Wednesday, January 28, 2015


Regularly a downfall connotes a bad meaning and to rise up means good. This principle is also applicable to the body especially as far as the vital force of the genital organs is concerned. By terming the Mooladhar Chakra as the female genital organ and the Sahasrar as the male genital organ no suspect only a symbolic analysis has been made but it is not so as far as actions are concerned. Instead of not wasting the Mooladhar energy in sexual passion it should be raised to the head region so that via proper meditation the eye of divine wisdom can be opened up. The sleeping Kundalini Shakti ( Divine Serpent Power ) slash around the Shivaling dwells there like a sleeping female snake. But when it evolves and rises up towards the head region she dwells in the grey matter of the brain i. e. in the subtle nerve network of Sahasrar Kamal. After a rise the small Shivling takes the form of a gigantic mount Kailash. It evolves further in the blooming 1000 – petalled lotus called the Sahasradal Kamal. Consequently one by one all the hidden centers of the brain get activated. This is the exaltation of the star to the system.

In this sort of a check it is very much required that buttress of the Merudand be taken. If for the conscious energy flow of the Sushumna can be used for higher sacred goals then the bliss of Brahman that one experiences in n - district more than the joy of sense pleasures. Yogic exercises like Bandah, Mudra, Pranayam, Asan etc. are carried out for this very object. Via Sidhasan, Vajrasan, Shaktichalini Mudra, Bandhas, Prana Yoga etc. the energy of Mooladhar is activated / awakened and raised upwards so as to unite it with self fulfilled centers. But all these Hatha Yoga and Kriya Yoga practices are but the first step in Kundalini activation. Never should these be taken as the ultimate step in Kundalini activation and in fact it can be compared to merely the obstruct enterprise of heating up a cold motor engine.

This topic of course needs clarification over Kundalini is also called Kaamabeej ( fan of all desires and sexual passion ). As a symbol the Shivling is reinstated. When the Shivling is bathed then the water vessel is placed on the tripod stand and one by one drops of water souse the Shivling. In the woman’ s genitals there is sexual passion. In the lower half of the male genitals is the female genital. When both these opposites are activated then there are incidence of sex conversion. The male becomes a female and vice versa. The impetus is this that energy enters these potential areas. Sexual passion too manifests considering of the major reasons. In pattern that this redundant act does not declare nectar needs to be dripped in these regions from the head area. This nectar is called Soma Rasa. In he Soham spiritual practise of Khechri Mudra one gets to sip this Soma Rasa.

When a tripod stand is sued to moisten the Shivling then its 3 legs typify the Ida, Pingala and Sushumna Naadis ( subtle nerves ). The purification of a Shivling symbolizes Kundalini awakening. This symbolic description tells us that Kundalini’ s Lord is the powerful Lord Shiva. Its place of residence should be looked upon as pure as the Kailash eminence and the Manasarovar. It should not be lewdly looked upon as the genital organs of males and females. In truth by harbouring sacred sentiments of its importance and purity one should perform spiritual practices so as to bestow it for higher spiritual goals. The endeavour of enterprise and artistic skills and actions and sentiments of beauty should not be dried up only in protection. Instead the Shiva energy of the Mooladhar Chakra present near the genital organs should be utilized for higher spiritual goals.

Certain people full of prurient imagination once-over the spiritual practise of Hatha Yoga thrash out about “ From sexual union to trance”. That is from “ Sambhog say Samadhi Ki Ore. ” They organize it to the male’ s phallus and the female’ s vagina. This is just not correct and is in actuality very vulgar, absurd and devoid of a proper sense of direction. In reality such prurient, vulgar observations should never touch such sacred areas like the head and the heart. By keeping it holy one should try and survey celibacy and hence raise it for higher goals. This should be practical both by males and females. The scriptural authors while discussing the nature of Kundalini have correlated it to artistic sexual skills. But its meaning is not sexual lust and in truth it means manifestation of vim and vigour in the body. Mooladhar Chakra is also called the kernel of sexual passion and Sahasrar Kamal is the devotee of divine wisdom. The bathing - unity of both results in symptomatic activities. This divine power aids us in all round advancement of life, ablution of one’ s character and high visionary thinking. Kundalini Yoga is that spiritual practise which helps in attaining spiritual ideals.

