Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Heart Health And Clean Arteries - Part 1

One of the most important health issues I stress to my patients is creating, or maintaining, heart health. The best ways to lock up heart health and its all - important job of developing nourishing blood to every part of your body is to prevent plaque buildup and bad off blood flow in arteries. Diet, exercise, lifestyle changes, and certain supplements can work together to accomplish this goal!

In this first of a two - part series, I would like to describe to you a little about what coronary artery disease and blocked arteries can miserly. Then we ' ll talk about the proactive things you can do to avoid these conditions naturally without drugs or surgery.

Part II will deal with a controversial subject chelation therapy. Chelation methods of detoxing arteries with natural supplements have been an alternative medicine approach to arterial plaque for several oldness now.

First I would like to give you a little intimacy on coronary artery disease and arterial blockages, how they develop and how you can prevent them with diet, exercise and supplements and cut your risk for heart attack, stroke, drugs and by passes!

Coronary Artery Disease and Blocked Arteries

Many people do not envision they have coronary artery disease, or arterial plaque build - up, until they wind up in an predicament room with an attack of angina ( heart pain ), or a heart attack! Both can be caused by the arteries of the heart not getting enough blood, repeatedly from plaque buildup.

It was previously study that a high saturated fat diet was the primary cause of arterial plaque. However, the French Paradox came along and taught us that sparks has a lot more to do with cholesterol turning into those arterial plaques and blockages.

You penetrate, the French people eat a dishy high saturated fat diet but they also drink a lot of red flushed! This led to the enlightenment of a very important chemical in red claret called resveratrol. This is a powerful anti - oxidant which helps keep cholesterol lipids in blood from oxidizing into those arterial clogging plaques. Cholesterol undergoes scintillation first before it hardens into plaque. Ensuring that we get enough anti - oxidants in our diet to prevent bonfire, then, is key!

Who Is At Risk?

As I tell my patients, there is no hard and fast picture of the person who will develop coronary artery disease. It depends on a few factors such as:

1. Do you eat an unhealthy diet low in vitamins / antioxidants?

2. Do you be present?

3. Do you exercise ofttimes?

Prevent Blocked Arteries and Heart Disease

As I advise my patients, keeping your arteries flowing freely with low risk of heart disease involves a three - flock approach on your part. However, that go will reward you with enough heart health and stamina to live your life to the fullest into senescent age! Let ' s look at what this entails:

€ขDiet €“ Arterial disease is not all about how much saturated fat you eat.

Although I do endorse limiting saturated loathsome fat to 25 - 30 grams a day, I think it more important to prevent these fats from oxidizing and turning into plaque. Diets rich in anti - oxidants and polyphenols help dissolve saturated fats and stop heat. These constitute red bloodshot, unfledged apples, olive oil, oolong / bosky / white teas, Omega - 3 rich nuts, coconut oils, nature cider vinegar. Add high fiber foods like gold, peas, whole grains, to absorb saturated fats and remove them through elimination before they enter the bloodstream as lipids.

€ขExercise €“ Interval aerobic exercise, moving, running, bicycling, elliptical, stair stepper, treadmill, jumping rope, your choice. Interval exercise is warming up slowly for 10 minutes and then going at your capacity for 1 - 2 minutes then slowing down to a resting swiftness for 3 minutes and repeating for a set of 6 intervals. If you church ' t done aerobic exercise for a long while, do a slower lukewarm - up, and try for half your capacity for 1 minute for 2 weeks. Slowly increase every go and build a innumerable capacity. This helps your heart remodel to move it remonstrance loads. It also builds good HDL and lowers LDL ( bad ) choleserol and burns body fat. Also, 20 minutes 3 butterfly a tour of weight training. This creates muscle and burns fat even at rest.

€ขSupplements €“ 1, 000 mg / daily Omega - 3 fish and krill oils boost HDL and lower LDL cholesterol; 1 - 2 gm / daily of Vitamin C builds collagen which strengthens arterial walls. CoQ - 10, 100 mg, is a crucial anti - oxidant that works with Vitamin E to coadunate to LDL cholesterol and prevent luminosity. As we age CoQ10 levels decrease so it is important to supplement them. Other powerful anti - oxidants constitute resveratrol ( found in red vermeil, gloomy red grapes and berries ), pomegranate juice, and undecayed tea. Niacin ( and other B vitamins ) is also effective at reducing LDL and boosting HDL cholesterol, 1 - 3 gm / day. Chelation supplements which contain EDTA, and antioxidants, which we ' ll talk about in more detail in Part II.

€ขSmoking €“ Quit! Smokers are at much higher risk of developing arterial plaque as of the toxins in cigarette ensue which contribute to luminosity damage in your body.

There you have the basics of what I urge to keep your arteries free from obstructing plaques and keep your heart from suffering bound, if not life - threatening, consequences.

Part II of this series on heart health deals with the pros and cons of removing existing arterial plaque from your arteries called chelation therapy which uses ingredients so safe they ' re even in baby food! Proper me here next point and learn about this drugless, surgery - free way to clean arteries and protect your heart!

Mark Rosenberg, M. D.

Institute For Healthy Aging

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