Wednesday, January 28, 2015

The Five C ' s of Body Language

For our ancestors, split - second decisions made on the basis of subtle visual clues could be a matter of life or sleep. Today, first impressions still wrest automatic responses, which may or may not be accurate.

Those automatic responses must be analyzed and clear to cinch survival in a world bearings societal restrictions and nuances have augmented many layers to personal interactions. Goman proposes five filters through which to sift first impressions:

1. Acceptation: The first filter involves deriving whether nonverbal behaviors are good to their meaning. A man screaming and flailing his arms may be reacting to danger, or he may be watching a football game. Variables like setting, time of day, and former experience shape the sense of any behavior.

2. Clusters: Someone with folded arms may merely be cold, but when dual with a frown and head shake, those arms reliably indicate an unreceptive predilection. A good rule of swing is to look for two other evolvement behaviors before assigning meaning to the first.

3. Congruence: When people fall for what they are saying, their body language confirms it, and their expressions and gestures are corresponding with their words. Incongruence ( such as saying “ I am really happy about that” while scowling ) may declare the speaker’ s own inner tussle between theorem and words, or it may give away deceptiveness.

4. Consistency: Examine whether the behavior is offbeat. A warning carries more weight when it comes from a person known to be habitually calm. It is neighborly to know a person’ s baseline behavior before reading too much into any single expression.

5. Culture: The last filter has assumed increasing importance in today’ s prevalent economy. People under any stress boost to flash to the body language of their culture or subculture. In such situations, cultural literacy on the part of both speakers can prevent misunderstandings.

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