Tuesday, January 27, 2015

What is Gout?

People recurrently ask what is gout? Gout is a trait in which the body does not properly secrete uric acid. Inessential uric acid may be caused by the body virtuous too much uric acid, by under performing kidneys, or by eating too many foods that increase uric acid.

What is gout caused by?

There are many risk factors or causes of gout, including:


Being obese

Hypertension ( high blood pressure )

Hypothyroidism ( low levels of thyroid hormones )

Kidney disorders

Recent injury to a joint

Recent surgery

Certain medications, such as insulin and some antibiotics

Excessive alcohol consumption

Excessive consumption of certain foods, including shellfish, red meat, organ meats ( such as liver and kidneys ), and dried peas. These foods have high levels of purines, which are chemicals that are metabolized by the body into uric acid.

Ask your doctor about other potential causes of gout.


Learning more about what is gout and the causes of gout will help you protect yourself. Gout is caused when uric acid crystals build up in your joints. Gout can affect any of the joints, but most commonly affects the big toe. Uric acid is a average chemical produced when your body cells and certain foods in the body break down. It is excreted by the kidneys. If the kidneys are unable to secrete it for some impetus, or if there is too much for the kidneys to emit, it builds up in the body and can cause kidney stones and gout.

Now that you deduce what is gout and the causes of gout, you can learn how to prevent it. Drinking lots of water is your best defense. This helps your kidneys function properly and helps to flush uric acid out of the body. You should drink at numero uno eight glasses of water each day.

Maintaining a healthy body weight, eating right, and getting enough exercise will help prevent gout. It will also lower your blood pressure if you treat to have high blood pressure. Limiting your alcohol intake as well as your consumption of foods that increase the amount of uric acid in your body will also help prevent gout.

What is gout treatment?

Gout generally has symptoms in agreement to arthritis, so you’ ll need to gaze a doctor to determine what is gout and what is arthritis or some other condo trait before dawning treatment. The first gout treatment to try is nonsteroidal anti - inflammatory drugs such as ibuprofen, which can help with the inflammation and pain of gout. These can be purchased over the counter, but are also available in prescription strength if constitutive.

In severe cases doctors may prescribe corticosteroid drugs such as prednisone. These drugs can have some darling unsmiling side effects, such as thinning bones and slow healing time if you are injured, so they are used only if other medications do not work. In some cases cortisone injections are inured momentarily into the affected joint. These can also have side effects.

The causes of gout in your situation may affect your treatment. For instance, if your gout is caused by hypothyroidism, gout treatment will consist of correcting the thyroid hormone imbalance. If medication is causing your gout, your doctor may change the medication or the dosage. Don’ t stop taking any medications or change the dosage on your own, though. Again, you will need to glare your doctor to determine what is gout caused by in your case and what is the best treatment for you.

While you are treating your gout medically, call up to follow the prevention tips discussed earlier. This will help your treatment work faster and will also help prevent your gout from returning.

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