Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Guide to Choosing a Juicer

Your Guide to Choosing a Juicer

Choosing a juicer can be a very tough finding, considering the amount of products on the market. The information we keep you with here should arm you with enough knowledge to choose a juicer suitable for your secluded needs.

Firstly, the juicers on our website are selected on the basis of quality, ease of use and reliability and they are all serviced in the UK. All our juicers ooze the pulp ( fibres ) separately to own planed juicing. We do not repeatedly sell ' high - conduct ' juicers, as the ones we have tested have been found to be of poor quality and onerous to clean. The motors and juicing parts nurture not to be as filtered as with the crackerjack juicers which can lead to poor quality juice with lots of froth and a very wet pulp. These factors can usually be enough to turn the user off juicing for good!

There are different types of juicers oftentimes referred to as ' centrifugal ', ' masticating ' ' twin gear ' and ' citrus ' juicers. We will pursuit to reveal further the different types of juicers below but firstly, we will cover how juicing works.

What is Juicing?

Juicing is the separation of the juice and the fibre ( pulp ) from the produce being juiced. The juicing process big break down the cells of the produce which releases the liquids in to one container and the fibres are outworn in to a separate container.

Why would we want to do this?

Removing the fibre allows us to get at more of those essential nutrients contained in fruits and vegetables which would poles apart take a lot of chewing to eat, juice is also much easier for the body to absorb and digest. As we are now being hoping to eat 5 different portions of fruit and vegetables per day - juicing is an excellent way to get these nutrients in to our bodies. The juicing process also discards the chemicals found in non - organic food into the pulp.

The heating of food destroys a momentous proportion of the vitamins, minerals and enzymes contained in it, it also changes the structure of the molecules - making it more laborious for the body to absorb and in turn less digestible.

The use of natural ' raw ' foods in treating cancer and other sincere illnesses has proved successful stage conventional current medicine has failed.


Bosky JUICES: Puerile juices cleanse the body of pollutants and have a rejuvenating outgrowth. Made from a shift of undried vegetables, grassy juices are rich in chlorophyll, which helps to purify the blood, build red blood cells, detoxify and heal the body, and procure the body with fast energy. Grassy juices can be made with alfalfa sprouts, chips, kale, dandelion greens, spinach, and other unseasoned vegetables, including wheatgrass. To sweeten and dilute your raw juices, try adding fresh carrot and macrocosm juice. Although leafy juices have great health benefits, they should be played out in acumen. Try drinking about 8 to 10 ounces a day.

VEGETABLE JUICES: Fresh vegetable juices are restorers and builders. They boost the immune system, remove acid wastes, and balance the metabolism. They also aid in the restraint of obesity by removing haphazard body fat. Among the most healthful and tempting of the vegetable juices are beet, coin, carrot, celery, cucumber, kale, parsley, turnip, spinach, watercress, and wheatgrass juice. Carrot juice is probably the most popular of the juices and is packed with beta - carotene, the vitamin A captain that helps fight cancer. Considering carrots are the sweetest of the vegetables, their juice is not just palatable on its own, but is great for mixing with other vegetables to increase their appeal. On the other hand, strong - flavoured vegetables - broccoli, celery, onions, parsley, rutabaga, and turnips, for instance - should be used in small amounts only. Garlic is also a great addition to vegetable drinks in small amounts. For the greatest health benefits, use many different vegetables when making your juices. That way, you will equip your body with a shift of important nutrients.

FRUIT JUICES: Fruit juices help to cleanse the body and build up it with important nutrients, including cancer fighting antioxidants. Although any fruit can be used, certain juices are particularly healthful and scrumptious. One favourite cleansing juice is watermelon. To make this refreshing drink, place a whole piece of watermelon - with rind uncondensed - in the juicer. Other distinctive juices can be made with apples, berries, citrus fruits, kiwi, melons, pears - or just about any fruit that you want to use. You can savor fruit juices at any time of the day. About 10 to 12 ounces per day is recommended.

Types of Juicer

We will now account for the different types of juicers and their particular advantages and disadvantages.

Centrifugal ( high - speed ) Juicers

These type of juicers work by centrifugal force ( pleasing much like a Hurricane ), the produced is pushed down on to a grater which is revolving at approximately 10, 000 Revolutions Per Minute ( RPM ). The speed of the grater effectively shreds the produce and the centrifugal force created beneath - sucks the liquid through which is dispensed into a cistern. The fibres are flung upwards and are disused into a separate container.

Advantages: These juicers are much very easy to use and are quick at powerhouse juice. The juice quality is very good. We have tested the majority of centrifugal juicers on the market and have found that the L ' Transfer 110. 5

' Mini ' juicer is the best of the bunch by far. A good entry - level choice of juicer to start with if you are not clear-cut that you will use it on a regular basis.

Disadvantages: Centrifugal juicers introduce oxygen and heat into the juicing process which reduces the shelf - life. Juice produced from these types of juicers should be drank at once to prevent any further loss in nutritional value, in consequence it cannot be stored. This juicing process is not as effective when juicing sprouting produce and therefrom they are not recommended for juicing wheatgrass and other juvenile greens such as spinach. This type of produce can be successfully fed through by screwing it up in to a ball and feeding through between firmer produce but the turnout is nowhere near as good as with ' masticating ' and ' twin gear ' juicers. Also, the pulp will be wetter than that from the other types of extraction process. They can be slightly unmelodious due to the high - speed motor.

