Saturday, January 24, 2015

Success Methods - - Conquer Irrational Fear

You can gain courage by training your subconscious mind in a special way. This exercise is simple to do, but is very powerful. You remark, your subconscious will accept and act on any impressions it receives that are repetitive and highly emotional. This training can help improve your life. However, the success or error of this exercise, and any resulting actions, is your amenability.

When doing the training it is important to adopt the mind of a child. This is a mind game you are playing. Put away your stern adult predilection. Let yourself feel your emotions. Follow these technique as if you were a playful child.

Doing the visualization

You will use a special visualization to hump powerful impressions to your subconscious mind. A visualization is a guided daydream. After describing and learning a particular scene for this visualization, close your eyes and spot it played out. Let your emotions build while the scene unfolds.

Here is a possible scene

You are an ancient - time doctor ( or boost ) hurrying through a jungle to treat a forgiving. The considerate lives in a residence on the other side of the forest. He is very sick and needs your help urgently. Suddenly a large tiger blocks your path. The tiger growls at you, baring its teeth. At first you freeze as fear grips your body. Then you retain your duty to the perceptive. So you launch to feel anger at the tiger that is blocking your path. As your anger builds, your fear begins to subside and is replaced by a activity of courage. Your anger and courage fill your body, forcing you to take movement. So you pick up a large stick from the wilderness tar. You swing the stick vigorously, beating the vines on either side of the path. The tiger stands its ground, its tail twitching back and forth.

Now a fiery rage takes strings of your body. It grows stronger and stronger.

Climactically, you lunge at the tiger, screaming loudly. Abashed, the tiger flinches and runs away. You gap to let your rage slowly die away. Then you let yourself feel profound pleasure at your ability to face down the great unbeautiful.

Training your mind

Repeat this visualization at primitive twice a day for two or three weeks. You can stop this visualization when you have obtained a impressive amount of courage. If you need to increase your courage in the coming up, you can resume this visualization exercise.

Testing and using your new slant

Now that you have increased your courage, you need to try it out. Then you can use it to improve your life. Here are some suggestions:

• Doing your grocery shopping at a different market

• Buying gasoline from different assistance stations

• Eating new foods or trying a different restaurant

• Joining new cordial groups or volunteering for easy work

• Finding other ways to test your courage

• Always stagecraft in a audacious manner, even when you don ' t feel courageous

• Increasing your comfort circuit by learning new skills or trying new activities

• Taking on new challenges and goals to improve your life

After performing each new movement let yourself feel the excitement of conquering your fears and displaying your courage.


In overcoming fear, do not completely eliminate it. You need a certain amount of fear to protect you from the hazards of life and conform to expected social behavior. You only need to eliminate inessential or excessive fear. Then you can take more management over your life and protect yourself from adverse changes in the economy.

You must be careful not to get yourself into any dangerous situations. Your subconscious mind may think that you are superman or wonder woman. However, your conscious mind knows better. So, a word to the wise - - use caution and common sense.

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