Friday, January 23, 2015

Floating Upstream: Awakening Your Energetic Intelligence for Greater Ease and Well - Being

How much energy do you have by the pole of the day? Do you repeatedly feel vital, alive, ready to interact warmly with family or friends? Or do you feel tense, weary, ready to eat and just wristwatch TV?

If you feel low energy after a typical day, you’ re not alone. It’ s common in our hurried society for people to feel worn out by day’ s heel. Hereafter many people push through enervate whereas of multiple worries and demands. They can cusp up sensation taut, rushed, and worn out all at the same time. It’ s no wonder that stress is among the leading causes of physical and psychological problems in the United States. Over half of working adults recently surveyed reported being concerned about stress. 1 Chronic stress can negatively affect our physical and emotional health, contributing to anxiety, depression, obesity, hypertension, heart danger, and general weakening of our immune system.

Keeping our energy strong and reducing stress can act on nutrition, exercise, and so on; those important topics are occult elsewhere in this book. Here I want to cogitate one way we consistently either build or drain our energy: through some of the decisions we make many times each day.

What kinds of decisions make such a difference? Usually not the smaller, over ones, like what you will wear today or what you will have for lunch. I’ m referring to the subtle decisions we make. Our internal choices, our native habits of anticipation and perceiving, can be so automatic that we may not even observance we made a choice. After all these decisions engage our energy and can either build up or deplete our life force.

One way we use our energy without bad eye is through mental storytelling. Have you ever rehearsed an upcoming conversation or immense location? Many of us do this mental rehearsal. It can be utilitarian if used deliberately to build up our confidence and energy. But the understanding of rehearsing we do without awareness is an energy remove. On and on our thoughts and feelings go. We oftentimes borderline up anxious, reaction worst event scenarios.

Along with impending rehearsing, many of us do not easily let go of elapsed upsets. Can you recall a recent strenuous conversation? Once it was over, how many times did you play it over in your mind? Did your feelings get involved? Did you feel confusion or anger, frustration or helplessness?

We are prone to these replays. We review what he uttered, what she uttered, and if only I had spoken... But as we vividly imagine our story, our bodies don’ t really know the difference between what’ s mistaken and what’ s real. Our heart standard goes up, our breathing becomes shallower, and we use our energy to manifold the experience, creating upsetting feelings and their biochemical reactions in our bodies. 6 The truth is, we choose to jump on those trains of cogitation and reaction. But many of us make this choice so quickly and automatically that we don’ t even heed we chose to jump and just get carried away. The good data is that we can learn to mind these choice points and redirect our internal hub and energy in more productive ways that sanction us happier and stronger.

Scheme what life would be without such negative visualizations. You’ d be in the present moment more— the only place we live anyway, and which many spiritual traditions teach is a threshold to inner peace. Part of developing our energetic intelligence is increasing our awareness of how we use our life force and bringing our attention and energy back into present time. As people grow in awareness and make different choices, many discover that they become more relaxed and centered.

It’ s easier to be relaxed when we’ re not using so much energy to mull over foregone upsets or mistaken, negative planned events!

When we’ re not scattering our energies among past, present, and destined, we have more energy available to stimulate our entire system. We become more internally spacious and better able to respond instead of reacting, even in hard situations. Our sense of tone termination. We become better impressive to float through the plain stream of stress more calmly— paradoxically, we become more productive, with greater ease and less tryout.

Learning to use our energy for health has been a science in the East for centuries and is known in the West through acupuncture, Tai Chi, and other energy practices. 7 Across cultures and time, healers have used the knowledge of the body’ s energy systems. 8 Einstein was the first Western scientist to evince that all leaven is really energy. Currently, energy psychology is examining techniques that use the body’ s energy to heal emotional oppression and hurtful. 9 Some scientists in medicine and physics are predicting a major come in polestar from end to energy as the basis for human healing and transformation. 10

So what does this rapacious for you and your well - being? How we use our energy makes a difference in our physical and emotional health. Becoming outgoing to our internal choices is one part of developing our energetic intelligence: our special ability to be well-informed of our energetic decisions and to learn how to use our energy more skillfully to be happier, healthier beings.

There are many techniques to help us return to the present and strengthen our energy. Becoming acquainted of our breath ( which is always in present time ), moments of eternal rest, meditation, and energy exercises including Qigong are all useful. Getting expectant about our own energy use is an excellent rudimental place for awakening our energetic intelligence.

Try this simple exercise to gang up your extra energy back at the spire of the day: before you sleep, note footing you still have active energy about people or events from your day. Situation are you still using energy through thoughts or feelings; footing are you still having leftover reactions? Without jumping on any train of introspection, just note a few places latitude your energy is still connected— perhaps your job, your family, or the commute home. Then visualize a glowing energy ball in your heart area, like a illumined ball of string or shoelace. Each strand of that netting is your life energy; some strands are still stretched out into your day. Envisage the ball dawn to turn within your heart, pulling back the energy strands of leftover feelings or thoughts about the day. Avow the ball of energy - shoelace to grow in your heart as all the strands congregate back to your seat. When it feels complete, let on the energy to luminosity brighter and gradually fill your entire body with soft warmness and relaxation.

Try this exercise for a extent. Flash what you concern about your sleep and dreams or your daytime energy levels and choices. Become aware of how your body feels when you have greater awareness of your energy, and ear your interactions with others.

I invite you to play with and explore your awareness of how you use your energy. Even small increases in awareness will help you develop your energetic intelligence, clearing the way for greater vitality, ease, and well - being in all areas of your life.

* * This article is one of 101 great articles that were published in 101 Great Ways to Improve Your Health. To get complete details on “ 101 Great Ways to Improve Your Health”, holiday http: / / selfgrowth. com / healthbook3. html

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