Saturday, January 24, 2015

Yoga For Inner - Self Knowledge and Harmony

There is no any other discipline more supportive in achieving knowledge of inner - self, and harmony with the world than Yoga. Bio - energy knowledge of methods of mind and body healing cannot be ended without studying Yoga.

Basic Hatha - Yoga is a practical and complicated method of developing a...

There is no any other discipline more timely in achieving knowledge of inner - self, and harmony with the world than Yoga. Bio - energy knowledge of methods of mind and body healing cannot be wrapped up without studying Yoga.

Basic Hatha - Yoga is a practical and heterogeneous method of developing a healthier body, mind and intellectual. Pranayama is the teaching of proper breathing. By studying Hatha - Yoga exercises, and poses, and Pranayama exercises, we learn how to breathe properly, meditate, be centered, relaxed, gain life energy, massage the internal organs, keep the body healthy and flexible, and quicken removal of toxins.

There are three types of exercises: " Asanas " ( or poses ), effective, and breathing. The Asanas are poses that influence energetic centers and systems of the body. Certain asana influences specific nerve centers. With the system of compounded asanas we positively influence the endocrine system, help every cell and organ of the body. We avail that you to perform the system of poses keeping in mind that any disease is a dysfunction of regular activity.

Yogis ' asanas help keep elasticity and motion of physical bodies. When people perform everyday work, or do chores, they move joints with little breadth. And if they ignore exercises or sports, they can lose the privilege, elasticity, and travel of the spine, joints, tendons, and muscles. By the time the " working angle " of joints decreases, people cannot perform beneath inclinations, situps, or wide turns of the body. This immobility can lead to illnesses like arthritis and bursitis. To prevent losing prerogative, people can add exercises for their joint and tendons.

Every day, and for life, you need to do rotational movements of the head, arms, legs, and body; bending the body to the sides, and forward, and extensions of the back; also situps and pushups with maximum amplitude of moving in placement to maintain flow of the entire body. Try to work all joints as well as the spinal column. Repeat every exercise ( with every assemblage of joints ) 6 - 10 times. Start exercising by warming up. Prepare each exercise with small breadth and go to your extreme " working angle " gradually to avoid a trauma.

Vital Yoga exercises help hurry the removal of toxins from the body. Every system of the body is affected with toxins. One of the reasons for having illnesses is the presence of toxins in the body. Today, people are exposed to chemicals, pesticides, additives in food, and anesthetics in greater concentrations ( sources of toxins ) than at any other time in history.

People ' s organisms have to struggle with constant invasion of toxins, owing to processes to removal toxins are complicated and take more time than the assimilation and the bag of nutrients. Toxins and chemicals penetrate membranes and accumulate in intercellular space. Toxins enter lymphatic and blood vessels, whereabouts veinous blood carries toxins to the organs of elimination. This transit of toxins through millions of cells is difficult to complete without movement of vibrated cells, muscular contractions, exertions that arise during moving, running, and jumping.

During evolution nature did not find more effective way to clean up cells and intercellular space of toxins than the use of those forces of muscular contractions and forces of jolting due to the body movements. When muscles contract, they compress veins, quicken a flow of venous blood to the heart, and stock impulses that help blood to eliminate toxins. We can view how pets stretch their bodies after waking up. When the body stretches, muscles are pledged. The body needs stretching after waking up in the morning. During the sleep, heart muscles help measure venous blood with wastes and toxins; however, this help is not enough to remove toxins. The weakening of the body is due not to effects of indisposition, but to the transgression of the entire metabolism, whereas of the accumulation of toxins. Removal of toxins from cells and intercellular spaces is a process requiring constant vibration of cells by nerve impulses, and occurs during exercising or moving which provides contractions of muscles. When people do not exercise or stratagem efficiently ( stretching, aerobics, running, motile, and dancing ), their bodies gradually decline.

In the morning, the best way to help the body to hurry the removal of the toxins is doing the following exercise. People can do this exercise, even if they cannot run, or airing. You can do it while you take a shower.

