Saturday, January 24, 2015

Neglected muscles, unbalanced bodies!

Indigenous muscles, unbalanced bodies! Part I

If you are asked which are the most wild muscles of your body what would you reply? Try indirect three of most barbarous muscles of your bodies before reading further, you may be surprised at what you find later on.

The three most lush muscles of our body are 1. The hamstrings 2. The Glutes and 3. The lower abdominal muscles.

These are the muscles that are neither properly utilised in day to day life nor are they addressed in the regular gym routines that most of us may religiously follow. At the same time, the neglect of these muscles is at the root of many of the fashionable day health troubles we face.

In our fashionable lifestyle, these muscles are not called upon to do more or less person. They languish away and get wasted in isolation. The wasting away of these muscles causes many other health problems at multiplicity of places in the body which we try to correct using melange of medications, routines and subroutines.

Hamstrings are the muscles which are on the rear side of the thighs. The Glutes are the muscles of our butt while the lower abdominal muscles are general muscles of the tummy. Eye the figure for further explanation.

One of the banes of existing lifestyle is the office chair. The office chair is designed to underpinning our hamstrings and lower back muscles in particular. It is made in bucket shape so instead of resting on our butt we sit on our hamstrings, butt and our lower back. The front of the seat is elevated so we are really jammed inside the chair. This arrangement provides classic buttress to the hamstrings. The hamstrings do not have to do affair when we are sitting in a chair and sustain in feeble form. When we get up also they do not have much to do other than balance the body. When we legwork, the hamstrings are only partially used. All in all these muscles are scarcely used if at all.

When we are motile we are mainly using our little one muscles and the front of thigh muscles. That is we are using the son muscles and the quadriceps. The hamstrings are only used to lift the leg from knee down. Accordingly while mobile hamstrings are not strained. If you go for long walks your tot muscles get collapsing first and then the quadriceps get sour. It is never the hamstrings muscles.

When hamstring muscles are not used on regular basis, they lose their own accord and strength. This happens to any body part which lies unused. When this happens we face plethora of problems without competent the cause. When the hamstrings lose strength, our posture suffers. We cherish to bed forward while animated as the quadriceps break ground take most of the load. This load gets transmitted to the knees which boost to wear faster. Also as the front of the knee gets loaded with body weight the percentage of wear is higher.

Instead of our hamstrings and glutes balancing the body, the knees and back muscles actualize to balance the body. This leads to change of knee conditions and bad knees.

As the body load is in forward position our gait becomes forward bending gait. The toe side of the foot gets loaded more and we create virile ground for pain in the foot joint.

Also as our body bends forward, the lower back muscles come into play to keep the body balanced. Just say so bona fide and excite a little chivalrous. Feel the muscles of your lower back you will feel the product there. When hamstrings are weak, this push stays resulting in chronic back pain.

All these negative effects smartly now we are under utilising and neglecting the hamstrings.

What can we do to utilise and strenghten the hamstrings? Here are some quick remedies.

What do we use hamstrings for? The hamstrings are used while running, jumping or in the process of sitting down or getting up from the tar and in the process of bending down. In our day to day life we do not do any of these activities. So the hamstrings sustain underutilised. If we institute to do any of these activities the hamstrings will get strengthened. When they are strong they will do their natural function, our airing will be honorable tread, the body will be balanced by the hamstrings and the pains will disappear.

Three best exercises for hamstrings.

Body Weight Full Squats - Approach outright. Look in pretension. Keep legs uncherished at shoulder niche. Wittily sit down and get up. Do it as many times as you can. This is by far the best lower body workout which addresses all the muscles of the legs and thighs and improves body balance.

Pulley Leg Curls: Lie on you chest and curl your legs behind you. Repeat lifting your legs to your waist and down again. Increase the weight on pulley as required.

Forward bending - Stand with legs together. Try to bend and stretch the tar or try to tenure onto the big toes without bending your knees. If you find this to be too hard or you feel that you cannot balance your body spread the legs a little and try the same experiment. Stand up straight and repeat.

Try sitting tetchy legged as much as possible whenever and direction ever you can.

Try this experiment. For one ticks train the hamstrings thoroughly. Do not over strain them but cluster on using them to the fullest extent. At the heel of the epoch tour up some 100 stairs. It will be a breeze. When you climb stairs, the hamstrings infrequently come into play. The ease has come from the choice and balanced posture which you will attain when you train your hamstrings right.

In Part II we will closely look at Glutes and in Part III we will take up the abdominal muscles.

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