Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Maximum Fat Loss - Zig Zag Calorie Rotaion Method

The zig zag calorie circumgyration method for maximum fat loss: the most effective nutritional technique for fat loss ever developed!

Every time you cut calories below your maintenance level, it ' s never long before your body recognizes the need and adjusts your fat burning thermostat so fewer calories are burned. The larger the drop in calories and the longer the drop is maintained, the bigger the drop will be in metabolism.

Your body is an amazing machine that is remarkably alterable to any direction or environment. Your body likes to stay in a state of equilibrium and will always fight your efforts to change. Fortunately, there is a way you can €œtrick€ your body into keeping your metabolic scale up while you ' re dieting for fat loss €“ It ' s called the zig zag method and it ' s without query the most powerful fat burning technique ever developed.

You must have a lack to lose fat, but what you don ' t want is a large inadequacy for a long phrase of time. The way to €œoutsmart€ your body ' s starvation response is to avoid prolonged calorie deficits. You aptly drop into a calorie insufficience for a brief expression of three days, then €“ before your body has a chance to decrease your metabolic rate€“ you raise your calories back up to maintenance level ( or even better maintenance ) for one to three days. You then repeat this process until you grasp your right body fat ratio.

Some bodybuilders zig zag their calories completely at fortuitous and this seems to be effective for them. Other people use low, guide and high days in a pyramid fashion. My research, based on personal coaching programs with over 600 clients and on 14 caducity of competitive bodybuilding experience, has shown at last that the zig zag method works best in three day cycles. When your calories are kept in a large paucity more than three days, that ' s when your metabolic rate starts to immerse. By raising your calories every fourth day, you spike your metabolism and the starvation mode never fully kicks in.

Here ' s how the zig zag method works: You will use two separate snack plans €“ one high calorie day, and one low calorie day. Your low calorie day will be initially set at 15 - 20 % below your maintenance level.

Your high calorie day will be initially set at your maintenance level. You will then €œcycle€ your calories on a three days down, one day up orbit as follows:

Basic €œzig zag€ circumgyration

Low calorie days ( 15 - 20 % underneath TDEE ): 2240 calories €“ 3 days

High calorie days ( maintenance level ): 2800 calories €“ 1 day

Adjustments in calories may need to be made according to your journal results, and some experimentation is repeatedly necessary before you find your correct numbers. For part, to accelerate fat loss, you could create a larger deficit of 25 - 30 % for the low days and a 10 % want on the high days. 30 % is a large reduction, but as long as you raise your calories every fourth day, your metabolism won ' t be mock. If loss of LBM ever becomes a problem, you can raise the symbol of calories you cream on your high days, or you can even take two or three high calorie days in a row ( a three - down, two up or three down, three - up cycle )

Accelerated fat loss zig zag path

Low calorie days ( 30 % below TDEE ): 1960 calories €“ 3 days

High calorie days ( maintenance level ): 2520 calories €“ 1 day

Zig zag revolution to prevent lean body mass loss

Low calorie days ( 15 - 20 % below TDEE ): 2240 calories €“ 3 days

High calorie days ( 5 % over maintenance level ): 2940 calories €“ 3 days

The zig zag method is without problem, the most effective method of fat loss ever developed. It is also one of the best - kept secrets of the world ' s best natural bodybuilders and fitness models. Bodybuilders frequently use this method brother to competitions to help strip their bodies of all visible fat while maintaining their lean body mass. This method is also effective for breaking plateaus, accelerating slow fat loss, maintaining lean body mass and preventing sluggish metabolisms from slowing down further.

The zig zag method is also great way to make a poverty-stricken - calorie nutrition plan work most effectively for an endomorph or €œslow - metabolism€ body type who tends to lose fat slowly and with great difficulty.

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