Saturday, January 24, 2015

No More Gray with Catalase

Most of us do not look forward to our hair turning gray. Whether it is the gray hair we frantically " pluck " at first sighting or the diverse gray hairs framing our face, lining our part, or just scattered throughout our hair... we want it out! Trips to the beauty salon, or the hair care section, could be a fad of the elapsed. The solution to no more gray hair may be within our strings.

Catalase, long known for its vital role in the body ' s overall health, has been linked with our hair ' s natural graying process. The role of Catalase, found in all living organisms, is to break down hydrogen peroxide into water and oxygen. This breakdown is essential to prevent damage to the body, thereupon slice the body ' s natural defenses.

As we age, the body ' s production of Catalase begins to deplete. While this exiguity affects the entire body, studies are finding this breakdown is associated with our hair losing its color and turning gray. Through out life, our hair cells produce small amounts of hydrogen peroxide. An adequate level of Catalase within the hair follicle space this down to water and oxygen, thereupon allowing the hair follicle to stay healthy and maintain its color. With the aging process, Catalase levels produce to decrease; unfortunately, hydrogen peroxide continues to build up within the hair follicle.

This elevation, combined with the retrenchment of Catalase, brings about a chain reaction. Research indicates the enzymes MSR A and B also abetment in the breakdown of hydrogen peroxide within the hair follicle. As Catalase decreases, the enzymes MSR A and B alone cannot repair the damage. Without powerhouse levels of Catalase, hydrogen peroxide continues to increase within the hair follicle. As hydrogen peroxide begins to " bleach " the hair color, the hair follicle cannot solve enough melanin ( hair color pigment ) to overcome this increase. Now our " natural defense " against hydrogen peroxide decreases with age, our hair is in reality ashen from the inside out.

Try has found a Catalase enzyme supplement can help restore and build - up the levels of Catalase depleted with the aging process. While hair color also depends on the enzymes MSR A and B, it is clear the expressing role Catalase plays in the " balance " of the hair follicle ' s ability to sustain its color. With increased Catalase levels, the body ' s natural ability to restore and maintain hair color could be rejuvenated and perhaps maintained for age.

For more information about No More Gray, or any of our premium health supplements, please vacation our website. Retain... it ' s your life... your health... live well!

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