In the Shwetashwatar Upanishad Kundalini is called “ Fire of Yoga” or “ Nachiketa’ s Fire” and it is synonymous with the pure fire of a Yajna. It is oral that in whosoever’ s body this fire of divinity is lit, there the body is diseaseless and the mind is certainly serene. In “ Chainik Yoga Pradeepika” I. Lohen has called it as “ spirit fire” and ahs correlated it to the blazing fire of the soul.

The great egghead of the Western Break in of Yoga, Sir John Woodroffe has called it “ serpent fire”. The founder of Theosophical Society, Madam Blavatsky calls it “ cosmic electricity” and says that its speed is 3, 45, 000 miles / sec. In that the speed of light is 1, 95, 000 miles / sec. The electrical causatum have a speed of 2, 99, 000 miles / sec. According to great scientists the speed of attention development is 7 times more than electrical effect i. e. it is 22, 65, 120 miles / sec. In the flash moment of a inferring one can circumambulate the earth 40 times.

Despite being a spiritual power Kundalini granted gets correlated to certain electricity. Dr. Vasantji Rele in his book “ The Inscrutable Kundalini” calls it a nerve force. The introduction of this book has been written by Sir John Woodroffe. According to him stage Rele correlates Kundalini with the right vagus nerve there he himself calls it a greater force. According to him Kundalini is a powerful reality. It is a quiescent energy which by enlargement ( raising higher ) instead of the usual involution of matter one can radiate one’ s character with divine glory. According to Vasant Rele Kundalini in a steady state is ordinary but when it takes up the kinetic form it becomes the vital force. According to him texts like Hathayoga Pradeepika, Shiva Samhita and Shatchakra Niroopan say that Kundalini is an individualizing form of cosmos in which pervade great conscious power.

The Western scientist Hudson who is also a egghead of Hathayoga says in his famous book “ Science of Seership” that the magical power Kundalini should be activated only under the guidance of a great meet preceptor and that the mind should be pure i. e. devoid of any enthusiasm. Extended if the Kundalini moves downwards, it will lead to lust and devotedness to sense objects. And then this power will be misused in activities like satisfying content desires and miserly needs.

Jain Yogic teachers have named Kundalini as “ Tejoleshya” and have habituated 2 ways of attaining it. The first method is to perform penance while taking very limited quantities of food and water.

The second mode is to heat up one’ s body with rays of the sun i. e. imbibing solar energy while meditating on the sun. The root source of Tejoleshya is vocal to be the subtle body. That meeting place also belongs to Kundalini. Tejoleshya can also be uttered to be a form of Savitri worship.

While discussing Kundalini Shakti, Yogic scientists say it is the “ Voice of silence. ” People know the influence of fire and electricity and make apt use of it. If they just figure out the use of spiritual and transcedental fire then one can attain innumerable Sidhis ( divine powers ) of the region of the soul.

Dr. Scott says that this is a crystal with whose aid the transistor of our life functions. Anatomists term it in their own way and they call the spinal rein and Mooladhar Chakra as “ Ganglion Impar. ” It is compared to a generator, dynamo, battery, magnet etc. Everyone accepts that it is a blazing coals of the stadium of sexual passion and that if it is raised higher, it gives that person extraordinary powers.

Dr. Henry Lindal along with a description of the root source of cosmic conscious electricity and the electricity of the material world has also elucidated the electricity working in the human body. All round the earth present in the cosmos is display the entangle of electromagnetic pursuance and this positive electricity has a force of 3 lakh volts. Every living being bears a handicap of 5 volts / metre. The micro part of this cosmic electricity dwells in the human body as Kundalini Shakti ( Divine Serpent Power ). Dr. Lindal has said that in the activities of human cells and nerves a great monetary worth of electrical energy gets utilized. Its source is the brain and not the heart. It is the basis of basis and terminal of our life. But this source is not unilateral. The brain grey consideration situated at the top of the Merudand and the lower half of the Sushumna that corresponds to cada equina, produces vital force electricity. In the brain grey purpose i. e. the reticular activating system there is a trimmed overflow of electrical sparks. A bigger part of this electricity is found in the southern extent which is also the seat of sexual passion. Dr. Hiroshi Motoyama with the help of his AMI machine has found a hard relevance of this electricity in this point of spotlight. The actuation why scientists have conducted a widespread explore study on this cynosure of sexual passion is whereas Kundalini is an important locale of life’ s movements. Owing to a new living being is full of ingredient of impressive new relevant, its power and importance in comparison to all organs is most averse and very high-powered. The make up of sacral plexus and cada equina is very strenuous and important from the physiological impression just like the brain. This actuality has been presented variedly by Mr. Lee Sanela in his blow “ Kundalini – Psychosis and Transcedence”, Dr. C. Naranjo – R. Arnsteer in “ Psychology of Meditation. ”

