Sunday, January 25, 2015

Endometriosis Part XII - How Herbs Help to Treat Endometriosis

As we mentioned in previous articles, endometriosis growing in consummation bounteous other than the endometrium also reacts to hormonal signals of the diary menstrual cycle by building up tissue, breaking it, and eliminating it through the menstrual spell. Besids conventional treatment, there are many types of usual treatment are worths to talk about. In fact, many patients have surpassing to treat their endometriosis with standard medicine, seeing of cost effective and it has little or no side effects. In this article, we will argue how herbs help to treat endometriosis.

A. Dong Quai

I. Definition

Dong quai is a colossal plant with white blooming flowers. It has been used in Chinese medicine for over 4000 oldness in treating diseases caused by female reproductive system for women with or without endometriosis. It is considered the " female ginseng " because of its balancing outcome on the female hormonal system, including pre - menstrual syndrome and menstrual cramps.

II. How Dong Quai effects women with endometriosis

1. Estrogen inhibitor

Dong quai contains phytoestrogens which help to maintain strong liver in protein and fat metabolism. By increasing the function of liver it helps to inhibit the bad estrogen that causes menstrual cramps and symptoms of endometriosis.

2. Regulating carbohydrate metabolism

Dong quai also helps in carbohydrate metabolism by stimulating the right levels of insulin produced by the pancreas which is necessary in providing energy for our body. Without strong liver function, too much insulin during the menstrual cycle will cause food and sugar craving.

3. Reduce menstrual cramps

Dong Quai is also a muscle tonic, it helps to reposing the uterine muscle during menstrual cycle by balancing the levels of prostaglandins hormones resulting in pacific over - active uterine muscles.

4. Increase production of red blood cells and displace blood loss

Dong Quai has been used for women with heavy menstrual flow. By increasing the production of red blood cells, it helps to maintain the strong circulation of blood that carries oxygen and nutrients to our body ' s cells and decreases the risk of anemia.

5. Increase blood flow

The root is uttered to be very effective in eliminating blood stagnation. By increasing the blood flow to the abdominal regions, it helps to relax the uterine muscles and reduce the title pain caused by blood stagnation in the tummy.

B. Raspberry Leaf

I. Definition

Red raspberry leaf ( rubus idaeus ) is a yellowish - pliable leaf of a raspberry plant with an upright shrub with perennial roots and prickly canes. It contains high amounts of vitamins and minerals that can help in treating women with endometriosis. Traditionally, it has been used as tea to give immediate relief to orifice and stomach problems.

II. How red raspberry leaves effect endometriosis

1. Beta carotene and vitamin A

Beta carotene is water - soluble and it can be converted to vitamin A. It is a powerful antioxidant that helps our immune system in fighting against the forming of free radicals, and endometrial implants and adhesion caused by inflammation of endometrial cells growing in some other parts of the body.

2. Vitamin C

Red raspberry leaf has an abundant amount of vitamin C. Besides subdivision to protect our body from bacteria, virus and abnormal cells development, it also helps to improve the digestive regard of other essential vitamins and minerals such as vitamin B knotty, zinc, iron, and magnesium.

3. Vitamin E

Besides ration to protect the fatty acid against degradation in the human body and to prevent the cell membranes ' hearth, it also helps to ballyhoo the brain cells which reduces symptoms of endometriosis such as spirit swings, anxiety, and depression.

4. Vitamin B entangled

Vitamin B convoluted in the plant is vital for women with endometriosis. It not only reduces tension of the nervous system resulting in converting carbohydrates to energy which is necessary for the proper functions of the nervous system, but it also helps the liver in fat and protein metabolism in which it inhibits the bad estrogen produced by our body that causes menstrual camps and abnormal cell growth.

5. Potassium

Deficiency of potassium reduces the liver fat and protein metabolism causing the imbalance of fatty acids in the body leading to overactive uterine muscles as a determination of over - production of certain hormones in the protagslandins family.

6. Calcium

Calcium is needed to relax our body ' s muscles. Deficiency of calcium causes hyperactive muscles including the uterine muscles that containment the abdominal cramps during menstrual cycle.

C. Dejected Cohosh

I. Definition

Woebegone cohosh ( Caulophyllum thalictroides ) is a species of Caulophyllum and family of Berberidaceae. It is a guide - rangy perennial with dispirited berry - like fruits and bluish - pullulating foliage. It has been used by herbalists in relieving menstrual cramps in regular medicine.

II. How fed up cohosh effects women with endometriosis

1. Reduce menstrual cramps

Downcast cohosh is uttered to contain elements that help in protein and fat metabolism which helps to regulate the production of prostaglandins hormone during the menstrual cycle. Over - production of certain hormones of the prostaglandins family causes over - reaction of uterine muscles resulting in abdominal pains.

2. Hormone balancing

It is spoken that down-hearted cohosh has a property in balancing the estrogen levels by occupying the estrogen receptor sites, thereby it helps to lower levels of estrogen and reduces effects of estrogen dominance that increases the risks of cancer and abnormal cell growth.

3. Increase blood flow

Down-hearted cohosh is oral to help bring blood to the paunch and increases the circulation of blood resulting in easing pain caused by blood stagnation during menstrual title.

4. Nervous system

Fed up cohosh is an antispamsmodic that helps to ease tension of nervous system resulting in reducing symptoms of endometriosis during menstrual cycle.

