Monday, January 26, 2015

Top 5 Bodyweight Exercises to Increase your Size, Strength, and Stamina

Are you looking to shred your upper body? Do you want to develop chiseled iron like musculature in the chest, shoulders, arms, back and abs? If you’ re like most people out there, you do. I’ m not speech about incredible “ can’ t scratch your own back” obesity style mass. I’ m speech about mighty Adonis style mass. By now, if you have read many of my other articles, you are well aware of the importance of working your LEGS to help make this happen. Hormonal increases due to leg work INDIRECTLY improve your upper body. That being uttered, I want to take a moment now to headquarters on five exercises that Straightaway affect the previously mentioned muscle groups. I’ m speaking of the following tried and tested Upper Body Bodyweight exercises:


* Pull - ups

* Chin - ups

* Push - ups

* Dips

* Leg RaisesBefore we get too far into how each of these exercises is going to carve up your physique like never before, it is important to mention a couple key concepts. These variations will change the way you look at bodyweight training and the results you get from it forever more.

Variation #1:

Each of these can be done with Another WEIGHT! Whether you’ re proceeds a dumbbell between your feet, use resistance tubing, have a plate resting on your back or are using a weight belt and chain, one thing remains the same: increased resistance ( weight ) means increased results when form and intensity are maintained. The addition of resistance is a superb way to take a typical body weight exercise to a new level and uproariousness your lean muscle growth to levels off the charts.

Variation #2:

ROM ( Range of Motion ) increase. You may be offer how do I increase ROM? Accomplishing this depends on the exercise. Let’ s take Push - ups for precedent. During a standard push - up you lower your chest to the pave and press until arms are extended, expression. This is an excellent movement, but what if you could drop your chest lower than hand level and further stretch the Pecs during the movement? Well, I’ ll tell you what that means. Increased ROM when performed correctly means greater muscular activation which leads to greater results.

So what do you need to make these variations happen? A collection of Pull - up, Abdominal, Plunge, Push - up equipment is necessary. Better in consummation is a collection that has all of these capabilities in one saving space and money. There are a digit of options out there; so choose the best one. A good equipment can haft procession and adjustability make the ROM and can grip greater body weight. That means you can work through insanely effective ranges of motion with aggrandized weight.

Okay, okay! Let’ s get into what each exercise will do for you.

The Pull - up: There isn’ t much better for the Lats than the ancient fashioned Pull - up. Perhaps the only thing better are weighted Pull - ups. The overhand wide grip fully activates the Lats and develops the Cobra like back; the V - Taper that is. What’ s more is that the biceps get some good work too. If you work hub on your Range of Motion you’ ll note a demented pump in the rear - delts after your sets as well. On the Basic Trainer you can work through an awesome ROM. The movable bar at top allows you to pull - up like now on the centerline if you like without hitting your head. You can also do a standard pull - up in the natural arcing patter. Either way, the Lats are markedly stimulated. Beyond that you can strap on additional weight if you find regular Pull - ups get to be too easy for you. Let me put it this way, if you are doing Pull - ups for reps with a total of more than 400 pounds YOU ARE Laughable! Once you notice the awesome results in your Lats you are naturally going to want to do the same for your Biceps and Mid Back with...

The Chin - up: You ask, “ What does this do differently than the Pull - up? ” The underhand grip recruits greater activation in the biceps and mid back. The production of this is bigger arms and a thicker back. Does that sound good? Well if you are looking to develop the physique mentioned at the rudiment of the article it should! What also would you need to enhance towards that spire?

A Chest to match your new back which leads us to...

The Push - up: One of the simplest and someday most effective upper body exercises in existence. This is the Great Grand Daddy of Chest Development. More reps more reps more reps… That’ s what most people think of to get more results. I want to enshrine you to try adding some resistance. You can have a partner place a weight on your back or stretch a resistance band over your back and mastery the ends in your hands. Either way heavier weight changes the workload. You can also increase the ROM as mentioned before.

Dips: This is the perfect exercise to work on the lower means of the chest. It also works the triceps. As you may know, the triceps make up the larger fixin's of the upper arm. What does this penurious? Well that agent if you limelight on the triceps you will experience a powerful increase in arm size in relatively short period of time. To hand-carry the results you can add some weight to the movement. Proceeds a dumbbell between the feet or using a weight belt and band for adding a plate will suffice. However you do it, you will feel the massive increase in work in the way of a blasted Pecs and Triceps. Also let’ s not pass over the aftermath Dips have on the shoulders. The good ol’ dunk also helps shape the shoulder for adding to the V - Taper! Now if you have all of the afore mentioned results there is probably only one more thing you are looking for in your upper body... RIPPED ABS! That leads us to...

Leg Raises: Training the Abs brings up tons of debate foremost. The required thing to elicit is that the rectus abdominis muscles ( The Six Pack ) is contracted for pulling the ribcage towards the pelvis and vice versa. So if you are looking to develop your Six Pack can carry off either movement for the results you want. Leg Raises are a great preference. Personally I like to start with uncertain from the Pull - up bar when I’ m fresh. Then as I get more fatigued I turn to the Back / Arm Rest Myth. You can work Curved Leg or Straight Leg. Gate a weight between the feet is bounteous variation to take it to aggrandized level. What’ s most important here is to meeting place on the pelvic tilt. The pelvis needs to crunch towards the ribcage. If you are doing this correctly you will thoroughly activate the rectus abdominis and be well on your way to developing your ripped six pack.

There you have it… A index of the best Basic Bodyweight exercises to become an Upper Body Adonis. But what good is a index? It means obliteration if you don’ t use it and push to your absolute limits! How are you going to push to your limit? Are you going to work extra hard on your ROM or are you going to strap on fresh weight for heavier resistance? Are you going to increase your intensity my decreasing your rest time between sets? All of these are great options! Use these programs to help you in access your ripped physique goals.

Illustration Workout


Push - Ups: 5× 10 - 30

Pull - Ups: 5× 5 - 20

Hanging Leg Raise: 5× 5 - 15

Chin - Ups: 5× 5 - 20

Dips: 5× 10 - 20

Knee Raises: 5× 10 - 20

These exercises are done with a 20 - 60 second rest between each set. This is a straight forward way to do the standard exercises. As mentioned previously in the article, feel free to add some weight to take it to a new level. With or without more weight, if you spotlight on solid form with good ROM and great intensity you will get results. Solid lean mass gain will development with this type of training and proper nutrition. If you are looking to increase your endurance and want a metabolic boost try the following Double Circuit Style Routine.

Double Circuit Style

Circuit #1: ( 4 Rounds )

Pull - Ups: 4× 5 - 20

Push - Ups: 4× 10 - 30

Hanging Leg Raise: 4× 5 - 15

Circuit #2: ( 4 Rounds )

Chin - Ups: 4× 5 - 20

Dips: 4× 10 - 20

Knee Raises: 4× 10 - 20

In the twofold circuit you will stroke through each circuit with zero rest between exercises and only 60 seconds of rest between each round.

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