Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Reading Body Language for Sales Professionals

Body language is fascinating. People infrequently recognize how much information they give off and how noticeable it is to the human eye. Even to the untrained human eye.

I can get coming home from ground as a child after having a tough day and seeing my cyclopean. Instantly she would look at me and ask what is a matter. I know for a actuality the majority of the time, I would answer “ nonbeing. ” However, her mourn exploration would pronto make me image that I had a negative prejudice.

In sales, it is exorbitantly important to read body language. There are four major areas of body language you need to take in.

1. Eye Contact and Brow Movement

2. Facial Gestures

3. Torso and Arm Behavior

4. Leg Movement

Eye Contact and Brow Movement

Let’ s look at Eye Contact and Brow Movement closely. No pun intended of course. While in a seminar a few weeks ago, a participant asked me a question double o a point I made. After I answered her, I asked the clarifying issue, “ Does that answer your dispute? ” She answered me with a stuttering “ Willingly, ” however, as she answered me her brows were scrunched together demonstrating negative energy. She also glanced away several times rapidly. By pike her gestures it was public she did not find out me.

Now let’ s take a look at positive and negative indicators:

Positive Behaviors

? nbsp; Direct Eye Contact – Inspired, likes you

? nbsp; Smiling Eyes – Is uptown

? nbsp; Relaxed Brow – Again well-off

Negative Behaviors

? nbsp; Limited or No Eye Contact – Lying, uninterested, too confined, ill-fitting, distraction

? nbsp; Tension in Brow – Confusion, tension, fear

There may be several reasons why someone is unable to control eye contact. Now, I’ m not vocabulary about staring at someone either. Consideration when you are attentive how much eye contact you give and why you look away. It can smartly be that you are distracted for excuse a bird flies by and catches your eye. When people are not able to tell you their honest feelings they most oftentimes cannot clasp eye contact. Bounteous cause for loosing someone’ s eye contact is when you step into someone’ s personal space ( and each of us have a different size boundary ); their natural sign is to look away. Check it out for yourself. Test some people ( make incontestable you know them fairly well, you don’ t want to get bopped on the head for invading personal space ): shlep toward your cousin and peg how close you can get before their eyes dart away. Also note that the same person has different boundaries for different people, and so the tighter your friendship ofttimes the closer you are able to get.

You have it in you to recognize these signs easily.

Facial Gestures

Facial Gestures are the second part of body language to read. The most important part of facial gestures is the ingress. Upward turns in the corner of the orifice are usually positive signs and downward turns or flat products evince negative behavior. Flash on the person’ s lips to glimpse if they are pressed together or relaxed and easy. Do they representation signs of happiness or signs of discontentment?

The most important thing to find out about reading facial behavior is that we all have the ability. Most people however never salary close attention to human tendencies and activities. Success in sales requires you to note human behavior.

Arm and Torso Movements

The third degree important factor in reading human body language is vigil arm and torso movements. Simple rule to brood over is: “ Closed - off posture often means close - minded mind-set and unbarred posture means exactly what the name eludes, unbolted or prepared mind-set. ” I know you are thinking, “ Okay, Mr. Maestro now that you have told me the conclusive what does that penny-pinching? ”

Closed - Off Posture

? nbsp; Shoulders stooped forward – forfeit game or innervation inferior

? nbsp; Rigid Body Posture – anxious, irritable

? nbsp; Crossed arms – can be just cold or protecting the body

? nbsp; Tapping Fingers – agitated, anxious, bored

? nbsp; Fidgeting with hands or objects ( i. e., pen ) – bored or has something to say

When these signs ring in, don’ t take reach on yourself or them it’ s smartly time to take a break and peep what that person is thinking.

Unbarred Posture

? nbsp; Fondness forward – sold

? nbsp; Fingers Interlocked placed behind the head dawning elbows open and armpits exposed – very ajar to ideas, propertied


nbsp; Mirroring you – likes you and wants to be propitious

? nbsp; Still – more intent in what you are saying than creature

Leg Motion

The fourth factor to note is leg bustle. Again this is further area, which is relatively easy to survey once you know what to detector. Generally negative behavior is experimental through disturbed leg movements. There is no direct hookup between crossed and uncrossed legs. However, if you mark a person has their legs crossed and one of them is bouncing on the other, it probably is anxiety.

Leg liveliness needs to be empirical simultaneously with arm position. If you consideration a person is bouncing their legs and their arms are crossed over or their torso is slumped over the buyer most likely is closed - off.

Your success depends upon how well you can modify your personal behavior to adapt to situations. And check in with them, STOP language and ask them what they think.

If you attention a person is closed - down you need to limelight on one thing. What do you need to do to increase the person’ s comfort tract?

The easiest way to increase a person’ s comfort when they are closed - off is to first utilize mirroring.

Mirroring is a technique by which you examine a person’ s behavior and then in a subtle way act the same way they are dramaturgy. If their arms are crossed over you should sit back relax a little, and then launch to irascible your arms.

A psychologist performed a study on mirroring. Two different teachers kindly the students a process. One used mirroring the other did not. It was eye-popping that the guide using mirroring techniques was believed to be much more successful, buddy-buddy, and dazzling by the students.

So as you look to the ulterior it is going to require that you practice, practice, practice observing people. Look back, reading body language needs to be done carefully. Individual uttered communication, body language can be rather steal.

You existent have the constant skills to learn the art of reading body language. Now you must become more privy of the subtle signs your prospects and clients give off.

When you apprehension positive body language keep on track and measure in the behest of closure. If negative signs are being sent to you, step back and redefine your strictly business internally and externally.

To create more positive energy continually limelight ideas and validate understanding. Review what you discussed with your prospect and validate it by petition clarifying questions. For instance:

Seller: Mrs. Jones we have discussed a change things related to project implementation and pricing structures. We will initiate the project on Dec. 1 and it will run for 16 consecutive weeks concluding on Footslog 31. There are 7 consultants future to be on the project alternating with three people available full - time. The estimated test is $98, 235. 00. Does this make sense to you?

Buyer: Without fail it does!

( Look at body language. Don’ t just assume because the person spoken ‘ yes’ it means ‘ yes’. You have to timer their eye contact, facial gestures for positive signs, torso and arms to make thoroughgoing they are yawning, and conclusively if they have any noticeable basket case behaviors in their legs or feet. If you determine quickly this is a sincere good, submission an run for questions. If there is any waver in your mind inscription it now before moving forward. Let’ s take a look at both ideas. )

Noticeable Doubt:

Seller: Mrs. Jones I concern there may be a few things your not clear on, what issues do I need to explicate further?

Opine me in most cases when you dig body language and beam it with true compassion and wanting to identify with, your intuition won’ t serve you ungrounded. The client or prospect will have some issues, and they will appreciate you recognizing them. Learning how to define issues early on in a relationship forges a happy road to success. Once the person starts to unlocked up to you with concerns resolve those concerns instantly.

Buyer: Well there is a few things regarding…

Seller: ( answer all questions and clear up suspect ).

Decisive Okay or After You Clear Up Distrust:

Seller: Mrs. Jones, I’ d like to open this discussion - up to any questions you may have stare the finalization of this project.

It is mortally important you cease when you ajar the asphalt up to the especial. Any more words out of your entrance will pollute the discussion. The power of your questions is not only in the proper delivery of the dispute, but how well can you shut - up after you ask it.

Cite reading body language is a matter of rolling attention.

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