Saturday, January 24, 2015

Do You Suffer From Estrogen Dominance?

Abundant Health & Wellness Hub

216 River Park North Drive

Woodstock, Georgia 30188

( 678 ) 445 - 2746

In the recent 40 agedness we have pragmatic a dramatic rise in female - related illnesses and problems. Estrogen dominance affects not only women but men as well. Signs of estrogen dominance in women are: swollen breasts, swollen fingers, temper, menstrual cramps, bossiness, irrevocable periods, irregular periods, painful periods, PMS symptoms, fibroids, endometriosis, prostration, large clots during word, cysts in the breasts, unessential hair on the face like peach fuss, hair loss on the head, unlit thinking, depression, constipation and of course weight gain. Unrequired estrogen is a water loving hormone so you can experience a lot of liquor retention in the breasts, fingers and feet.

There is a link between estrogen dominance and diseases such as: breast cancer, endometrial cancer, endometriosis, gallbladder disease, uterine fibroids, allergies, sinus congestion, autoimmune disorders, thyroid problems, insulin resistance, prostate cancer, infertility, and fibrocystic breasts.

Here are some of the most common causes of estrogen dominance:

Increased sugar, distilled and fast food: These foods lead to a magnesium deficiency. Magnesium deficiency is linked to higher estrogen.

Coffee, tea and chocolate consumption: Caffeine intake is linked to higher estrogen.

Soy based foods and supplements: Unless the source of soy is organic and is fermented it can become a factor in creating estrogen dominance. Soy contains a stew of toxic chemicals, which cannot be fully metabolized by the body unless it undergoes a long eats or fermentation process. Unfermented soy increases the risk of mineral deficiency’ s including calcium, magnesium, copper and zinc. Soy is also high in aluminum now it is distilled in aluminum tanks.

Exposure to xenon - estrogen. Petrochemical compounds found in products such as creams, lotions, soaps, shampoos, redolence, hair spray and room deodorizers. These compounds generally have chemical structures companion to estrogen and can act like estrogen in the body. Other sources of estrogen carry: car enfeeble, pesticides, herbicides, fungicides, solvents and adhesives found in nail polish, colouring removers and glues, dry cleaning chemicals, practically all plastics. Industrial waste such as PCB’ s and dioxins, synthetic estrogens from the urine of women who take hormone replacement therapy or birth management pills that is flushed down the lavatory and eventually finds it’ s way back into the food chain and back into our bodies.

Hormone Replacement therapy ( HRT ): HRT with estrogen alone without clashing progesterone increases the level of estrogen in the body.

Taking birth direction pills.

Commercial raised cows and poultry: Animals are fed estrogen - like hormones as well as growth hormones that is passed onto humans when eaten. One half of all antibiotics in the United States are used in cows - 25 million pounds a infinity. These antibiotics can contribute to hormone disruptor exposure. Feeds used contain a legion of hormone - disrupting toxins including pesticides, antibiotics and drugs to combat diseases in the animals.

Commercially grown fruits and vegetables containing pesticide. Approximately 5 billion pounds of pesticides, herbicides, fungicides and other biocides, many of which are known endocrine disruptors are found in our fruits and vegetables.

Deficiency of magnesium and vitamin B6

Stress: Stress causes adrenal gland weariness and poor progesterone output.

Industrial solvents: Commonly found in cosmetics, finger nail delicacy and fingernail comeliness remover, glues, paints, acetone, alcohol, varnishes, cleaning products, carpet, fiberboard and other filtered woods.

Obesity: Fat has an enzyme that converts adrenal steroids to estrogen. The heavier the fat intake, the enhanced the conversion of fat to estrogen.

Ways to reduce estrogen dominance:

Don’ t drink tap water

Avoid high caffeine foods like: coffee, tea and chocolate

Eat organically grown fruits and vegetables

Eat organic meat and poultry

Eat non - farm raised fish

Use organic or all natural soaps, tooth compound, lotions, creams, shampoos and conditioners

Avoid contact with pesticides, herbicides and fungicides

Use natural progesterone

Eat only organic, fermented soy products like Miso and tempeh

Switch to a high fiber plant based diet

Detoxify the liver

Exercise 30 - 60 minutes a day

Don’ t use fabric softeners

Do not microwave food in facile containers, especially multifaceted wrap

Wash your food well to get rid of pesticides

Do not use pliable goods

Get a good water filter for your water to cook in and drink

Reduce stress

Get on a specialized nutritional program through Abundant Health & Wellness Limelight

Dr. Ambrosio is a Chiropractor and runs Abundant Health & Wellness Locus, a holistic wellness headquarters in Woodstock, Georgia. His clinic works with a discrepancy of patients. If you would like a free chitchat on your personal health issues, please call the office at ( 678 ) 445 - 2746.

Other Foods to avoid:

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