Saturday, January 24, 2015

Are You Building Muscle? Or Just Lifting Weights?

Here’ s a matter I love to ask guys who go to the gym every day: “ Do you want to lift weights or do you want to build muscle? ” The detail is most people lose sight of why they are lifting weights in the first place. Favorite exercises take on a life of their own. People perform them by tactics, day after day, month after month and never evaluate whether it’ s generating a tangible benefit. It’ s a classic event of what philosopher Alan Watt’ s called “ mistaking the foodstuff for the food. ” It not about the exercises - it ' s about gaining muscle.

A true, muscle - building workout is an event! It’ s an adventure! It takes you into field you’ ve never been in before. It’ s the contradiction of what the folks are doing in the “ cardio” area of the gym. In the cardio area bored men and women peregrination, jog and step on machines while they read a magazine or absent - mindedly gaze at a ceiling mounted television. They grind away at a steady pace and sharp mental headquarters is the last thing they want since the exercise is genuine boredom and who wants to dwell on that?

Building muscle is different.

No two strength workouts should ever be the same. Every exercise in every workout should alter a higher intensity of muscular output. That means you should always be way new personal records of in addition weight or more reps or an extra set. That’ s how new muscle is built. It’ s an adaptation to a new, greater demand.

Here are three secrets to having the humanitarian of explosive workouts that build muscle.

#1 - Right Exercises

Own exercises come in and out of vogue for a collection of reasons. But the only thing that really matters is which exercise permits you to deliver the absolute highest possible overload to the muscle you are targeting.

Take triceps for paragon. You could do bulletin press downs, dumbbell triceps extensions, dips, pushups, French presses, close - grip bench presses… I could go on and on. Then there are the dozens of variations of triceps machines from all the leading equipment companies.

How do you know which one is right for you? The simple answer is: the one that allows you to hoist the most weight. So if you can do dumbbell triceps extension with 40 pounds in each hand but you can do weighted dips with your full body weight plus 30 pounds of plates pending from a weight belt, it’ s dainty distinguishable which one is delivering the highest overload to your triceps.

Perhaps more important, using some simple experimentation you can test the validity of exercises that are recommended by gurus, gym rats and other erstwhile benevolent people.

Just compare how much you can barbell squat vs. hack squat vs. leg press and you’ ll reach your own empirically authenticated conclusions.

When you start using the best exercise for each muscle set your workouts will explode.

#2 - Big Weights

This point is an obvious corollary of point #1 but it goes further. Even with the right exercise you have a choice between using a numerous weight and doing fewer reps ( or a shorter static mastery ) or using a lighter weight and doing more reps ( or a longer static clout ). I’ ve accurate all these combinations and none works better than hoisting the heaviest weight you can for a little as 5 seconds of static reduction. The fervor of that overload creates maximum metabolic changes in the body. It literally forces an adaptation.

Don’ t consider that mature gym bromide about “ light weights for definition” High reps with light weight is boss much a complete waste of your time. It’ s inefficient at building muscle and it’ s inefficient at improving definition. There are better ways to do both.

When you start using big weights for each exercise your workouts will explode.

#3 - Short Trick

If your workout is taking you more than 30 minutes large is not right. If you’ re getting it done in less than 20 minutes you’ re on the right lane. Remember, a good muscle - building workout isn’ t like sleep mobile on the treadmill or stair stepper. It’ s all out, it’ s high intensity, and you can’ t sustain it for long now it takes tool you have. You’ re forcing your body to convert to a massive stress.

I work with advanced trainees who target five different muscle groups per workout and they are finished in 15 minutes. In that time they fully perform only 25 seconds of actual lifting. That’ s not a typo… they perform five exercises using a five - second static clasp on each exercise. When they return to the gym in two weeks or so they perform five different exercises for different muscles. And they make progress on every exercise in every workout. How many people do you know who can honestly say that? – new personal records on every workout!

When you start engineering workouts that are super intense and can be extensive for only a short time your workouts will explode.

So please think about these three ' secrets ' next time you are in the gym. And ask yourself, “ Do you just want to lift weights or do you want to build muscle? ”

Pete Sisco

www. StaticContraction. com

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