Saturday, January 24, 2015

Three Minutes to A Pain Free Life

My back started hurting about a month ago for no real unsubtle cause. At first I cognition it was due to my revised workout routine during my rehabilitation for a shoulder injury. I figured the pain would go away. But it didn’ t. It stuck around day after day, occasion after lifetime.

It was an outlandish pain in that it only showed up when I was sitting and tendency forward. I started to trouble. I take care of a lot of patients with chronic back pain, and I really didn ' t want to go down that road. I wanted to find something I could do to make my body feel better.

I went on a search for a plan, and I found it in a book called Three Minutes to a Pain Free Life by Joseph Weisberg and Heidi Shink. If you have musculoskeletal pain, or if you just want to avoid the “ getting old” aches and pains, I think the information from this book will help you too.

The book is not a miracle cure. It is essentially a change in philosophy about musculoskeletal pain. Did you conceive that 59 senility ago we believed a human set of teeth only lasted about 60 oldness? As a decision, most people ended up with dentures around that age. Then we discovered security dental care with brushing, flossing and yearly dental check - ups. Today, the use of dentures has decreased dramatically as we’ ve at odds our thoughts on teeth.

I’ m Not as Young as I Used to Be

The same is true for the musculoskeletal system. As we get older, we boost to accept we will have more aches and pains, we will become less flexible, and we will not be able to do the things we could when we were younger. How many times have you heard someone say, “ I’ m not as young as I used to be”?

Realistically, we don’ t have to give in to the aches and pains associated with aging. We just need to implement a maintenance program for our muscles and joints - particularly for our back. Dr. Weisberg recommends doing a three minute routine every day that will help build your back muscles and keep your other joints in shape.

As we go through our lives, we put our body through wholly an exposition of trauma. These micro - traumas add up over time until eventually influential major happens – your back goes out as you extent for a mouse of free ride on the tile. When your back goes out, it’ s not thanks to you hunched over to reunite up the free. It’ s thanks to of all the repetitive microtrauma your back has had over the dotage.

Avoid Chronic Pain

The musckuloskeletal system has an amazing ability to heal itself if the proper maintenance program is in place. I started Dr. Weisberg’ s three minute program two weeks ago, and the back pain I was having is now about 90 percent gone.

At first, doing the program quite made my back hurt worse. It takes a little time to get used to the system. But now, I am a firm disciple in the system.

If you want to spend your life Living Every Minute, you have to keep your body healty, fit, and flexible. If you want to learn the exact steps of the 3 minute program, I encourage you to check out Dr. Weisberg’ s book.

[Ed. Note: Dr. Tim ' s book, Health Plan for Life, gives more great tips on preventative healthcare for your entire body. To purchase a copy of the book, appointment his website. ]

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