Friday, January 23, 2015

Energy Vampires

Energy Vampires

Raise your hand if you know one!

Now Raise your hand again thanks to you ARE one!

We are all energy and we need to thrive and feed off of the energy of others and we also give back with our own energy.

We have the Law of Polarity and for every vigor there is an opposite reaction.

The Law of Polarity: Every vibration has an reverse vibration. We can change one direction by connecting to the opposite pole and transforming the current energy.

Energy is the same with the people you like to be around and those few people you cannot stand to be around. Perhaps you do not dislike a person but find every time you have been around them you feel worn, depleted, exhausted and really they were not all that negative, or possibly they were, or feasibly they were very chipper!

Regardless of their personality or persona every one runs at their own frequency.

Our frequencies can change and remodel but we all have one steady flowing frequency at our base levels and to some it sucks the energy out of them.

The person that is an energy vampire for you may be an energy refuel for augmented.

Sometimes we are attracted to the very person who drains us of our energy.

Why is that?

That is now we at times need to completely filter our power in form to restore power.

Sometimes like a battery in some cases we must use every ounce we have in us before we can go and recharge.

I differ highly in my reaction of what an energy vampire is compared to others writings on the matter. Energy vampires are not always acting queens or people who only think of themselves or who are intruders into your life. At times the very people we love and respect the most can zap us of our core strength. They are well - intentioned fun outgoing pleasant people who just have no thought they run on a much different frequency than we do.

And that is what it comes down to – we all run on our own frequency or current of energy. We need to be around people who match our currents but we also need the incompatible energy at times as well to maintain a healthy balance in our systems.

We can not stay away from every one who does not run on our frequency or we could not sway jobs, have families, associate activities involving others, etc and so on.

I also do not accede with the thought that energy vampires have to have suffered some traumatic experience and feel the NEED to filter others of their positive energy.

We all have had some form of dramatic or traumatic experience in our lives and very few of us have lived charmed luckless lives.

Really what it comes down to is simple mechanics. We all have a flow of energy that feels prosperous for us – well we assumption to anyway – there are cases locality a person can be their own energy vampire but that is a whole different article. However we find our flow and we are independent with it and then along comes someone in our lives who runs on a different energy motion be that more rural than us or more moved than us – energy can run high or low but both can be equally depleting!

A depressed acquaintance can filter us just as much as the over active and busy body mighty in law! It is just not our own personal flow that makes us feel mild fuzzies!

Sometimes when someone depletes us it makes us feel anxious or nervous and we need to get back to bull's eye. Underage is not always an tiring experience but sometimes one that gets our hearts screamin' and our nerves troubled so do not think all “ energy vampires” cause us to fall down on the bed just enthusiasm to sleep some of these people really charge us up to a level we are not at ease with as well!

But these relationships can work well and be healthy as long as we know how to grip them and how to recharge our own energy and recognize when we are being depleted and how to restore ourselves!

I propose the following suggestions to refuel your energy after being around someone who drains you or makes you feel anxious.

1. Take a shower. I lift really hot ones but it does not help my dry skin one bit lol regardless a shower can cleanse the adverse energy ( mind I do not say negative energy but adverse! ) from your body and mind. Take time in the shower to relax and do deep-seated cleansing breaths.

2. Go or a parade or exercise. There is void better to rejuvenate yourself than to do the body well. The mind body connection is strong and when you feel low the best thing to do is get your adrenaline either pumped back up or let it run its course out of your system depending on the type of defect you are experiencing.

3. Listen to music. Music is the real chicken departure for the soul and can bring a clam to you when needed or pump your spirit back up when needed!

4. Work on a diversion! Do something that is about YOU for a while. Something you like be that working on model airplanes ( if people still do that ), playing guitar hero, decalescent, bowling it really does not matter, whatever makes you feel happy go and do it.


Meditation – of course this is an in evidence choice!

6. This one has to be done carefully due to you do not want to go and zap someone just to refuel yourself but vocabulary to people who ground and spotlight you is key as long as you know you are not an energy vampire to them! This brings me to in addition topic:

How do you know who YOU are zapping?

You can always come right out and ask them!

Tell them you read this article and just wanted to know in all honesty if you make others feel this way too. Tell them they can be honest being you learn that it is not anyone’ s snag when they bleed people it just happens due to our energies are on different wavelengths and there is no one right way to BE.

For that matter you should start a daybook! You should write down down how you feel after being around the people in your life.

Don’ t feel to blame for making note that your own child seems to drain you after only speaking with him or her for a few minutes lol its OKAY in that we are not all on the same frequency and it is just natural but in learning who makes us feel what ways we can work to strengthen our selves to accepting their energy and quick-witted how to work with their energy instead of against it!

Note how you feel after a day of work and note who you were around most that day.

Note how you feel when going to stop family.

When your kids come home from interpret.

When they ferry plain friends over.

Even note how your pal makes you feel!

Then once you have a good device going that is incommensurable and precise you can set about to use your own energy around theirs and every one benefits!

Knowledge is power and quick-witted is half the whack!

Once you erect who drains you and depletes you then you can determine in what ways they do so.

Is it merely being around them or is it when you have expressed discussions with them?

Is it making you mistrustful and nervous and high - strung or is it making you weak, petered out and torpid?

When you know HOW they make you feel and WHEN they make you feel such ways you can use items off of the index to counteract these feelings.

So to stay my index here:

7. Draw up down or notebook your experiences. For many of us understanding helps us overcome the barriers created by these experiences. By journaling you are doing standout proactive constructive your own understanding and therefore healing.

8. Talk to the person who is draining you – sit down with them and try to ease them profitable your own frequency. Recognize usually times the person who is zapping us not only is obviously imbecilic but can be tuned into YOUR frequency! It is not jerky to do but takes a lot of probity. Naturally they have a governing energy to your own although saying dominant implies they are a stronger person that smartly is not the situation they just have a frequency that is not jiving with your own but then why are they not equally affected? Perhaps they are and plainly do not tune into it as much as you do or perhaps you do not behold the effects on them as they do not hit them until succeeding when no longer in your presence! Take time to define how energy frequency works to them and perhaps the two of you can reconciled ultimately in the middle seeing energy frequency can indeed be worked with and manipulated to our needs if we take the time to work one on one with the person who we do not jive with! This is very important when you live with people who zap you or who you are zapping! Neatly by discussing how your energy works on them and vice versa you can find ways in which to tone down high strung energy or to amp up energy that is too wearing.

More generally than not in relationships longitude two people dearly love one heavier but argot seem to find that happy middle ground, have frequent arguments over silly things, or just terminology seem to find a peaceful way to make settlement we find that they have contradictory energy frequencies!

9. Go for a drive. As long as you are not erratic in your energy and it is safe to go for a drive it can be very refreshing and even getting back to nature if you decide to jeopardy off the bowled over path! I love to racket my radio when I am the only one in the car, play my music I hoist which I rarely do since I let my kids take over the music much lol and just go ANYWHERE. We have a lot of country roads footing I live and I love to drive preceding the sunflower fields, spot all the beasts and horse pastures and just breathe the fresh country air! Possibly you do not have that in your area but there is something freeing about crusing down the highway too.

10. Get a reiki healing, energy cleansing, or chakra balancing. Sometimes the build up we experience of contrary energy can get a bit too much and we need to cleanse the system.

Hopefully this provides a clearer and I am confident different perspective on “ energy vampires” and hopefully we can put a more positive name on those who just do not match our own energy well. I exalt to refer to them and myself as Polar Opposites.

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