Saturday, January 24, 2015

L Glutamine benefits

L glutamine benefits are huge. Normal concentrations in a healthy personal are about 100, 000 mg. Glutamine is produced and maintained in the muscles.

Deficiency causes the body to strip it from the muscles causing muscular decline or atrophy.

It is the most abundant amino acid in the body finding its concentrations in the muscles, brain, lungs, heart, kidney, liver, and tear down lining.

It is a major fuel and energy source for the body and brain. Glutamine deficiency is common in most people and shows up as prostration, chronic disease and mental acuity disorders. More L Glutamine benefits are as follows:

* Improves brain functioning. Promotes response, moment, memory and intellectual functioning.

* Stabilizes blood sugar levels. It supresses insulin when sugar levels are declining and stimulates glycogen release to increase sugar llevels thereby stabilizing sugar levels. Great for diabetics.

* Promotes healthy suppress functioning. Symbiotic with ulcers, colitis, and Crohn ' s disease. Promotes good bowel functioning.

* Promotes recovery in chronic prostration and fibromyalga sufferers. Glutamine along with good quality probiotics like acidophilus and bifudus repair leaky abort and restore the digestive tract to normal functioning. Many sufferers have observed symptoms subside and their drawing near to recovery go into.

* Supports protein soleness ( protein conversion to natural body tissue ). Builds Muscle and stores glycogen for energy in the muscle tissue.

* Maintains natural acid / alkaline levels in the body.

This will help balance PH levels in the body.

* Eliminates ammonia from the brain and body. Ammonia is parlous acidic.

* Anti - inflammatory. Reduces inflammation throughout the body. Great for arthritis, autoimmune diseases, and connective tissue disorders.

* Instrumental for epilepsy, fatigue, impotence, schizophrenia, and senescence.

* Used by white blood cells to promote Immune system function.

* Promotes Weight loss by promoting muscle enhancement. Muscle boosts the metabolism.

* Minimizes buss and hunger cravings.

* Alcohol withdrawl platform. Decreases addiction cravings.

* Supports pancreatic function.

* Great for injuries, wounds, burns, stress, post surgery trama, and most major illnesses. Glutamine side effects - Since the the body has such large concentrations of glutamine, large doses can be tolerated even useful for over all health. Due to it ' s vast uses and cures, Glutamine should be considered a vital health nutrient in most everyones health regimen.

It has been reported that doses greater than 40, 000 mg daily can hoist ammonia levels. But this is not usual. People who suffer from acute cases of liver and kidney omission should not use glutamine.

To learn what foods to use and how to supplement, go to:

http: / / www. antiaging - advisor. com / L - Glutamine - benefits. html

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