Pull the heels up off the concrete a half an inch, and put them back down extremely but not intensely. Repeat this motion 30 times, then rest for 5 - 10 seconds. Successive, repeat 30 times more. At the same time, you can bend arms keeping forearms duplicate to the concrete surface, and bend your hands as if you pledged a ball. When putting the heels up, rotate your wrists forward then pull them back. You can do it with a second interval. You can do this exercise a few more times during the day. People who perspective or sit for long periods of time will benefit from doing this exercise; it prevents thrombosis ( blood clotting ) and heart problems.

Healthy proposition of the body is possible when the intake of food products and removal of products of digestion and movement of the cells of the body are balanced. Toxins arise in the organisms as a event of stress and anxiety. When a young person has the energy enough to detoxify the conformation through its organs ( tummy, kidneys, skin, and lungs ), the chances for imbalance small. But between 30 - 35 agedness of age the body, if not placid by special exercises, lacks the energy to remove toxins. Also help in the toxin approval, energizing Yoga exercises also help to build a ideal and strong body.

Breathing Yoga exercises help gain life energy - " prana ". People repeatedly think that they can breathe properly. But sometimes people do not breathe correctly for their whole life. Nevertheless, right breathing is the key to gain energy and vitality. Proper breathing influences all unaffected processes including brain animation and digestion, and provides oxygen to muscles, organs, and tissues; in addendum it removes toxins and wastes. Yogis developed their teachings about proper breathing about six thousand caducity ago. Some of ancient techniques can help people to maintain health.

When you wake up after extension your body, you can lie down on your back and relax your muscles. Then inhale painfully while pushing out the chest. After this try to pull the diaphragm down while exhaling and the diaphragm will massage the paunch, kidneys, liver, spleen, and pancreas. At the same time the stomach applies discomposure on the intestinal tunnel. You can dwell on these movements many times to learn how to step the diaphragm up and down. This exercise helps massage internal organs and increases activity. This pressure will help squeeze toxins and wastes out of cells.

Here is farther exercise. Inhale sharply while lying on the back then push out the stomach which moves the diaphragm. Delay your breathing for 3 - 5 seconds, and start to issue air in small portions, and pulling it through tightly closed lips. This exercise internally massages all organs. The same massage occurs at moments of euphoria. Cheer has been considered important for well - being since ancient times. Physiologically the massage of organs of the abdominal cavity increases the flow of blood to the heart. The contractions of the abdominal muscles help in relieve heart problems. The heart cavity is in the same space as the lungs and the diaphragm. The diaphragm, due to its sensitivity to emotions moves closer to the heart and lessens the heart space. The brain regulates volumes of blood incoming the heart. If the amount of blood is less than necessary to sustain life, the rhythms and intensity of heart impulses have to increase. The increase of the heart beat occurs with every act of the diaphragm which decreases the space in the heart cavity. These conditions can even cause heart attack. If you feel an accelerated heart beat degree, inhale and push out the stomach for 2 - 3 seconds. This provides more space to the heart cavity and ( repeat all over for 3 - 4 times ).

Breathing exercises help develop elasticity of the diaphragm, which massages internal organs, increases the whereabouts of the heart cavity, and decreases chance of developing of heart problems. We will learn how to load ourselves with bio - energy using yoga exercises.

Conditions for Yoga Exercises

1. Perform Yoga poses in the morning or in the evening before eating on an

empty stomach.

2. The room must have fresh air.

3. No smoking allowed in the room.

4. No speaking before Yoga exercises in the room.

5. It is better to do Yoga alone.

6. Do exercises on the tile or on a firm rug.

7. Wear relaxed and stretchy garb.

Lower Breathing Annihilation - all internal organs allure in. Pause on repose - 1 - 2 seconds.

Bottomless breath - push the stomach out ( slowly, gently, as if drinking the air ).

Start breathing with this technique putting hands on the stomach. This breathing exercise is ideal to prevent asthma. Lower breathing of the diaphragm massages internal organs.

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