Monday, January 26, 2015

Eating Raw Meat To Gain Muscle: Is It Healthy?

Having been a former ( recovering ) raw vegan from 2003 - 2010 I used to have a completely different take on eating raw meat than I do now. I never wanted to substratum plant farming for one. But grassy peace was never at the top of my brochure for motivating factors.

Also being a bodybuilder I always painfully implicit the need for high quality protein free of organisms and poisons.

It is my contention that the more we cook and denature the protein atom, the more laborious protein becomes to not only digest but also assimilate into our tissues in assortment to build muscle. Occasionally I will eat some cooked fish. Eating raw meat in the form of fish or sushi has never been something I’ ve been attracted to. Not that it matters what celebrities do, but here’ s a catalogue of celebrities that have been biased eating raw meat:

Uma Thurman

Demi Moore

Natalie Portman

Gordon Ramsay

Eating raw meat in the form of a Steak tartare ( tartar ) using bison, bear and cow is something I’ m more ajar to. In reality I have been doing it. I deduce the dogma involved over many people think that people who eat raw meats that are unprocessed, uninhabited and uncooked are just primitive and solicitation for disease. This is tidily not the position. Many restaurants I’ ve been to around the world serve raw organ meats.

There are some important points to cogitate though before eating raw meat. I want to say that I am in any way hampered for people getting sick while eating raw meat. Eating raw meat is entirely something you take subjection for yourself.

People are very concerned with parasites when eating raw meat. Parasites and worms are tidily natures recyclers. Their job is to feed on and eat dying tissue and flesh. They initiate the process of decomposing the meat of something coporeal. I would never be gone eating raw meat from sick stock eating gentically modified corn and grain while being encaged in eachothers feces. These animals are sick. Eating raw meat from them is 100 % inadvisable. The type of raw meat that I’ m speaking about is from agrarian animals eating their natural diet which is free food, berries or escaped grasses.

These animals are inordinately healthy so the chances of getting any illneses is very low.

When eating raw meat the other thing to think over is your benefitial bacterial levels in your own paunch as well as your hydrochloric acid levels in your stomach. I would never start eating raw meat if you don’ t ad hoc consume fermented foods like saukraut, kefir as well as medicinal mushrooms like Pau d’ arco and Reishi. These types of foods help your body deal with any types of pathogens you may be exposed to either in your food or plainly living.

Since eating raw meat I’ ve been able to really gain some muscle and big time strength. If you’ re lured you should checkout my protein bounce recipes page for some high protein shakes you’ ve probably never heard of before. Just to give you a sense, Sun Man-at-arms Protein Powder is one of the prerequisite ingredients.

I know many people have an disgust to eating raw meat. I know I did. If you’ re not into it but are very eager about it. You may want to flirt with inferno the outside edges of the meat in a pan of coconut oil ( never cook with olive oil, it’ s toxic ) to eradicate any bacteria that could be living on the front edges of the meat.

In my experience if you eat plenty healthy waste animals, and eat plenty of fermented foods, medicinal beige teas, increase your stomach acid and start slowly, eating raw meat can be a great way to consume more healthy protein into your diet which will help you gain muscle and lose weight.

Only you will be able to say if eating raw meat is healthy for you. According to Aajonus Vonderplanitz, if you eat raw meat, you should eat some sort of high quality fat with it like a raw egg or raw butter. If you eat cooked meat, always have a fresh raw salad along with it, in series to bring in the digestive enzymes and fiber.

If you want to learn stage to go to buy raw meat, visit my diet page to find some good online sources for uncooked, organic, grass fed vicious meat.

http: / / www. whattodotogainmuscle. com

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