Whole Fruit Centrifugal Juicers

More and more of these juicers are appearing on the market now and while the benefits of not having to chop up the produce before feeding through the machine seems great at first - the downsides can outweigh the good. Firstly, the extra power needed to juice whole fruit increases three - flock over the L ' Keep 110. 5, so the extra frictional heat that is created can further destroys the enzymes and the amount of froth produced is altogether more! This extra power can also production in the machine sounding like a starless engine taking off and some of our customers have reported concerns about the backwash on their legitimacy!

Secondly, once you have done a impartial bit of chopping up of produce - you ' ll be surprised what you find inside. Grubs and decay can be found in even the most okay looking produce - do you really want to contaminate what you are drinking with this? If your requirements still point to a Whole Fruit juicer, examine the Easy Health Tornado as it utilises far less power than some of the high - plan versions.

Masticating Juicers

These type of juicers utilise a slow speed extraction process of between 80 RPM and 100 RPM ( depending on the juicer ) to prevent heat and oxygen thought-provoking the juice. There are different types of ' masticating ' juicers with different processes with the most common being the ' single auger ' process.

Single Auger Juicers

The produce is pushed on to a large, slow turning screw ( the auger ) which crushes the fruit and vegetables against a cone shaped sieve ( the juicing harbour ) which separates the juice from the pulp. The auger contains undeveloped grooves which direct the produce along the juicing keep secret. Juicers in this aggregation enclose the manual Z - Star,

the budget electric Live Enzyme juicer and the motorised L ' Stock Visor 509 and the Matstone 6 in 1

juicers. Contrastive auger juicers are emphatic to juice wheatgrass and discharge an excellent produce, they are also whisper peaceful in business.

Advantages: Excellent quality juice as it has not been mock by frictional fire. This allows willing juices to be stored for up to 48 hours in a refrigerator with minimal loss of nutritional value. They come with fresh attachments for making noodles and pasta and also a various bury for making smoothies, purees, salsas, scant butter and even truffles. Juice can be made in batches, stored in an airtight container and attracted to work or give instruction - you are not liable to only drinking juice when you ' re at home. Juice can also be frosty with scant loss of nutrients, so its a good way to utilise all the rack up that usually gets muddle away.

Disadvantages: It ' s a slow process compared to a centrifugal juicer, the observable difference is in the RPM ( 100 compared to 10, 000 ). Also, the wind up needs to be chopped smaller to fit the subsistence chute ( ofttimes 38mm ). Unfortunately, the slow speed is the market price you have to fee to get the best quality juice.

Offbeat Machete Juicer

The Champion juicer, the underived and only true ' masticating ' juicer has been around for 50 caducity. It utilises a ripper that has imperceptible teeth running along it which shreds and chews the produce. It operates at just over 1, 000 RPM and is a commercial grade juicer which you will find in bars and restaurants around the country. This is one of our best - selling juicers due to the actuality that its utterly well built and then should last a life - time.

Advantages: Especially good at chewing through harder produce like carrots and apples. Includes an extra salt away for making smoothies, purees, salsas, peanut butter and even truffles. An ' wanton ' go underground for juicing soft fruits can be purchased from us separately and there is also a Grain Mill for milling your own flour and grinding coffee. This is an inordinately robust machine. Its commercial capability means that it can be run for longer than other internal models without giving it a breather. It also has a feed chute of 45mm which is the biggest in the able range.

Disadvantages: Unseasoned greens have to be passed through in small amounts with harder produce. When juicing larger volumes of stout vegetables and greens, there can be a slight increase in temperature of the juice from friction. Refrigerating produce abbot to use does cool this. However, providing you are happy to juice any greens with plenty of carrot and universe, this should never happen. The Champion is not suitable for juicing wheatgrass.

Twin Gear ( Triturating ) Juicers

The most affective juicers out there. They utilise two stainless steel cylindrical gears that sit side by side. The produce is taut in and effectively pulverised by the gears. This process produces the best quality juice and the highest turnout of all the juicers. We always forward these juicers first if your budget allows. Different models have their own singular selling points but our first recommendations are the Twin Health Living, Raw Power Kempo, The

' Angelia ' Live Enzyme Pro and the Green Star range.

Advantages: The best quality juice you are going to get with the longest shelf - life. Although these type of juicers cost significantly more than the others, the savings made due to the gain in income and nutritional value will remuneration for itself in the long - term. They come with separate screens for juicing different produce and the build quality is excellent. Excellent at all foliate greens and wheatgrass.

Disadvantages: Depending on the machine, these are the slowest of the juicers.

All juicers struggle with soft fruits like oranges, strawberry, kiwi etc compared to with harder fruit and vegetables as the pulp is much stickier which sometimes causes blockages, also the yield from these fruits isn ' t as good, The following juicers have a separate harbour included or that can be purchased separately for juicing soft fruits. The Champion Juicer, Recent Power Kempo, Twin Health Living and the Unripe Star juicers.

Citrus Juicers

These machines are fireball to juicing oranges, grapefruit, pomegranate and other citrus fruit and since produce a better takings than using one of the conventional juicers chief. They are motorised beat of the old reamer style and can be manually or automatically operated by the user, good models are the Citri - Star and the Remida range. There are also Citrus Presses which desire the user to pull down on a lever which juices the half orange, we cry the Endearment - Lever citrus press.

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