Saturday, January 24, 2015

Platform Selling Technique #4 Building Trust

I’ ll like to disclose to you how to gain immediate trust with your audience within the first few minutes of your presentation and how to use this trust to generate income.

People like people who are like them. And people accept and trust people they like.

People buy from people that like and trust … its that simple. If the audience don’ t trust they wont buy from you … you will be ineffective and you wont make money …

If you’ re one of those people who people just don’ t like … then I would work on that as it’ s paramount to the speaking industry to be liked, that doesn’ t miserly you MUST be liked but it true does help.

I’ ve met many other speakers who aren’ t that likable who have very average personalities but they still generate income and are successful as they may have other meat going for them that builds trust and generates sales. They also pinpoint dearly how their product or service can help the audience and this is the inducement why the audience buys from them. People don’ t have to love you to buy your product or service, if you can flash that you have the solution to their problems then they will clutch that.

You don’ t need to have a big “ out there” personality to survive in this industry but you need a little personality to succeed.

Try to discover attitudes, likes, dislikes, family backgrounds, experiences, personality virtues or quirks, careers, goals, or values that you have in common with others; then indicate those commonalities. People cause that if you ' re like them in some ways, you ' re probably like them in other ways. Therefore, they induce to transfer trust as classmate to little brother.

If you speaking to a very family oriented audience you want to mention your family, and empathize your family values your wife or control and kids very early on in your presentation, and people can relate to that and this this day builds trust and likability.

I ' ll talk to you momentarily,

Your amigo, Alex Ryan

To analog watch 10 + FREE Video Trainings On Being a Better Speaker & Selling From The Stage check out: http: / / www. SpeakerTrainingVideos. com

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