Friday, January 23, 2015

* * * Hormonal Migraines and Copper Toxicity

High copper levels are probably the most common biochemical cause of migraine headaches. Quoted by Dr Lawrence Wilson.

A copper imbalance is ofttimes overlooked, thanks to it is not always simple to detect. It is an exorbitantly common nutritional imbalance. Copper Toxicity is a build up of copper in the body.

I first learned about copper toxicity when I decided to get a hair analysis mineral test to glimpse if it would help in giving me any clues to why I was getting chronic migraines, especially hormonal migraines. Hair analysis is a test that can help separate copper toxicity as blood tests do not fair what is happening in the body at cellular level.

Estrogen and Copper.

A repeat from Dr. Malter’ s book: “ The Strands of Health”.

One of the most denoting bio chemical and metabolic developments since the prong of world contention two involves the rife use of female contraceptives. This is in that there is such a close relationship between estrogen and copper and biochemical systems. With the rife use of the estrogen in the pellet and the estrogen replacement therapy extrinsic copper builds up in the cells and the tissues of very large numbers of females. This has become a major contributing factor to both psychological and physical health problems that they experience.

How Copper Toxicity is related to hormonal Migraines

Approximately a life span to ten days before a expression the copper and estrogen levels are relatively high. When the hormones at variance, so did the migraines. It was totally automatic, just like clockwork. They happened more or less to the exact day of my cycle. As the copper was being dirt poor in my body thankfully the migraines were being down-and-out as well.

Copper Imbalance Symptoms

• Hair-trigger thoughts

• Anxiety

• Attention abridgement disorder

• Canidida Overgrowth

• Migraine Headaches

• Dysmenorrhea

• Autism

• Anorexia

• Insomnia


• Liver dysfunction

• Plus more

Copper may affect any organ of the body and much affects four major systems of the body. Copper builds up in the liver, the brain ( post it affects neurotransmitter levels ), the nervous system and the female and male reproductive system.

Our bodies need copper; it is an essential report mineral that is terribly important for both physical and mental health. However we need copper in the correct levels.

Sources of Copper

Some of the sources of copper are: the water pipes in your home and hot water channel ( if copper ), copper cookware, copper from dental materials ( exposure ), vitamin pills, drinking water, fungicide and pesticide residues on food, sleeping pills, tranquilizers, copper intra - uterine devices and birth superintendence pills.

Copper may also build up in the body due to bio unavailable copper. This is oftentimes contributed to weak adrenal glands. The adrenal gland stimulates the liver to produce ceruloplasmin, the major copper binding protein. If the ceruloplasmin levels are inadequate copper cannot be used by the body and copper builds up in the tissues.

If Zinc becomes deficient, then copper tends to gather. The earth’ s smear is low in zinc.

Vegetarians tend to eat proteins that are high in copper and they repeatedly do not eat enough foods high in zinc.

High copper diets are ones that much build in sesame seeds or psycho.,

My Hair Tests

My first hair test SHOWED Copper level 186. 44ppm / Usual Level is 25ppm

This is an quite high reading. In reality this is over 7 times the common level and it was off the chart.

Sustain hair test one season subsequent 164. 28ppm

At this movement I was not detoxing the copper as I was detoxing off the pharmaceutical medications and since unable to do both.

Six months after taking a supplemental diet for copper haphazard detox I had more hair test.

Query Hair Test: Copper level 19. 32ppm

There was a large improvement in my health. However, my hair test was still flash that I had a clouded copper toxicity. This is severely important, your copper levels may not fanfare high on the test, but you still have a copper overload. This is locale you need a qualified hair analysis person to interpret the test. It is fully composite to be able to read and make out the hair test.

For migraine sufferers I cannot stress how important it is to find the underlying cause of your migraines. The hair analysis test shows so much about what is happening in the body at cellular level. It also shows other toxic heavy metals that may be causing a dysfunction in the body. Also it gives a clear indication of what is happening with the mineral balances in our body. The mineral balance in our body has a huge effect in our overall health.

Detoxing your body of copper is quite heterogeneous and I have information about this in “ Learn to Free Yourself from Migraines”.

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