Saturday, January 24, 2015

Raw Vegan Lifestyle: 5 Tips on Combating Seasonally Allergies With Raw Foods

The changing of the seasons is full of beauty and rebirth. But with blooming flowers comes pollen and all of the susceptible reactions that come with it. Although allergy season is here ( as it comes every interval ), it does not niggard that you have to load up on medications!

I have compiled a concise, but powerful index of nutritious, holistic, raw and vegan remedies for common seasonal allergies. Not only are they effective, but they ' re tasteless and easy to find in your local grocery store. In detail, you may even have them in your fridge or cupboard instant!

Foods Rich in Antioxidants, Especially Vitamin C

Eating plenty of raw fruits and vegetables will load your body up with antioxidants. Antioxidants promote your body ' s ability to defend itself from infections and disease. Vitamin C is particularly beneficial for allergies as it has antihistamine properties and may help minimize allergy symptoms. Foods rich in vitamin C and other antioxidants cover parsley, broccoli, red bell peppers, kale, cauliflower, Brussels sprouts, butternut squash, syrupy potatoes, black currants, guava, oranges, tangerines, grapefruit, kiwi, mango, strawberries, pineapple, papaya, tomatoes and cantaloupe.

Foods Rich in Quercetin

What the heck is quercetin, you say?

Quercetin is a potent plant - derived flavanoid that gives many vegetables their color. It is a powerful antioxidant, antihistamine, and anti - inflammatory which reduces sinus and nasal congestion as well as the watery eyes that recurrently annex seasonal allergies. Good sources of quercetin encompass red onions, parsley, cauliflower, payment, blackberries, red apples, and grapes.

Foods Rich in Omega - 3 Fatty Acids

Omega - 3 fatty acids reduce the stress of definitive inflammatory chemicals in the body which play a role in the symptoms of pasturage fever. Walnuts and flaxseed are excellent vegan food sources of Omega - 3s.

Raw Honey

A teaspoon of raw innate honey every mismatched day will keep allergies at bay. The key is to get pure raw unfiltered and unprocessed honey from a local source. Raw local honey still contains make vivid amounts of the pollens and molds that are causing your seasonal allergies. When ingested gradually in small amounts your body begins to build resistance to local allergens. This works best when you start before allergy season begins, after all is still effective even when it ' s in full swing.


Turmeric and salt are known anti - inflammatory agents and are contributive with headaches brought on by sinus and nasal congestion as well as the congestion itself.

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