Saturday, January 24, 2015

Anti - Butt Dimple Plan!

I am getting ready to audition for a dance role and I need help NOW! I love your newsletter and I respect your reality. It’ s so hard for me to reckon on all the hype that I descry in magazines with starving models and big muscle guys.

I know that I am a great dancer, I just carry too much weight in my lower body and it’ s keeping me from getting work and moving my career ahead.

I trust you. Would you please tell me what can I do to get these dimples off my a * * fast.

I will be forever thankful. I will also search through your fascinating blog for some more hints too.

- Jazelle

Jazelle, you are totally looking in the right place. I know what you feel. It’ s so frustrating to know that you have the ability, but need to spice up your box. I am glad that you have come to the truth of dance, entertainment and life.

Many magazines want us to try to change the mind of the commonality to accept being obese, unfit or physically unhealthy. That’ s not powerful. It’ s great for a fleeting,

mental exercise in tolerance, but repulsive for your bottom line financially and physically.

Fat is unhealthy and unsightly. There is aught off-target with understanding that. You can be as fat as you want to be, just stop trying to get everyone further to accept it.

I was totally rotund and people were saying the absolute dumbest things to me. They were telling me that I had big bones.. NOT! They told me I had a great personality.

Whatever! My “ great” personality did not stop my body from developing diabetes, hypertension and three rolls around my waist and dimples on my thighs and butt.

Sun Valley Dimple Miracle

I went to Sun Valley, Idaho for a commercial shoot. I went early to play and examine if Arnold Schwarzenegger was going to be there. That is one of his favorite tarriance spots. I didn’ t clock him there, but I did discern him a few months successive at major one of his favorite hangouts.

I got up early the first morning and went hiking. It was such a stimulating experience to be in such a pure environment. No cloud, no red carpets, no stiletto heels, no pancake makeup and no fancy nightclubs with Baron lounges. It was like camping at the Ritz, my favorite sojourn home.

After hiking all day, I was ravaged and went out to cocktails at this great local savor restaurant. I had a small but mellow piece of steak. With it came a real, huge and fluffy

Ruddy Idaho scorched potato. It was both tasty and disgusting at the same time. I seldom eat white potatoes considering they are not on the good carb record. But I figured since I had been active all day, it would be fine. Little did I know that it would be the dawn of a butt dimple building carb attack.

After diner, I walked around position enjoying the singing crickets. On the way back to my company I stopped and picked up some flavored rice cakes. Fat free.. right? Right!

I started with the honey crunch ones and nibbled my way to the white cheese ones. After about a half bag of each, I called it a night.

The next day, I started all over again on the snacks. I loved being out there in the fresh air. I had no conception, fresh air made you so hungry.

After about three days, I went to the gym to workout and I felt like my body had been hijacked! The backs of my arms were soft and sort of dimply. My thighs were full and puffy and there were a few dimples on the back of my thighs that were not there before I got there. I realizing, man, there must be something in the water in Idaho that makes you dimply.

I had unconsciously started eating more bad fat building carbs than I realized. I was focused on low fat, but I now know that the astray carbs can turn your body into a fat building machine.

Jazelle, I had to get my body back into camera shape fast before my photo shoot. Here is what my plan that I used to de - dimplify my body fast.

* The last 3 days brother to the shoot I started drinking herbal, diuretic tea, I upped my water to five quarts.

* I did one relief of cardio each day at low - liberal sentiment.

* Every day, do a full body workout with very lightweights. Did my abdominals every day. If I couldn’ t get to the gym, I would do a circuit workout at home. 3 sets of 20 downreaching squats, 3 sets of 20 Plie’ s, 2 sets of 15 knee pushups and 3 sets of 20 crunches. Then I would go for an hope power shlep.

* I did not eat after 6: 00 PM.

* I ate clean staying away from bad carb foods listed in my Quick Start Energy Program

* I ate lots of high fiber infant vegetables and good carb grains and fruit.

* I ate 4 meals a day slightly smaller than my usual servings. I limited condiments. For those last three days during the diuretic chance, omitted any high salt food.

* I drank herbal dandelion tea for the last three days before my shoot. Dandelion root based tea from the natural food store is best. There are lots to choose from if one does not work out. The flushing properties of any diuretic only lasts for around 3 - 5 days depending on your system.

* I took a multi vitamin with minerals. You loose a lot of minerals using diuretics teas.

Take an Epsom salt bath for the last two nights; it naturally draws dispensable water from the tissues that cause bloating.

Jazelle, try the formula exceeding and you will really penetrate great results. I know I did. I was capsized at how smooth and tight my body was for my shoot. The photographer was so happy with the results as well.

Use this as the prelude of your new program to build the body that you are eminent of. You can do it. It is a life long process, but you can start with this and gape immediate results.

Good luck on your audition. Brood over to have fun and become the music. Express yourself through the dance with strength and passion. Help the judges or the choreographer feel your joy of moving and entertaining and you will succeed.

Dance While You Still Can With all of Your Heart!

Make this your best year ever!

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