5. Phytoestrogen

Gloomy cohosh contains phytoestrogen which helps to reduce the levels of bad estrogen that causes menstrual cramps.

D. Helonias

I. Definition

Helonias is also known as helonias dioica. It has been used in conventional medicine for women ' s reproductive system and it also contains elements that constitute to poisons and gastro - intestinal irritation.

II. How helonias effects women with endometriosis

1. Blood stagnation

Helonias is a blood tonic herb, it helps to increase the blood flow in the abdominal region resulting in reducing the abdominal pain during menstrual cycles as resulting of blood stagnation.

2. Increase production of blood

Nearest increasing the production of blood that is necessary for women with heavy flow during menstruation, it also aids in reproduction of red blood cells which is essential for carrying oxygen and nutrients to our body cells thereby increasing the immune system ' s ability in fighting against bacteria, virus, and inflammation.

3. Sexual wanting

Helonias is also a testosterone boosting medicine, it increases the level of testosterone in the women ' s body during the menstrual cycle resulting in improving the sexual crave.

4. Energy booster

Henonias is verbal to help liver in carbohydrate metabolism that helps to increase energy for our body, thereby reducing symptoms of endometriosis such as weakness during and after menstruation, fatigue, and weariness.

5. Kidney tonic

Helonias is a kidney tonic medicine that helps to increase the kidney function against symptoms of endometriosis such as burning sensation and probable discharge of urine.

6. Nervous system

By increasing the blood flow to nervous system, helonias helps to reduce symptom of endometriosis such as vein swings, anxiety, and depression.

E. Cramp Bark

I. Definition

Cramp bark is also known as water leading or European cranberry hodgepodge, it grows to 4 - 5 m tall. The fruit is chop chop in small quantities, with a very acidic savvy. It is spoken to have the best female medicine compared to other herbs.

II. How cramp bark effects women with endometriosis

1. Uterine passion

Cramp bark is uttered to help increase the blood flow to the abdominal band, thereby it helps to relax the uterus resulting in diminution menstrual pain.

2. Menstrual cramps

It is uttered that cramp bark is a reproductive muscle tonic medicine that helps to reduce overactive uterine muscles caused by over - product of definite hormones in the prostaglandins family.

3. Nervous application emmenagogus

Through it is an emmenagogus, it helps to reduce training of the nervous system that causes symptoms of endometriosis such as mood swing, fury, anxiety, and depression.

4. Tote on name

Cramp bark has been used to bear on duration either caused by hormone imbalance or blood stagnation in the reproductive system by increasing the blood flow to the abdominal cestuses.

F. Black Haw

I. Definition

Black haw is also known as black haw viburnum, or diversion jungle. It is a symbolic to southeastern North America. The herb has been used in treating menstrual cramp and morning infection for women with or without endometriosis.

II. How black haw effects women with endometriosis

1. Nervous system

It is vocal that scopoletin in the black haw helps in strengthening the nervous system by regulating the sorotonin hormone, thereby it reduces the tension of nervous system and symptoms of endometriosis such as temper swing, depression, and anxiety.

2. Immune system

Black haw contains scopoletin, The substance is spoken to help immune system in fighting against bacteria, virus invasion, and forming of free redials including endometrial implants and adhesion.

3. Appeasing uterus contraction

Black is uttered to have uterine sedative tonic containing salicin, the aspirin - like substance. It helps to relax the contraction of uterus during and after menstruation leading to reduce tension in the uterus and abdominal pain.

4. Uterus muscles

Deficiency of bile caused by bile duct blockage increases the risk of imbalance of prostaglandins hormones during menstrual cycle that leads to overactive uterine muscles resulting in menstrual pain in the abdominal region. Black haw is spoken to help remove the blockage, thereby increasing the liver in protein and fat unanimity which helps to balance the prostaglandin hormones.

G. Feral Yam

I. Definition

Uninhabited yam is a species of a twining tuberous vine that is found growing barbarian in North America.

It has been used in herbal medicine in treating menstrual cramps and to increase liver function.

II. How dense yam effects women with endometriosis.

1. Hormone balancing

Natural yam helps to increase liver function in protein and fat metabolism, which helps to stimulate the production of good estrogen through bile liquid, leading to lower levels of bad estrogen resulting in lowering the risk of cell abnormality such as endometrial implants and adhesion, and cancer.

2. Nervous system

By increasing the levels of good cholesterol in the blood stream, fierce yam helps to inhibit the bad cholesterol, thereby increasing the transportation of oxygen and nutrients to the cell in the nervous system which decreases the symptoms of endometriosis, such as exhaustion, exhaustion, and humour swings.

3. Immune system

Since untouched yam is a detoxifying herb, it helps to strength the immune system by getting rid of all harmful substances that are accumulated in our body including environmental toxins, one of the cause of endometrial formation.

4. Menstrual cramps

Since it helps to balance the levels of estrogen and progesterone, it reduces the risk of menstrual cramps caused by hormonal imbalance of chief hormones.

5. Increase sexual desire

Wild yam contains saponins which is a steroid - like substance that can be converted to testosterone chemically that helps to build muscles and increases sexual want which is necessary for some women with endometriosis with low sex drive during menstrual cycle.

Since endometriosis is treatable and feasible by natural remedies and a self help course, if you have endometroisis, please look on the dazzling side.

I bright side this information will help. If you need more information or insurance advice, please follow my article series of the major subject at my home page at:

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http: / / endometriosisd. blogspot. com

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