Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Defining The Human Energy Field

The subtle energy body is “ an energetic matrix for the physical body, and extends beyond it into the space around us. Like the earth, the human body has a apprehensive energetic ‘ skin’, an invisible but solid membrane that contains our subtle energy body” Hartley ( 2004, p. 141 ). This subtle, but powerful system is the life force that propels movement, creates breathe, and inspires seeing. This is the human energy field.

The field of energy “ extends beyond the body as the aura, which can be felt and experimental by some people. Every range in energy scrutiny, and emotion is registered here, and the quality of the energy field gives us a sense of the general touch and vibration of the person; psychotherapeutic work engages with this level in particular” Hartley ( 2004, p. 47 ). People are unquestionably attuned to the natural pulsation of electromagnetic energy ( EME ) that flows from earth to the body. Although the electromagnetic energy is not visible to the human eye, it is a source of electrical and magnetic energy that moves in space. EME is found in the environment working with the sun, earth, and radiofrequencies ( Gerber 2001 ).

The energy field is an intuitive language “ that is the essence of who we are, a subtle vibration underlying person physical, both living and inanimate” ( Orloff, 2000, p. 29 ). The subtle energy field is wrapped in many transparent layers encapsulating the body. It has no edges or barriers and moves with the beat of the heart, the brain, the tissues and cells. Energy is formless, unattached and moves in and out through pathways seeking homeostasis. “ Energy flows and circulates within and around the physical body but has its own anatomy and physiology, flows and currents; both bodies, the physical and the energetic, influence and are influenced by each other” Hartley ( 2004, p. 47 ).

Energy anatomy is viewed in four basic layers: The first layer is the physical body or also know as etheric. The etheric body relates to the whole physical body, the skin, muscles, bones, and organs.

The sustain layer is the emotional body, which includes all types of emotions such as happy, melancholy, angry, torture, joy, and so on. The energy system is a force that flows feely with information that is carried by biochemicals of emotions, the neuropeptides and receptors ( Resourceful, 1997 ). The interrogatory layer is the mental body, which contains the mind, thoughts, ideas, and knowledge. The fourth layer is the banal body ( cosmic ); it is the experience of ultimate notification of life, spiritual evolution, and full reinforcing ( Brennan, 1988, p. 48 - 53 ). The supplementary away from the physical body the less compacted the layers become.

The four bodies, also called Biofields, are influenced by positive and negative life experiences, physical and psychological ailment ( Brennan, 1988 ). Each gladsome and shadowy Biofield relates to the next. The energy body is not limited to four layers; in her work Barbara Brennan explores up to seven layers of the energy body.

The energy system requires a balanced environment for overall present and subsequent well - being. The energy system will exposition signs of stress before the physical and emotional body becomes unique. Negative pending emotional experiences can easily become imprinted into the energy matrix. If painful information is stored and not released, it can cause an array of issues. Alberto Villoldo, ecologist, teacher and founder of the four winds society, believes that the “ Luminous Energy Field” holds a blueprint like an architectural illustration. That trauma is like “ scratch marks in our luminous fields” ( 2000, p. 55 ).


Brennan, Barbara. ( 1993. Light Emerging. Bantom Books: New York, New York

Gerber, Richard. ( 2001 ). Vibrational Medicine 3rd addition. Bear& Company: Santa Fe, NM

Hartley, Linda. ( 2004 ). Somatic Psychology. Whurr Pub: London and Philadelphia

Orloff, Judith. ( 2000 ). Intuitive Healing. Fortuitous House: New York

Acute, Candance. ( 1997 ). Molecules of emotions. Scribner New York, NY

Villoldo, Alberto. ( 2000 ). Shaman Healer Wise. Harmony Books: New York

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