Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Oxygen ' s Vital Importance to the Human Body

Cancer cells cannot grow in an oxygen rich environment. So says Dr Otto Warburg, Nobel prize winner. Dr Warburg says that when oxygen is deficient within our cells and fermentation is exchanged for a cell’ s energy, the track to cancer is opened.. When the natural respiration of body cells is replaced by cell respiration deficient in oxygen, the road to cancer has been opened.

All functions of our body are regulated by oxygen. It must be replaced every moment because 90 % of our lives depends on it. Oxygen energizes cells so they can treat. Our body. uses oxygen to metabolise food and to eliminate toxins and waste through sparks. Our brain needs oxygen each second to process information. All of our organs need a great deal of oxygen to function efficiently. The ability to think, feel, move eat, sleep and even talk all depend on energy generated from oxygen.

Oxygen is the only element capable of combining with nearly every other element to form the essentials components necessary to build and maintain our body. For exemplification oxygen + nitrogen + hydrogen= protein: oxygen + effigy + hydrogen=carbohydrates: oxygen + hydrogen=water.

How important is oxygen to a healthy body? Many experts conclude that a deprivation of oxygen in human cells and tissue is linked to a never-ending collection of and fully maybe all health problems and disease, and that supplemental oxygen therapies have remarkable physiological benefits. It plays a very important role in the body drama as guardian and upholder against menacing bacteria and disease conformation. Most scientists and doctors reiterate that metabolic disorders are the completion of blood deficient in oxygen.

Oxygen is absorbed by haemoglobin in the blood and is transferred to every cell in the body. Cellular homeostatis is dependent on an adequate supply of oxygen in the blood, and a absence of oxygen results in illness, poor vitality poor stamina, exhaustion and a general weak disposition. Authorities stress that most diseases especially yeast or fungal infections like candida albians happen most frequently in any oxygen poor environment in the body.

Dr. Stephen Levine, a molecular zoologist and relevant nutrition researcher has also stated, " We can look at oxygen deficiency as the single greatest cause of disease. " And so the development of a shortage of oxygen in the blood could very well be the prime point for the loss of the immune system and the dawning of feared health problems such as cancer, leukemia, aids, seizures, nerve deterioration and candida.

Many oxygen products encourage to weaken the body with oxygen, regularly creating flagitious oxygen free radicals. One must rely on a product that supplies developing oxygen. Budding fixin's newly born and in biochemical terms, a newly born divergent department of oxygen is negatively thrilled ( O - ) Free radicals, which many biochemists swallow is the primary cause of premature aging and degenerative disease are positively moved single atoms of oxygen ( O + ) Growing oxygen is attracted to the ( O + ) forming a particle of pure oxygen ( O2 ) at cellular levels seat it is needed, for processes, such as cleaning cells. Oxygen therapy is becoming very necessary over of today`s depleted oxygen levels. Oxygen Therapy is any supplemental process that supplies oxygen to an oxidant starved body, and there are many forms of oxygen therapy.

Cellfood is the #1 selling oxygen and nutrient supplement in the world, but many humans still do not know of its existence. However, it provides young oxygen and hydrogen to the body through its water disjoining technology. It also provides 78 interpret ionic minerals and 17 amino acids and 34 metabolic enzymes, plus electrolytes to the body. It is remarkably bioavailability to the human cells as of the size of its molecules, which is strikingly fine ( measured in nanometres ) and so the body mistakes it for its own fluids. Cellfood can be bought at http: / / www. nucellcanada. ca / store / cellfood. html

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