Saturday, January 24, 2015

Ayurveda medicinal properties of tribulus terrestris

The plant Tribulus terrestris is known for its medicinal properties. It is known as “ gokshura “ in ayurveda. Tribulus terrestris is widely used in alternative systems of medicines. In European folk medicine it is used to treat headache, dizziness and sexual dysfunction like premature ejaculation. In Chinese medicine this herb is used in treatment of liver, kidney and cardiovascular problems.

Through researches it has been found that Tribulus Terrestris lowers cholesterol and acts as antioxidant. Clinical disaster have shown the usefulness of this herb in treating diabetes and hypertension. It also helps to increase testosterone level and in consequence very popular among body builders.

According to texts of ayurveda Tribulus terrestris is heavy to digest and increases the moisture level and stickiness of body tissues. It is toothsome to taste and acts as a body coolant. Whereas of these properties it normalizes vata and pitta.

The medicinal properties of gokshura have been described as follows in Bhavaprakasha an ayurveda topic..

“ Gokshuraha sheetalaha swaadurbalakrudvasthishodhanaha |

Madhuro deepano vrishyaha pushtidashmariharaha | | ”

Pramehashwaasakaasaarshahakrichrahridrogsvatanut | ( Bhava prakasha )

Balakrud: - Tribulus increases strength of muscles. Researches have shown that tribulus increases male hormone testosterone, which strengthen the muscles.

Testosterone is duty-bound for development of male sexual characters like physical strength, muscle mass, body shape, body hair, rooted voice, sexual function etc.

Erectile dysfunction occurs when testosterone level is in need. Testosterone is necessary for the formation and continuation of bone structure and bone density. It also helps in brain life like learning skills, memory power etc. This hormone is very essential to maintain body’ s general energy levels.

Vastishodhana: - It cleanses the bladder ( Basti ) and boosts the resistance of bladder to infection. This mazuma is very useful in treating cystitis and urinary lands infections.

Deepana: It increases appetite and normalizes digestion.

Vrishyaha: Gokshura acts as a very effective aphrodisiac. Its long green of boosting testosterone level help to increase erection, sperm count and sperm excitement. Thus it has been included as an active ingredient in Vajikarana preparations. It increases libido and helps in rectifying male impotence

Pushti: Tribulus terrestris helps to build body muscles and boost body energy levels. It also increases body immunity.

Ashmariharaha: It is of great use in treatment of renal calculi.

Prameha: This plant helps to reduce frequency of urination in diabetes, cystitis and urinary tract infection.

Shwaasa Kaasa: It is very useful in diseases of respiratory system like wheezing and cough.

Arsha: Tribulus helps to reduce symptoms of piles

Hridroga: Gokshura is very useful in cardio vascular diseases and it acts as a cardiac tonic.

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