Friday, January 23, 2015

Should Athletes Be Allowed to Use Anabolic Steroids?

When you hear the term “ anabolic steroids”, you may think of a lot of things. However, you will undeniably think about many of the recent controversies in the world of skillful sports, now over the last several elderliness, steroid use has really come under the microscope in the multi - billion dollar sports industry.

In Major League Baseball, players have been subjected to what could partly be called a witchhunt over steroid use. Many chimerical players have been kept out of the Entry of Fame, while others have been subjected to speculation about their use entirely now of their performances on the field.

In the growing sport of mixed martial arts, it seems not a month passes without someone testing positive for either a banned substance or an elevated level of testosterone. This data is always accompanied with a hefty fine and a suspension that forces an athlete with a small window of excuse with which to make money to lose precious time out of his ( or even her ) career.

In sports like cycling, speculation is even more rampant than in other sports, while sports that really rely on the tiniest advantages ( such as course and field ) are plagued by steroid use.

So, what is the solution? To keep hammering athletes with penalties and ostracizing them as directly as they are found open ( or in many cases, cleverly suspected ) of using steroids? Is there a better way?

That ' s a onerous query, but you have to look at the motivation involved. If a normal person, such as a person who has criticized steroid use in skillful athletes, had the chance at tens of millions of dollars or more, but they needed steroids to make it to a high enough level of performance, wouldn ' t he use them? That ' s the choice that professional athletes have to make every day.

Moreover, it ' s not exactly hard for an athlete to

buy Testosterone Enanthate, right someone who can hook them up with steroids, or find a doctor that will prescribe them testosterone.

Sequentially, along with that ease comes a level of necessity when an athlete is hurt and knows that certain steroids can help them to recover from injuries much more quickly. In physically demanding sports like football or MMA, it is very hard to resist using substances that can help you get past injuries and back into animation.

Some people think that we should just let people use whatever they want to use. After all, if any athlete can use whatever substances that they want to use, would it not be a level playing field? Furthermore, are steroids so much different from other medical advances, such as Lasik eye surgery, fashionable supplements or training methods, and surgeries that acquiesce players to come back from injuries that would have been career - ending a decade or two ago?

The problem is that since steroids are not only banned from many sports but illicit in many countries, including the United States, leagues and sporting organizations are pressured into the position of rooting them out of competition for good. It is not enough for them to discourage their use or educate players or athletes about the possible drawbacks, as they are now expected by the guidance itself to police whether players are using such substances or not.

Unfortunately, as long as there are such strong incentives for athletes to use steroids, testosterone, human growth hormone or other substances, we will remark people get scapegoated, banned, suspended, fined, and have their careers ruinous over what is really gracious of a silly little thing. The line between supplement and banned substance is very thin, but athletes are expected to stay on the right side of it, whether or not it makes sense for them.


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