, LifeVantage ' s stock skyrocketed. This early publicity sent their stock up to more than $20 per share but it could not sustain it with no sales to backup the media hype. At this point Protantim was only available through retail channels and nutritional store sales were very dismal.

On May, 2009, after more than six months of planning and research they sour to multilevel marketing for grouping | After more than six months of planning and preparation, in May of 2009. Those who read the power of Multi - Level Marketing were not fussed, LifeVantage sales have dramatically increased and with that their stock price has more than tripled from its lowest point of less than 10 cents in Nov. 2008. Still a bit too early to say, but it looks like network marketing is proving to be a great treatment.

As with every evaluation, let ' s start off with the easiest area to locate a scam€ฆ THE PRODUCT!

Protandim Review - I cannot speak for the product since I have not climactically tested it speak for the product. What I do know is I am more keen to try it than any other nutritional goods I ' ve observed recently due to the extensive clinical research and scope reviewed research that have used into it. Over 20 universities have initiated a number of self - funded medical studies on the product in relationship to its connection on anti - aging and disease. Some have been washed-up and are conversant on www. pubmed. gov under Protandim to note.

In aberration to the majority of nutritional lines, Protandim is not an antioxidant by way of supplementation instead it is a goods that triggers the body ' s production of its own natural enzymes in which the body uses to break free radicals. Clinical studies seems to confirm that it is a lot more effective than taking out antioxidants for this scheme. The corporate website of LifeVantage ( http: / / www. lifevantage. com ) gives access to all the studies, reports and message video releases on their product that explains how it works and what it does.

Protandim ' s " uniqueness " in terms of marketing...

In constrast to a lot of MLM companies which nearly always use the ancient " try it out ( for 30, 60 or 90 days ) and spy how you feel " shtick, LifeVantage distributors canhonestly exclaim that Protandim is clinically proven to lessen oxidative stress by slowing down the degree of cell aging to the level of a 20 second old.

This alone is not enough to build a business on, but it ' s a good ice breaker for distributors. Getting folks to check out the product is regularly the hardest part in shaping a nutritional network marketing business, but LifeVantage seems to have a bit of an advantage in this field.

I was pleasantly surprised at the price of the product. In a trade setting product autoships are routinely a little over 100 dollars per month, a one month autoship supply of Protandim for a retail " better customer " is only $39! This pricing is much less than the industry yardstick, so making it doable to get trustworthy retail consumers.

In addition to the core Protandim product, it also has a skin care product called TrueScience which is a skin cream designed with the anti - aging properties of Protandim. What I like about the overall product line is its simplicity; just two fundamental products, with one fundamental selling aspect, and a price that is really completely good.

Climactically it is going to take more than research and advertising for a product to make it. Protandim will have to make a noticeable effect on the overall health of people taking it, whether it be supplementary energy, sharpened sleep, not getting sick as frequently, etc. There ' s not a lot of people who will spend money on a product memento based on research alone. If you are reading this article and have well tried the product, please do give us feedback on the product.

LifeVantage ' s MLM comp plan

The MLM compensation plan is so lucrative that i ' m not even going to go there.

There is quite a lot of money available in every compensation plan as long as it ' s natural. If you learn from someone about how their compensation plan pays the most money in the business, high chance something is defective.

Technically speaking LifeVantage uses a unilevel MLM compensation plan victorious down 9 dynamically hardened levels with the potential for a matching dispensation on the first four levels and a coded philanthropy for LifeVantage pack qualifiers that allows for bonuses to be earned through infinite depth. You don ' t have to wory about it if none of this makes sense.

The most important part about the MLM comp plan is unadulterated, since it only pays commissions on product sales. LifeVantage has taken an else step to promote the movement of product that I especially like and which does a lot to nail down legal process. Like every job, distributors must stay wicked to reach commissions, in LifeVantage this circumstance two hundred PV per month in personal situation. The friendly part is that the quarter generated from personal " prominent customers " reduces personal station requirements for distributors. This item that as a distributor, I can reduce my almanac personal compass duty down to the minimum of 30 PV if I have enough personal customers fervent product.

Behavior rewarded will be duplicated so when you make out a concern reward the enrollment of true retail " more appropriate customers " ( consumers buying the product, but not partaking in the business fling ), you will most destined have a high customer to distributor ratio. One of the most crucial thing that the expounder mediocre and FTC looks at when foremost if a matter is a pyramid constitution or not is this ratio right here..

LifeVantage - Concern & Control

Beyond the short yarn I have commenced mentioned primary, there are a affix intriguing details swivel the job. LifeVantage is a constituent of the Oversee Selling Combine ( http: / / www. dsa. org / forms / CompanyFormPublicMembers / view? id=44F6200000362 ) and the BBB ( http: / / www. bbb. org / denver / business - reviews / health - and - diet - products - retail / lifevantage - jungle - in - littleton - co - 90014185 ). They were drawn in and unfaltering a litigation with Zrii. In this litigation, they were alleged to have conspired with obsolete Zrii management / distributors to break contracts and switch to companies. It was strong-willed for $400, 000 even if the lawsuit sought damages of 250 million dollars. This type of litigation is normal in the multilevel marketing business and in my conclusion annihilation to be worried about.

As for the management behind the company, formerly with Metabolife, David Brown, is the CEO and Dr. Joe McCord, the man who spearheaded Protandim, is the Director of Science. It is noteworthy that Dr. McCord was the co - discoverer of antioxidant enzymes and their relationship to free radicals in 1968 at Duke University. It is also good to know that LifeVantage has skilled in - house legal counsel with Eric Marchant, who has counseled multi - governmental 100 million dollar networkings in the ended.

Let ' s take a quick look at the industry and competition

We all know that nutrition is the buttress of multilevel marketing business and there is no query that the health and wellness industry is increasing and will keep on growing. On the flipside I think today you have an overload of companies penetrating into the industry and it is easy to get lost among the muddle and confusion unless you have something exceptional€ฆ I think LifeVantage has just that. With a low product price point and the neighborly of research and publicity behind Protandim, In my thought, they will do good in the MLM business.

The final word€ฆ

LifeVantage sells a legitimate product at a price point that real consumers can keep and markets through a comp humankind that is in my say so more legally reliable than your average MLM. Even though the company has put a lot of research and publicity you still have to make cocksure your expectation is 100 % behind it before diving into it. In networking, you will be able to sell a product if you altogether buy in it and you cannot exchange any amount of research for that. If you ' re not happy to give it a interval, then better if you don ' t give it any other day at all. LifeVantage will work if you work it.

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