Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Toxic Relationships: How To Let Go And Build Abundant Love In Your Life

The relationships we engage have a strong impact on our physical, mental and spiritual health.

When relationships are balanced:

( 1 ) We have a release of dopamine that naturally elevates our vein ( a chemical which researchers have identified as almost important for that elated touch we get when we are in love or enjoying the company of a special kissing cousin ). Basically, we are not liable to that sensation of elation.

( 2 ) We feel empowered to grow in new ways as persons and as part of the friendship or couple relationship.

Toxic relationships:

* Have a push / pull denouement direction much one person is pulling away when the other person is pushing forward to become closer.

* Have inequity and co - dependence as central characteristics.

* Are exhausting energetically, physically and spiritually. These relationships take more out of you than they give back and can contribute to developing chronic health challenge such as, depression, digestive imbalances, low immunity, and chronic prostration.

Usually, there is a spiritual and energetic bond between yourself and the person with whom you are engaging the toxic relationship.

This bond fuels an addictive - like state of inclination to engage the person although you recognize that the relationship is not benefiting you.

When that craving to engage the toxic relationship is strong, use the following strategies to redirect that craving and longing.

Qi Gong

Qi gong as a movement form and meditation practice can be used to overpower the craving to engage toxic relationships.

Unlike yoga or forms of western exercise, qi gong is not only a physical tool fo healing but also an emotional healing tool that can be engaged even when you are stale, depressed or physically ill, for all movements can be performed while sitting or lying down as well as standing.

It can also be thoroughgoing into your everyday routine as you work, study or perform ordinary tasks. So, it is a practice you can maintain even when your work schedule is fully and busy or other obligations put demands on your time.

So, the nature of qi gong allows a constancy in your life. This is an important quality as constancy with healing tools is especially important to disengaging toxic patterns.


Music has the ability to also stimulate the brain and create biochemical shifts by influencing brain indicate patterns.

So, get out that “ feel good music” — surround yourself with the frequencies of lofty vibrancy to help yourself during those moments when dopamine drops and you feel depressed and friendless.

Each person’ s harmonious tastes vary, so find the music that resonates for you.

Even if it is not your style, I regularly avail listening to Motown hits. Why Motown?

At the heart of all the Motown hits was the band, The Take to Brothers, who had a different capacity of combining melodic frequencies in such a way to uplift the spirit. Is it any wonder that all of those songs were worldwide hits?

Think about the positive of strains of the” Temptations’ “ My Girl, ” ( ” I’ ve got sunshine on a lightless day” ) and the infectious instrument of Smokey Robinson’ s “ Complaint of a Sufferer. ”

Light Therapy

Also, be sure to hype your serotonin levels by getting plenty of sunlight or using therapeutic full spectrum lighting.

After all, it’ s not just an emotional journey of healing when we unchain ourselves from toxic relationships, but it’ s also a biochemical journey of healing. We need to patronize our brain chemistry.

Diet: Boundary Pillar

This brings us to the thought of boundaries. This is the energy of the spleen and stomach.

Thus, much times, people who are challenged with toxic relationships have weak spleen and stomach energies.

Eating temperate and nourishing foods such as low - fat soups with lots of the orange and pusillanimous vegetables can be very advantageous. There’ s something to be vocal for the healing bowl of chicken discrepancy or seafood combo with rich root vegetables— it not only heals the body but also the heart.


Letting go of toxic relationships can be one of the most uphill things we can do, and it takes time to achieve full deliverance. Take time to celebrate each step forward no matter how small.

Keep in mind that when you release toxicity from your life, you increase ten - district your ability to welcome in an abundance of loving and in fact conducive friendships and intimate relationships.

1 comment:

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