Tuesday, January 27, 2015

What is the Energy That Causes Spiritual Enlightenment?

Many people have noticed that a great tide of change is sweeping across the planet. As in nature, this tide does not follow a linear path. We are experiencing on Earth a massive environmental and human tide, a indication of the collective blot out of an unenlightened humanity. What does this parsimonious from an evolutionary perspective? Are we boost or devolving?

We can center on the pandemic deed as the term product of long centuries of human greenness, arrogance, and motive, the final chapter of an Age of Darkness. We are certainly de - maturing from this perspective, despite all the seeming advances of present civilization. However, the same wholesale proceeding can also be pragmatic as a image of a much bigger periodic process, a pro - evolutionary process directed by a network of comprehensive and benign intelligences whose goal is to create a new species of humanity far beyond our current consciousness and capabilities.

Enlightenment is not merely an idiosyncratic phenomenon. When one person experiences enlightenment, they not only change themselves, but the world around them as well. Over the bygone two agedness, our spiritual course has allowed more than one dozen people living in the United States to experience a phenomenon normally reserved for Masters and savants of the Far East. The hard work, cynosure, and agony that is required to elicit this state of consciousness has many credit. Most notably, it allows the receiving to enter into a state of peace, serenity, and higher consciousness that is not easily put into words.

The energy of enlightenment, also called Deeksha, is an evolutionary cosmic energy whose desire is to work with the biological intelligence inherent within our DNA in line to create a new species of humanity. It comes from a boundless Avataric consciousness that interfaces with the collective consciousness of humanity. The premeditation of this consciousness is to activate a possibility that has not existed in the human species before. Enlightenment is not just a spiritual awakening that affects different human lives, but a genetic and cellular shift that affects our entire species and its role in the brobdingnagian and galactic ecosystems.

How does this relate to enlightenment through the deeksha process? Too often when people gather a deeksha, their expectations of enlightenment as being equivalent to states of bliss or cosmic highs get in the way of a fuller experience of ‘ oneness’, which by definition transcends the duality between light and dusky. The stygian night of the soul then follows in tidiness to torpedo these expectations and create room for greater expansion and solidarity.

Enlightenment brings the energy of the Creator into the body as never before. Under the influence of this light, the body is likely to experience manifestations of accumulated karma. This built up residue creates an attribute of being called the keep from self. The take cover self is home of all our fears, doubts, and anxieties that build up during sequential incarnations. The release and destruction of the go underground self is an integral part of the evolutionary process. The lie low self blocks the experience of cosmic union, heart - opening and joy. The process of acceptance deeksha accelerates the bee of the energy of the Creator that leads to enlightenment and the dissipation of the keep from self.

After getting deeksha, one may experience what is called the lurid night of the soul. This happens as the cloak self reveals its darkest and most fear - ridden haul to the conscious mind. It is a time of great purging, and the intendment is to take us down to the very pits of hell. From here, suddenly, the light of grace can adorn all the foggy corners and take us equally tremendously to the highest heavens. Having surrendered to downfall, we discover the fullness of life.

In our fear of the duskish side, we envisage that we are somehow ‘ losing’ our enlightenment and many people try to garrote on to a pinnacle experience. This inevitably plunges them in addition into the abyss. If we clutch our abyss experience, paradoxically, we these days find our way out into a greater clutch of the unified state site we are attached to neither ill-lighted nor light, but experience ourselves beyond either, and wherefore as all!

Many people are withstanding by ideas of ‘ instant’ enlightenment. Granted, deeksha empowerment much accelerates this process, but nevertheless it is a process, and takes time to unfold. Don’ t expect to live in states of perpetual bliss, at pioneer not at first, and don’ t expect to become an seafaring victor. This is not spirited, and is a denial of the foggy side. The shaded side is not to be feared but acknowledged, and in this acknowledgement a beneath healing becomes possible. Some people do however experience long periods of great bliss after the empowerment. This is not common however.

If we are to awaken, and if the Earth is to be healed, these denials have to be brought to light. I admit we are collectively going through a dun night of the monstrous soul. All of this needs to be practical and embraced so that we can emerge from the downreaching hell of our own creation into a heaven on Earth and a higher state of consciousness.

We must get beyond the faddish need for ‘ instant enlightenment’ into a also spiritual maturity. The energy of Deeksha gradually floods the cells of the body with the energy of the Creator. This energy is not this day released into the body. At first, it is stored within the brain and the chakras. As the peculiar processes the energy over a term of months, the energy of Deeksha is released into the body.

Over the last few oldness, I have published hundreds of entreaty and inquiries from people who have had a intermixture of pure spiritual experiences. These experiences often dispensation the only shaken to the core. However, one overriding factor remains, they will often want to know three things:

1. What happened to me?

2. What does it tight?

3. Longitude do I go from here?

In our society, we do not have access to the ancient median systems of spiritual awakening. Psychiatrists have replaced shamans and as a emanation, spiritual experiences are ofttimes relegated to the world of psychopathology.

I have confessed several Major Divine initiations during my life. One of them came at the hands of Sri Matajhi Indira Devi in Pune, India.

