Saturday, January 24, 2015

Emotional State: Can We Change How We Feel By Changing Our Behaviour?

How we respond influence’ s how we feel, and the only thing one needs to do to realise this is to change their posture. Many people realise how their body language not only affects how they feel, they also realise how it affects how others feel around them.

There is then an inner change in oneself and inner change in the other person. And one’ s body language can make others clement to them for lesson, or it can cause them to pull away.

Proficient Help

If one was experience some benign of emotional challenge and they were to burrow licensed help, they may be advised to change their behaviour. They might hear that their thoughts, feelings and behaviour are interconnected.

This could cause them to follow on their behaviour and look at how it is impacting their life. And by changing one part, it will enable one to alter the other parts. The key to having different thoughts and feelings will be for them to change their behaviour.

The Other Way

As this takes place, one’ s thoughts and feelings will establish to change. In the opener, one might wonder how their behaviour is absorbing their inner world or they might realise what is taking place.

Once they know what they need to work on, they can enter upon to make the changes that they need to make in scale to feel different. This could niggardly that one has a few things to work on or they might need to change a quantity of things.

One Step at a Time

However, the sooner one begins this process; the sooner they will be able to change how they feel. And just like if one was to build a puzzle - they wouldn’ t be able to put it together all at once, they would have to put it together piece by piece.

The same applies to making changes in one’ s life; it is a gradual process and not something that will happen cruising. It will be important for one to be able to knob frustration and to delay gratification.

The Pull

Although one wants to change, there is still going to be the pull of what is confidential. Just being one’ s behaviour is having a negative aftermath on their life, it doesn’ t tight-fisted that one can smartly let go and do something greater.

This is why one will need to recognize themselves of what will happen if they perdure to operate in the same way and to use the pain that it creates to drive them forward. Through their compulsion to this process, they will gradually change how they feel.


So if one sticks with this process, they might attention subtle changes or they could feel completely different. This could mercenary that one goes from feeling depressed to innervation as though they are alive once more.

One could find that they are no longer as angry and that they are able to feel more at peace. Perhaps they used to suffer with anxiety and this has now resolved down or even irrecoverable.


While some people are going to regard that it is always one’ s behaviour ( or even their thoughts ) that defines how they feel, there are going to be others who have a different outlook. One could find that although they have variant their behaviour, they still head up enjoyment the same.

There is then a difference but it promptly ends, and one may feel as though they are tidily refusing how they really feel.

This could tight-fisted that one ends up focusing on their thoughts instead and tries to change how they feel that way.

Greater Instigation

However, what if the reason one feels as they do has bagatelle to do with their behaviour or even their thoughts? Now, it is clear that how one behaves will have an impression on their thoughts and feelings, and one’ s thoughts will also play a part in how they feel and proceed.

But this doesn’ t mercenary that one’ s behaviour or their thoughts are always defining how they feel. This is through their thoughts and behaviour could be triggering feelings that being exist within them.


It is generally vocal that one’ s thoughts create their feelings, but this is a half truth. The other side of this is that one’ s feelings can be triggered by what is going on in their head and this means they are not always caused by one’ s thoughts.

This could cause some people to say that this is as one is not aware of the thoughts they are having, and this is why their feelings seem to come out of nowhere. Basically, even though this may drop in to affectation the light on what is taking place, it doesn’ t take into tally the fact that there are more inputs going into the thinking brain from the emotional brain than the other way around.

What Does This Niggard?

What this shows is that what is going in the mind is usually just the tip of the iceberg, and that it is what is going on under that is in government of one’ s life. This volume under the iceberg could be described as one’ s unconscious mind; too many way of looking at it would be to say that it relates to what is going on in one’ s emotional body.

During the initiation of one’ s life, their thinking brain wouldn’ t have been fully developed and in operation; this is something that is spoken to develop around the age of three to five. This was wherefore a time site it would have been about feelings and not thoughts.

Emotional Build - Up

The indulgent of experiences one had during these early dotage can borderline up defining whether they have an emotional build up as an adult. Although this is likely to be a time locality just about everyone experiences some courteous of emotional pain, there are going to be some people who experienced more pain than others and they can manage it around with them as an adult.

Time goes by, and while one may still experience how they felt as a child, they might not be able to inspect the connection. This is not to say that the experiences one has after these early age won’ t have had an causatum on how they feel, what it can niggard is that these experiences can just add to the emotional build up that contemporary exists.


So if one can’ t change how they feel by changing their behaviour, it could stingy that they have an emotional build up. What happened in the ended is in the past, but how one felt during those experiences may have stayed trapped in their body.

The assistance of a therapist, healer and / or a therapist is likely to be needed here. Through their back, one will be able to get in touch with how they feel and to gradually release the emotional build up within them.

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