Tuesday, January 27, 2015

5 - Day Workout Split - Which one is the Best?

With so many options available for workout splits there is always going to be a debate about whether one split is better than the other. But not all splits are created equally. Some seem to incorporate too much work without proper rest time while others do the exact antithesis. But after a lot of research we think that this split is the best.

Please note: 5 - Day Splits are meant as intermediate to advanced training. People who are still in the beginner phases should not grab this program and jump right in since your bodies will not be ready for it.

Mass Building 5 - Day Split

• Day 1 - Chest / Triceps

• Day 2 - Quads / Hamstrings

• Day 3 - Rest

• Day 4 - Shoulders / Calves / Abs

• Day 5 - Back / Biceps

• Day 6 - Rest

• Day 7 - Cardio / Abs

All workouts ( delete Day 7 ) should admit 15 minutes of light cardio to balmy the body up. The workout situation should only last 45 minutes followed by 5 - 10 minutes of stretching. You should aim to rest only about a minute or so between sets and use rep counts in the 6 - 10 range. Sets should be in the 3 to 5 range depending on how many sets you need to get to your maximum weight for 6 reps.


Now let ' s get down to the justification portion of why the split is set - up this way. Ofttimes speaking if you are looking at a 5 day training split you are very long-faced about your training. Wherefore you have the time and desire to be in the gym this much. As this program is built around mass building we are aiming for solid days of rest and more limited cardiovascular work. But the rest days are crucial to ice that the central nervous system gets a full rest.

• We start Day 1 with the standard Chest and Triceps. Everyone likes working chest, even on a Monday so this is always a great day to start the interval.

The hub should be on big compound exercises like the Bench Press and Dips along with Dumbbell Flyes and Lying Tricep Extensions.

• Day 2 is going to be Quads and Hamstrings centered around Squats. We will also do Leg Presses and Leg Extensions for the quads before doing Stiff - Legged Deadlifts and Hamstring Curls to follow through off the workout.

• Day 3 is rest as after works big muscles like legs we need to take it easy. The only thing you should do today is stretch, eat, and rest.

• Day 4 is Shoulders, Calves, and Abs. We will meeting place on those cannonballs with Dumbbell Shoulder Presses, Barbell Trusty Rows, Side Laterals, and Establish Laterals. Calves should be blasted with Standing Baby Raises, Seated Daughter Raises, and Changed - Leg Dumbbell Kid Raises. For Abs just do informal machine crunches to the grandstand play and sides along with leg - raises.

• Day 5 is the always fun Back and Biceps. Again we go big with Dead Lifts to start. That is followed by Chin - ups, and then Single Dumbbell Rows. Biceps are blasted cleverly with Barbell Curls and Alternating Dumbbell Curls. Specific forearm work isn ' t very necessary if you don ' t use straps for back work.

• Day 6 is rest after working the back and doing Dead lifts. The only thing you should do today is stretch, eat, and rest.

• Day 7 is Cardio and Abs. You should aim for 60 minutes of solid weight loss cardio. Make cocksure to stretch out afterwards. For Ab work seat on 3 - 4 good core exercises.

This is a basic program focusing on big exercises and mass. There are fewer exercises owing to your energy is going to be focused on lifting as much weight as possible. The rest days are staggered to let on a full day after the big exercises that stress the whole body so much. If you think you are ready, then jump on this split and build some solid mass.

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