Dr. Carrington in his blow “ Latest Psychology and Indian Philosophy” has written that there are so many examples wherein it is witnessed that whether the body made up of vital force and molecules remains or nor in consummation its subtle existence continues. Despite being united to its body the supervision hub of the vital force units run on whole-length in that joint. Correlated to this find there is new disclosure of Yogis wherein there is an emergence of ideoplasm or psychoplasm when the Yogi is in the crowing states of mediation called Samadhi or vagary. Scientists lap up that it keeps getting emitted from the body in a tension state and it is most found in the scalp whistle stop, tips of the fingers, lips, face, Naadi Chakra and around the genital organs. After the study and idea ( Kirlean photography of the “ Biological Plasma Body” by the Russian scientist Semian Kirlean ) this survey exertion with refer to to the vital force of the subtle body – Kundalini has attained a great deal of fame. Emanueal Swedenborg calls it the visible vapour of ether wherein after usage of special filters it can be photographed with the aid of high voltage projection. Scientists opine that its appearance is akin to the entangle of a wasp and the smell of ozone. Its density increases / decreases due to corresponding increase / decrease of the life force. Sentiments can also increase / decrease its influence. Its proof of existence has been elucidated by Lyell Watson in his book “ Super Nature” wherein even if a part of a person’ s body is cut off ultimately this person experiences its presence in the form of pain, burning, scratching etc. In this incidence called “ Phantom Piece Effect” it is proved that the subtle body exists as ectoplasm and it is this that gives a person the experience of sensation despite the gross nerves being absent.

According to the books “ Tibetan Book of the Dead” and “ Chinese Book of the Soul” the gross body and vital body exist separately. No question both coexist side by side but sometimes the vital body gets separated so as to dwell elsewhere and that a new vital body comes into existence. Wherefore many a time man’ s existence is experienced doubly.

Dr. Seel and J. Taylor in their book “ The Positive Sciences of Ancient Hindus” sling ink that the rituals and spiritual practices of the Hindu religion utilizes the vital body a great deal and then are very potent. This vital body can be pragmatic with divine eyes. Some years back an article on this topic was published in the magazine “ Theosophist” under the term of “ Anatomy of Tantras”.

The Theosophist scientist C. W. Leadbeater has elaborated furthers on the 6 Chakras situated on the Merudand in his book “ The Chakras. ” He opines that the vital body is created out of a special type of electrical force and is present in the body just as a bird cuddles in its lodge. Many other scientists call the Prana ( vital force ) as “ Fire of Life”. The more this fire is present in a person’ s body the more that person is conscious, enthusiastic, hardy and bright. But when there is a scarcity of it then even if the body is very well built climactically this person will be a terrify twit, languorous and full of dejection. This electrical force can be major with application too. This is the instigation why Yogic practices are promising. Kundalini Yoga is based on vital force science.

The gist of Kundalini awakening involves attracting vital consciousness from the entire cosmos so as to unite this great consciousness with one’ s own vital force and ergo attain higher divine powers. Hence Yogic practices are bright so as to advance these divine powers for higher sacred goals. This capacity increases in proportion to one’ s mental determination and with wastage of this force this capacity decreases and at last gets destroyed.

Jacob Boham is very well known amongst European Tantriks. The book “ Theosophist Practica” authored by his German adherent George Michel advises that Kundalini awakening and the 6 Chakras should be kept a closely guarded secret. Because if it gets into unsound hands then it can lead to the downfall of such a person. Now when such incapable people learn about Kundalini science they “ preach” it to others like blind men leading other blind men. In consequence the so called tutor also deluge like his so called “ disciples. ”

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