Saturday, January 24, 2015

You Only Look As Good As You Feel

“ You only look as good as you feel. ” We’ ve all heard that statement before, and for a good reason… it’ s true. When you are in optimal health, you really do look your best. No matter how much time and money we spend on removing wrinkles, coterminous up grey hair, saturating dry skin with creams, artificially tanning our bodies, and for women maintaining those great looking nails, it’ s all just window condiment if you’ re not consciousness your best. Zippo attracts more attention than the look of a woman or man with optimal health. You can spy it in their eyes, their complexion, and most of all, their bent.

Nutrition plays an important role in how you feel and look. Essential fats, for standard, play a key role in your overall health. Your body doesn’ t produce essential fats, you only get them in the foods you eat. For women, these fats are needed for the female system to function properly due to steroid sex hormones are all synthesized from fat.

In addition, essential fatty acids fulcrum brain health and protect us from Alzheimer’ s, depression, and a whole innkeeper of other issues.

Your hormones are the key that unlocks the door and activates every function of the human body from building bones to maintaining healthy skin. If your system is out of balance, for specimen your sodium to potassium ratios are off, that can weaken cell membrane fluidity and communication with hormones. If the cells cannot grab the communication, it doesn’ t matter how well the body is powerful steroid hormones, there’ s a disconnect.

I proposal a very simple and accurate saliva test, which, when analyzed by the lab, produces a clear picture of what’ s going on inside your body. If a problem is identified, I then work with my clients on an unique basis to balance their systems, not with drugs, but naturally. Sometimes adjustments are as simple as slight changes in diet. Other times, it’ s a little more involved. Either way, the head outcome can be life changing.

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