Saturday, January 24, 2015

What Are Healing Symptoms?

I’ ve been deliberation this for completely some time and think we don’ t perceive our physical symptoms from our body in that of how we feel about them. Most people grant their symptoms as a nuisance, undesired, unwanted and feel they cause them pain. So it is understandably a natural want and reaction to want to get rid of them. Might there be major way to look at them?

Lately I have come to the conclusion that ALL physical symptoms that the body is making are for the proposition to restore homeostasis or harmony back to the body, thusly they are ALL good. If this is true, then to treat any symptom – no matter the generous of treatment: medical or natural – with the goal to have the symptom go away, is bad whereas it prevents the body from working to restore the body back to balance. In consequence one has put a stopper in the bodies natural path it was using to restore a balance. The symptom exists due to the bodies’ creation to restore inner harmony; it is an foreign movement to the surface to expel unwanted items that are harming the methodology. This is true of every symptom.

The best thing to do with symptoms is to survey and dispute them to find out about what might be causing them, so that one might develop to the root cause of the problem and be able to take corrective steps to forward the healing process. Eliminating a symptom will never cure the problem that in truth caused the symptom. Most ofttimes the pursuance of symptom elimination is that one feels like the problem is gone and thereupon there is fly speck more to work on, one becomes complacent. This mistaken way of thinking then has the eventuality that the underlying imbalance grows and gradually becomes more life threatening.

One might consider the event of someone in extreme pain from a growing cancer, that this symptom can’ t be good, that to not treat it then the person would die. I won’ t explain that this is not true and agree that entity should be done to stop the cancer to save the life. When the body becomes strikingly out of balance and the life of the entity becomes threatened, and then the body will increase its strain to restore the balance to save the entity.

I don’ t know what the answer is but somehow I know the cancer is a symptom being produced by the plan trying to restore inner balance.

The out of management growth of the cancer and intense energy being exerted to save the entity is losing the battle. So cancer tells me that there is something seriously misconstrued in the body, but it’ s not the cancer itself. Thence there is increasing sensation and intensity of pain the more life - threatening the problem as the healing sensation intensifies. I do admit that anyone facing a life threatening seat will benefit very much by learning to not discern with the pain and just be able to inspect it, perhaps this resourcefulness even be enough to turn the post around.

Personally, I have faced extreme pain ( mental, emotional and physical ) at different times of my life and from these experiences I eventually familiar that my ambience of pain had to do totally with my identification with my stand. It was up to me on what experience I would have. I maxim it could be painful, gracious or none of those. How I chose to ticket and experience it, was how it was. When pain would increase then it drove me to the spotlight, as the bystander, neatly owing to to stay identified with the pain, became ‘ unbearable’. Pain is one of our greatest teachers, teaching us how to surrender.

Pain is what most people zip in on when there are arising symptoms, which is why the eventful opinion prevails that symptoms are bad and need to be eliminated. Behind the sensation of pain there is a strong healing energy at work, the body is working on correcting the problem in the tissues whether it be mental, emotional or physical. Pain doesn’ t have to be one’ s experience, if one can look at the longitude of pain in the body with detached awareness and neatly feel the it sensation, one might eventually look at that there is also arising pleasure as the area is worked on. The healing energy that is at the same time causing pain is also causing pleasure – underlying this healing energy there is a process of transformation happening. You can tune into either one of them, but neither one is the truth. The truth rests within the spectator, with refreshing equitability and no need to marker an experience as either causing pleasure or pain.

Betsy - Walk 26, 2007

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