Sunday, January 25, 2015

Congruence, Resonance and Body Language ( Some Esoteric Terms that Influence Your Life )

Definitions from the Merriam Webster dictionary:

Congruence – being in agreement with ( AKA does this “ ring true”? );

Resonance – a. the quality or state of being ear-piercing; b. wealth or significance, especially in evoking an association or strong passion.

How do these terms employ to your Life?

Simple. What you Cast with or the quality of something invoking response in you, creates or magnifies Congruence, that which you play ball with.

In other words: that is why your New Year’ s resolutions don’ t work for the most part. Why? Being you are not Agnate with them, you do not Resound with them. They are exterior of your realm of experience, and more extremely, they are face of your realm of admission. Conclusive, it would be great to be 20 lbs lighter, healthy and fit, debt free with a fat checking invoice, following your life’ s passion for your work, and to be sharing your life with a divine partner. What stops you cold in your tracks are the limiting beliefs you have reconnaissance your ability to accomplish your dreams or goals.

If you are reading this, you have most likely heard that fact in the Universe is energy. My goal is to fanfare you ways to make all this energy work for you, specifically in the Health area, since this is my training. And also because without your health, you have nihility.

Body Language

Strangely enough we don’ t know much about our bodies, ( I included myself in this covey for over 2 decades ), even though we live in them 24 / 7 for our whole lives. Strangely, we are not taught the fundamentals of bodies.

The basics of how important a low breath is ( we are all shallow breathers ) along with enough daily water intake and exercise, how food is transformed into energy, how to combine foods for optimal digestive performance, the importance of proper fluid of avoidable substances ( sweat, urine, feces ), how our hormones affect our reproductive systems, and how our lymphatic and immune systems are closely subject together... While this was mysterious in improve mind, the accent was not on HEALTH. It was just an explanation of how the body systems worked without any appreciation of how AWESOMELY designed our bodies are, or how our actions deplete our quality of life. Wouldn’ t it make sense to know anything you can about the body you live in? To me it does. Conclusively, we are so alienated from our bodies that whenever they speak to us in their very singular body language, we either discard their message or sedate them with pain killers, food, rubbish food, cigarettes, alcohol, drugs, sex and wanton work. We shut down the very vehicles that grant us to experience life, thereupon trapping ourselves on a cycle of living darkness.

Yet, there is gain! In computation to learn your own body language, you need to follow its basic operating knowledge. Our bodies are concise energy. When the energy is flowing optimally, you have optimal health. When the energy is trapped conclusively, you have dis - ease. The energy entrapment has 2 sources: 1. too much, and 2. not enough. Too much toxicity, food, work, stress. Not enough sleep, water, nutrition, exercise, fun. Balance these 2 opposites and you’ ll have optimal health. Sounds simple, doesn’ t it? Fundamentally most people fail at it consistently, and myself too, at times.

So the next logical debate is: why do we consistently fail at keeping our bodies healthy and in good shape? Resonance and Congruence. You will not do situation that is not Coincident with you: that which you perceive as too hard, too time consuming, or that you don’ t know latitude to start. The main reason behind your resistance ( and mind you, this resistance has a mecca, which is to keep you safe from further repentance ) is: “ I tried so many things before and zot worked. Why would it be different now? And what if I fail again? ”

Let me introduce to you the concept that all this disempowering self talk is based on an energy interference along your meridians. Meridians were discovered and mapped out about 5, 000 agedness ago by the Chinese, though there are some recent discoveries that our ancestors, the hollow men, nowadays had knowledge about them. They are the basis of Acupuncture, and are individual as energy wares that run over our bodies and budget the energy along their pathways.

A disruption along any point on these wares is the root of all dis - eases. Solitary pending they create destruction in our bodies, since our bodies are running by energy and energy alone. It is not the food that you eat, the air you breathe and the water you drink that feed you. It is the energetic information they contain that is transferred to this amazingly apt, self - healing machine called your body.

By addressing the energy disruptions along the meridians, you are restoring balance to your body, so that it can function as the marvelous entity it is. And this is what Meridian Tapping addresses, as you tap on the meridian points on your face and torso.

Sequentially, I take it one step further. I use Meridian Tapping to restore proper Resonance and Congruence with a healthy body. From my experience, without this step, no matter how much you know and do to keep yourself healthy and fit, you will always find ways to sabotage your efforts.

Mens Sana in Corporis Sano ( Latin for Healthy Mind in a Healthy Body )

How are the Body and Mind connected? Your brain chemistry regulates your moods and interactions with the world. With proper brain chemistry the hormones that inside track your moods are leveled. Therefore, you are slow to let anger take over. The foods you eat and the noddy they proffer are away related to your brain chemistry. Thereupon, the energy carried in the nutrients from the food will fast food your brain ( along with all the other organs in your body ). And the brain functions on sugars ( the right considerate ), so it is vital to have good sugars in your diet.

Assuming that you have proper brain nutrition, the physical instrumentality of your nervous system will be in good spirit aspect, just like a well oiled machine. Now it is time to inscription the calibration of this machine, so that it Resonates with Another Frequencies, the ones that shlep you Joy, Peace, Harmony, Fulfillment. These Too many Frequencies will infallibly interest you in the decree of the fulfillment of your dreams. And this is longitude Eminence Tapping for Congruence with a Healthy body comes in. My definition of a healthy body encompasses the body weight, how all the systems are force harmoniously together, as well as the Conductor of this symphony, the Brain, along with the Conscious and Subconscious Mind.

Feelings or emotions are a huge part of a healthy body. They strings the biochemistry in our bodies, so it is important to have healthy, productive feelings at all times. Recent research shows that not only do they enhance our immune system, they all told strings how our genes act to the environment at each moment. Which means, your thoughts manipulation your emotions, and your emotions charge how your body reacts to stressors. Beauteous arctic, don’ t you think?

Bitchin’ Your Way to Excellence

Sometimes the intensity of our feelings is so high, it is impossible or almost impossible to find our centeredness again. When the valueless energy of sobbing or griping is this intense, the best way I found to get it is to “ bitch” about it until you span neutrality, and eventually excellence ( the other meaning of the word “ bitchin’, ” if you didn’ t know it hereafter ).

I use this method for myself, with friends and patients who are completely engulfed in this intense griping energy, with divine results. I just tap on the points on the head and torso while venting my frustration without restraints.

If the charge doesn’ t decrease willingly, I add visualization to the griping rounds. I visualize the person who triggered this blaring energy in front of me and tell him / her, while tapping on each point, all my judgments about him / her, venting all my frustration, anger, penitence. I own all the poisonous ideas and judgments to surface as I tap again and again, while visualizing the person in front of me. After a few rounds of tapping, the nonfunctional energy is totally neutralized, and I am now ready to switch to more positive statements as I stand tapping. And this is what you want to achieve, this neutralization of futile emotions, so that you Give forth and are Same with, the productive feelings of Peace, Joy, Love.

As you integrate tapping in your daily life, things that used to bother you seem to miraculously vanish, and you deed along life with more ease.

Dr. Chrys Ghiraldini hosts “ Bitchin’ NY” shows on www. blogtalkradio. com on Fridays, at 12: 30 pm EST, with different topics each continuance. Transform the meaningless reaction of complaint into excellence with us!

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