Saturday, January 24, 2015

Does Wellmune WGP Work?

Wellmune WGP is the only specialty product for boosting the immune system that is scientifically proven to enhance the immune system, as evidenced by studies both demonstrating its effects when absorbed in the body and measuring big improvements in immune response.

Many of the Wellmune WGP studies conducted to date have not been published. I was able to locate these papers and make available the full issue via my website. [See the Author Box for a link].

Wellmune Marathon Study €“ Notebook of Sports Science and Medicine, 2009.

Wellmune Cold and Flu Study €“ Chronicle of Convenient Research, 2009.

Wellmune Antrax and Cancer Study in Mice €“ Notebook of the American Nutraceutical Association, 2002.

Wellmune is not a natural occurring ingredient and is not available on its own in the foods and beverages we consume. Somewhat it is in the class of functional ingredients. Wellmune WGP is aggrandized to foods or beverages, not irritated right away. It is an all - natural compound ( gluco polysachharide ) isolated from the cell walls of a strain of baker ' s yeast harvested in a laboratory environment on sugar cubes. Wellmune tells key immune cells to respond more completely to the presence of disease - causing organisms, resulting in fewer cold and flu infections.

The Chronicle of Immunology, the authorized register of the American Association of Immunologists, reported the mechanism by which Wellmune WGPboosts the immune system. This was found using fluorescently labeled Wellmune WGP that could be tracked with a microscope inside test subjects.

Independent catastrophe showboat that Wellmune engages and stimulates the body ' s natural defenses against a wide range of bodies. Human clinical studies and pre - clinical testing showed that Wellmune boosts the immune system by increasing:

The activation of active immune cells available to defend the body.

The amount of key biomarkers in the blood that regulate the body ' s immune response.

The helpfulness of innate immune cells to the site of a foreign invader, enabling faster flurry on an intruder.

The engulfing of foreign challenges, resulting in a more complete immune response.

The creators of Wellmune and their research collaborators have invested over $250 million in research and development with actuality by organizations such as Brown Cancer Meeting place at the University of Louisville, the State Institute of Health, The Mayo Clinic and the U.

S. and Canadian Departments of Defense.

Over ten science and medical journals have published findings on the safety and skill of Wellmune WGP in the recent several years. In changing catastrophe, Wellmune low the incidence of fever and eliminated the need for study subjects to miss work or train due to colds over a 90 day interval. It ' s important to note that Wellmune WGP does not prevent colds or disease, but that it reduces the harshness and eternity of symptoms.

And study showed that, when enticed daily by post - marathon runners, Wellmune broke upper respiratory principality ( URT ) infection symptoms such as close or runny noses, all common ailments faced after the physical stresses of long country runners. A four second study was finished with 75 runners from the Carlsbad Marathon energetic Wellmune in 2007.

Using a validated psychometric test known as a Fashion of Tenor States ( POMS ) scrutiny, the study measured the spirit states of stunt, enervate, energy, confusion, depression and anger using 65 adjective based paroxysm scales. The Wellmune association reported 22 % else host in bit, 48 % reduction in weariness, 38 % reduction in tension and a 38 % reduction in confusion over the upper hand groups.

A inquisition study done with Wellmune WGP and wildlife firefighters over a two chronology phrase had agnate results. Results showed that the perception of overall health was better in the Wellmune recipients than the government clump. No differences were found in days wayward from work between the two groups. When examining daily levels of exertion at work over the two stint interval, there were no differences in daily average enterprise among the firefighters. Authenticated conclusions were that Wellmune and beta glucans helped reduce the symptoms and incidences of URTI ( upper respiratory tract illnesses ) among wildlife firefighters.

Wellmune WGP is patented, has a GRAS ( Oftentimes Recognized As Safe ) adjudjing by the FDA, is kosher, non allergenic and GMO - free ( contains no Genetically Modified Organisms ). It also fits within all vegetarian and vegan diets. Wellmune benefits are available in several new products, meaning you can easily and affordably get all the benefits of a true, FDA - recognized supplement that positively WILL boost your immune system all era long.

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