Friday, January 23, 2015

Workplace Communication: 3 Steps to Building Relationships

If you are a executive, strong workplace relationships built on good communication will help you achieve success. Here are three practical steps you can take to make you a better communicator at work.

We all know people who seem to be natural communicators at work. They communicate confidently and well with others. People respect them and help them achieve their goals. So what is their secret? Is it possible to become a better one - to - one communicator if it doesn ' t come naturally?

Most positively! I have observed people transform into great communicators, once they set their mind to it. So if you want to build better working relationships, you can. Here are three steps to help you on your way.

Step 1: So, Whats your Passion?

How well do you know the people you work with? Do you eye beyond the job name and the assignment in hand? Take the time to find out what they do front of work. What is their passion? Take a genuine pastime in them. The skills they use and pleasure in facade of work just might transfer into the workplace. And if you get to know them on a personal level, you can share their joy and know when they are experiencing laborious times. You will be able to connect at a farther level and magistrate when and how to get your message across with success.

Step 2: Perception is greater than Reality

We communicate through the words we use, our tone of voice, but extreme all through our body language.

Have you ever had a conversation with someone who doesn ' t speak your language? It is possible! So in the workplace, earnings attention to the signals you transmit. You may be standing with your arms folded through it feels stinking rich. Your employee might get the impression that you are fit to be tied or annoyed. Facial expressions, eye contact, gestures, posture and dress all speak volumes without you even opening your maw. Learn to read others as well as yourself.

Step 3: Say that again?

Develop the skill of affinity. It makin's being serving to really seize what the other person is rendering. People who are good at this doctor to be non - judgemental, recognized, trustworthy and have parallel life experiences. Practice active listening to help you become more forgiving. When the other person makes a statement, catch back the feelings and the content of what they just verbal. For prototype: " It sounds like you are really confused " or " So what you are saying is... " You don ' t subscribe, disagree or sympathise. This is a particularly useful skill if someone is in an emotional state, as you own them to vent, without adding fuel to the fire. You don ' t tell them what to do; you construe what you would do in that seat ( and only if asked! )

So practice these steps and witness how they make a real difference in your relationships, both in the workplace and in your personal life.

Find out more about how to read body language and communicate effectively on my website.

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