Tuesday, January 27, 2015

10 Reasons to Encourage Fitness in the Workplace

As business owners or managers, it is important to enshrine that our most important assets are our employees! We want our employees to luxuriate in their work environment, and to bring the best of themselves to their jobs every day. Encouraging our employees to hold fitness as a lifestyle choice pays off in multitudinous ways!

1. Fit employees are less likely to get sick. A person who is physically fit is much more resistant to the " bug going around " than a person who is not fit. Unprosperous absenteeism and flat broke health care expenditures are the emanation of a fit employee base.

2. Fit employees have more energy. One of the many benefits of regular exercise is increased and lasting energy throughout the day. This energy allows the employee to stay focused on the occupation at handing, bringing the best of themselves to each duty.

3. Fit employees have more self - confidence. A fit and healthy express tends to have a high level of self - confidence, owing to they have proven to themselves that they can accomplish what it takes to earn a level of physical fitness. This self - confidence empowers the employee to challenge themselves, and strive for higher levels of achievement in the workplace.

4. Fit employees inspire confidence. An persona who maintains a high fitness level, tends to be a person in whom others have confidence.

5. Fit employees nurse to take on more guidance roles. Through of the many positive benefits of a lifestyle, a fit uncommon tends to make a good dean


Fit employees set and achieve goals. Extraordinary fitness regularly demands that an peculiar set and span goals related to their fitness. Learning to stay true to your goals and sight them through to reaction is a skill that is naturally brought into the workplace. An employee with the proven ability to set dynamic goals, and then Fancy those goals, is a invaluable good to any design.

7. Fit employees encourage to have better attitudes. Fit employees ofttimes " feel good ". They promote to have a physical and mental " balance " that results in a more positive head-set in the workplace.

8. Fit employees are less haggard. Hackneyed exercise releases the physical AND emotional tensions that life brings our way, ergo a fit employee tends to have lower overall stress levels than an employee who does not engage in regular exercise.

9. A fit employee base presents excellent team - building opportunities. Team activities like softball or tennis are something else ways for employees to take their finished relationships to new levels, and discover new ways of working together. Obviously, employees that maintain a level of fitness are more likely to participate in these activities.

10. Encouraging fitness demonstrates a concern for employee ' s well - being, and pays off! Employees Notice when an supervisor shows concern for the health and well - being of their employee base through a conglomeration of wellness programs. Further, it has been shown that employee turnover is significantly lower among employees that take advantage of a wellness program implemented by their supervisor.

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