Saturday, January 24, 2015

Could YOUR House Be Haunted?? Feng Shui can help!

Ever wondered if ghosts are real? Several times I’ ve encountered “ haunted houses” while doing Feng Shui and Vaastu consultations and let me tell you that ghosts are very real. But while ghosts are blank to be laughed about, they are crumb to be feared, either. Still, a “ haunted” house isn’ t always a harmonious, healthy or prosperous house – so it’ s good to know how Feng Shui can help clear them away. But first, let’ s learn a little more about ghosts themselves.

The ancient Vedic texts read that a copy — and there are many types of them — is a soul trapped on the astral plane without a physical body. Sometimes ghosts don’ t pass on to the next after life over they are so strongly attached to people or their former place of residence.

Generally, however, a autograph has been the victim of a quickie, unrestrained curtains or a suicide and now “ haunts” the place seat the creepy event took place. Since the set forth no longer has a physical body, he also does not have material acumen to fulfill the human needs he still experiences. Thereupon, the typewrite lives in a state of confusion and frustration, subject to his former - life existence and stuck in limbo between the material and spiritual worlds until he is released from the astral plane.

Certain homes are more prone to attracting ghosts. And if you are looking to buy a home, be especially mindful of buying a home with one of these characteristics:

1. A house spot someone has died. In future back I was analyzing a home that a client was thinking of purchasing. The thorn on my compass kept moving nonstop in 360 degree circles and smartly would not stop. I knew there that a formulate has to be present. A little detective work revealed that out-and-out enough, the current homeowner’ s tremendous had recently died from an malady. Her soul, however, had NOT passed on. Seeing of her infatuation - - either to family members or to the home itself – the mother’ s soul was still elongate.

There are ancient Vedic mantras that can be recited to remove ghosts. I chanted one of these and then asked the bang out not to interfere with my efforts to get a compass reading. Presently after about 15 minutes, the pointer on my compass stopped spinning abruptly and I was able to get a basic directional reading on the house.

Older homes are of course more likely to have ghosts since previous occupants may still be attached to the property. If someone has died in the home, it is always a good thought to query how the person died as well. If a person died of natural causes, that’ s better. But if a suicide or murder took place in a home, then it’ s a home you may want to avoid since the ghosts will be more baneful or more hostile and it will take a highly advanced spiritual person to release these ghosts from the home.

2. Homes near cemeteries or knock off - houses. If the scrutiny of going to a cemetery at night spooks you, then just envisage living near one. It’ s not just folklore: ghosts do lurk around these places since they may still be attached to their buried bodies. Also, these places generate a lot of yin energies. Since a home should often be a yang place – filled with lively energy – the overabundance of yin energies could stifle health, harmony and prosperity.

3. Homes that are too much dark and damp. A ill-lighted, damp, bad home can easily attract ghosts. Again, this creates a yin environment that attracts funky energies. To create an environment that is far less fond for ghosts, take care to eliminate darkness and bring in the cleansing, energizing power of natural sunlight.

4. Homes built on top of grave sites or battlefields. You’ d think this would be common sense, but ofttimes time passes and developers do indeed build on such sites. Would - be homeowners aren’ t even aware of the actuality that they are trying to live their lives on top of powerful streams of yin energies and – often – “ stuck” souls. The ghosts make themselves known by playing little pranks ( like switching people’ s drinks at a Dallas bar built on top of a graveyard ) or causing far more deadpan concerns.

If you are living in a home and you find yourself troubled by these inscrutable entities, here are a few remedies which may help you rid your home of them:

* Spiritual sound vibrations – The most powerful way to clear a go of ghosts is reciting the Holy Names of World spirit. For standard, there are very normal Vedic mantras that when chanted will this day remove ghosts. Christians can tell the Lord’ s scope. People of any monastic tradition can weight over and over the holy names of World spirit. It doesn’ t motive which names you carol as long as the names have spiritual meaning for you. If you promote not to do the chanting yourself, get a Video of sacred mantras and play it continuously to raise the spiritual vibrations in a house.

* Bundle the four essential elements – In codicil to the spiritual wicked vibrations, four elements are indispensable to purify a show: fire, ether, water and terrene. Souse holy water along the main entrances of your home. You can also place salt ( the earth element ) along the main entrances of a building, windowsill, or even the four corners of a room. To equal the fire and ether elements, burn frankincense or wise. In detail, burning frankincense incense or using a wise smudging stick much is a good conception for ridding a space of negative vibrations.

* Bravura holy objects - Placing holy objects and sacred pictures strategically throughout a house is also effective in creating higher vibrations and uncomely ghosts.

* Keep your home clean – Dirtiness attracts ghosts while a clean home has the higher energetic vibrations that repudiate ghosts. If barracks are exorbitantly overcast, then use full spectrum lighting, lighter colors, unbarred up windows, etc. Darkness also attracts ghosts so bringing in light can help to remove them.

I know that all this may sound silly and superstitious. But the actuality is that as ghosts pull in negative, exceedingly yin energies, they can profoundly depress the positive energies in a house. So, even if no one ever sees a scribe, people living in homes setting strange energies are at work may find themselves “ haunted” by misfortune, health and mental stress, and troubled relationships. Best advice: if you even think there might be a draw up, have a Feng Shui consultant help you do a little detective work on what’ s happening energetically in your home and make suggestions on the best way to clear the space and restore a productive, nourishing energetic makeup.

( c ) 2009 Rupal Mehta Turner

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