Friday, January 23, 2015

5 Fat Loss Strategies in the Gym

If you have been going to the gym but you’ re not seeing the results you were expecting, try these tried and tested 5 fat loss strategies and analog watch the fat join off for good.

1. Train your full body in each workout. Long gone are the days of split routines such as the chest and triceps workout or the back and shoulder workouts. By using a full body system, you will stimulate more lean muscle tissue and this in turn will boost your metabolism leading to an increase fat loss. Aim for 3 - 4 full body workouts a turn with a day’ s rest in - between.

2. Don’ t be scared of lifting heavy weights. Lifting heavy will not make you big and bulky, eating crap food will. For every pound of lean muscle tissue you gain, you will boost your metabolism by around 30 to 50 calories. So if you add 5 pounds of lean muscle tissue you will be burning an extra 250 calories of fat each day while relaxing in front of the TV. Finally this will lead to lean and sexy not big and bulky.

3. Keep your resting time between sets short. Your rest time is not for chatting to your beloved on the machine next to you. First off, work hard enough that you are out of breath between sets. Secondly, seat on imperfect recovery periods. What that means is your heart ratio should be elevated and your lungs are still flurry hard when pioneer the succeeding set. This method of training works best with supersets of upper and lower body movements. For exemplar you would do a lower - body exercise say squats. When you carry off your squats, you would rest for 30 seconds, your lungs still business hard and your heart ratio is a high 150 plus beats per minute.

You would then go impartial into an upper - body exercise such as pull ups. Even though your cardio system is commotion hard, your upper body is still supplementary and you are efficient to pull out a honest profit of pull ups making your workout both very persuasive and very effective.

4. Train utilitarian movements, movements your body were designed to do. There are 7 suited movements. The squat, the stimulate, the lunge, pushing, pulling, devious and constitutional movements. It is these movements that we use on a day to day basis that make them beneficial. As a side note; standing on a swiss ball, bosu ball or some courteous of unstable surface when trying to squat, lunge or do any of the ultra movements is not functional. Think about it, how many times have you had to steady yourself over the ground was to squeegee while you were motile to the shops?

5. Perform interval training. Research has shown that interval training is significantly better at burning fat compared to steady state cardiovascular training. The virtuoso of intervals is the EPOC ( extrinsic post workout - oxygen consumption ). This is the amount of calories your body burns after the workout. When you push your body to a high intensity, out of its comfort ground, many internal and outward process’ s happen. Your body’ s core temperature rises, muscle fibres tear, glycogen levels get depleted and lactic acid builds within the muscles. All of these processes depend upon calories to return back to general and it is these extra calories that aid in burning significantly more fat.

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