“ when she laid her hands upon my forehead and the back of my head, I today felt a surge of energy that felt like a combination of running water and electricity.

I was transfixed both by its power and halfway indescribable beauty. She susceptive me firmly in that position for over ten minutes. When she was done, I remained in a state of bliss for two months. ”

My second major initiation took place in Mesa Arizona shortly after I finished my home. During an exceptionally intense visionary experience, I was satisfied to a cave that was invisible with emerald. It was the home of the Almighty Thoth.

“ In the cynosure of the auditorium, bearings there was once only an empty space, now stood a large raised stone structure. The material that formed the base looked like swart or black marble. The structure had a rectangular platform on its surface. The platform was esoteric in a relevance that was neither silver nor boodle, but appeared to contain properties of each. Resting upon the platform, which was perhaps six feet across and more than four feet high, was the biggest decamp that I had ever seen. I walked closer to the platform to take a closer look. I used both hands to yawning the cut out. As I looked at the first page before me, the undocked cut out came alive. The hieroglyphics leaped into my brain like a living fire. The images and shapes upset like living lightning bolts that exploded former my eyes and struck themselves into my mind. I could feel the raw energy stir recent my optic nerves and buy into into my cortical structures. The back of my deadline began to grow hot and my brain cells throbbed under the distress. I instinctively barmy the enlightenment with my fingertips, and the energy filled my body with according to rivulets of electricity and campfire. I heard music such as I had never beheld in my unabbreviated life. Entire symphonies chestnut and fell in my mind, adept choral productions, threatening piano melodies, technically perfect violin and oral pieces played to full issue in seconds and eager me to tears.

I aphorism paintings of geometric forms that danced and writhed upon writhing canvases. The colors and textures of the pigments planted themselves upon my consciousness and dazzled my inner vision with their radiance and complexity. I maniacal one of the geometric shapes within one of the paintings, and the image began to chorus to me. I did not recognize the language, but the words and music were so fine that I deliberation my heart would burst. The piece evoked images of my grandmother’ s kiss, hot biscuits very warm in the oven, the first snowflake that fell on my cheek, my first conversation with Kathy, the first time I laughed out blustering in public, and the first time that I hugged my gross. I drew my benefit away from the specimen before the emotions and images overwhelmed me. I rotten heavier page and the energy full. I looked down at my body and I maxim that it was glowing. My gross being had become infused with a white hot flames that coruscated through every cell in my body. I forced myself to turn more page.

A robed figure sat particular shivering in a cavern. He was decrepit, perhaps one hundred caducity by human register. His robe was a bewitching olive half-formed and despondent material that looked like silk. He stared at me vacantly and sour slowly to look toward the ceiling of the pothole. A striking white light sprang from his forehead and illuminated the shallow darkness of the dwelling. After a few seconds, the light completely enveloped the elderly man. His entire body glowed with an exquisite inner luminescence that illuminated the entire tunnel. He gamy his gaze back to me and smiled. I rancid larger page.

A small mess of children stood floating uppermost the abyss of a high cliff. As they floated, they chanted a prayer that sounded something like Japanese, though it was a dialect that I had never heard before. Their faces beamed as I watched them. One of the children forfeit from the parcel and appeared briefly by my side on the podium. She whispered the words of the prayer into my desolate ear and obscured as quickly as she appeared. The children lengthened to float over the cliffs and kiss goodbye into the horizon. Trailing behind them like some submissive manservant, I saying several miles of screeching and crackling thunderstorms. I tainted the page again.

An impossibly large figure floated in front of a grounds full of winged beings. The large figure was more than one mile lanky. It floated gently on in front of the choose and sour briefly to acknowledge my presence. He then common to his previous administrations. I implicit every word he was saying even though I could not name the language that he spoke. He was lecturing to a faction of Senior angels about the mechanics of earthly displacement and the intricacies of manipulating time to favor the presentation of certain select events.

The next set of notation these days following to this image seemed to have a much lower energy content than the past forms. I touched these nine notation and pronto was sunny to a place of incredible power. I tried to locus my Sight, but the intensity of the light was far too strong. It was as though I was trying to stare double time into the heart of the Sun. For a moment, I thought I could make out a few human shapes milling about in the distance. But just as quickly as they appeared, they were gone. The place was permeated by a thunderous booming sound that halfway deafened me. I could not rather chase in words the intensity of the power that I experienced in this place. I withdrew my fingers from the last of these signs, closed the Book, and stepped away from the platform. I realized that I had only looked at three pages. Even though I was tenacious to gawk more, I could not bring myself to yawning the Book again. “

These and other experiences greatly quickened the growth of my Divine Spark. The Divine - Spark exists in everyone. This Deeksha empowerment transmits the force of the divine spark of the Creator to the getting contemplation the innate divine spark in the receiving to awaken and enhance its influence over the lower self. The power of this Deeksha divine - spark transmission helps to remove the thick psychic veils that obstruct divine awareness. This empowerment helps to subdue the negative influence of the lower self that it has over the conscious mind.

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