Monday, January 26, 2015

3 Basic Requirements Women Want From Men Before Sex

Ever wonder what is one of the things that slaughter sexual tension, attraction and arousal in a woman? This may be shocking to a lot of men for the answer to this problem is trying too hard to please her!

Indeed, we much hear the message that women want a betrothed who can put her needs first. On the surface, this statement seems correct and most women will nod in agreement to it. But if you talk to them more, they will admit that they do not want a guy who is just catering to her needs.

She wants her man to love the experience just as much as the guy wants her too. She does not want a guy who is immoderately concerned about whether or not she is enjoying it, so much so that he acts nervous to the extent that he gives away all of his mainly power to her.

You may also have heard of that statement about women do not like men who are €œselfish in bed€. This statement is not wholly right either. Close is not correct when a man forces his woman to do the things she does not feel filthy rich with and in the process may hurt her.

What I am vocabulary about is a guy knows what he wants and is not edgy to get his woman to do the things that fit his needs. Women are overripe on by men who are male and confident enough to be not ashamed of what they want and go for it.

So, what can you do to get what you want in bed, without seeming close and in the process making her feel attracted and aroused? I shall inadequate down the three basic requirements you can do to have what you want to the easy - to - treasure term of €œABC€, locale A is Anatomy, B is Body Check and C is Communication.

( 1 ) Anatomy

Understanding female anatomy is the first thing you have to figure out so that you can know spot to press the sensitive pleasure €œbuttons€ on her body to get her stretch orgasm. Let me catalogue down these pleasure centers for you

( a ) The Clitoris

It is the biological equivalent of the male sexual organ and thoroughly resembles one. You can find this erotic spot at the top of her opening. When a woman is aroused, it becomes filled with blood and gets erected, just like your slice. Being fairly delicate, you should not scratch, grind, bite or squeeze it.

The correct ways to stimulate this pleasure button are to use your clean and nail - calm finger ( s ) to softly rub it, to use your tongue to lick on it like you are enjoying ice - cream and to use your €œlittle brother€ to worry it by rubbing the tip of your male hood against her clitoris.

( b ) The Grafenberg Spot

Commonly known as the G - spot, it is the biological equivalent of the male puny gland. The g - spot is located on the top wall of the vagina just greater the pubic bone. You can locate this area by sliding one or two of your lubricated fingers with your palm up about 2 - 3 inches deep. Keep your fingers tangled as you stroke the area just chief the pubic bone.

เธ‰ Ears

Nibbling her little ear lobes, licking her ears or just under the lobe and as you get closer to her ears whisper something blacken can be very stimulating to some women.

( d ) Snog

The most sensitive part of the canoodle stage you can kiss on to have the maximum stimulation is the area along the jaw line and just large the collar bones.

( e ) Lower Back

This part of the back that meets the buttocks is very sensitive since of the abundance of the little nerve endings there.

If stimulated correctly when she is in a relaxed state, it can be erotic - ticklish.

( f ) The Buttocks

Besides grabbing her buttocks, a more suggestive way to stimulate this area is by way of tickling. You can use your fingers, a present or element wider original from her back and moving slowly down to the butt.

( g ) The Knees

The most sensitive part is the back of the knees which are quite ticklish to most women. But if she is relaxed, it can give exerting sensations related to when you tickle under her buttocks.

( h ) The Feet

Use slow movements to make the foot rub can be a very risque experience to her. Add some lotions to your palms to help you glide along her foot.

( 2 ) Body Qualification

The next important thing to do is to have check over your erection. This is through controlling your body is considerable that she sees as a manlike and powerful characteristic.

Here are some ways to fluctuate your orgasm:

( a ) Practice contracting your PC muscles

PC muscles or pubococcygeus are located around your testicles, penis and anus and by contracting and relaxing them; you can better sway your erection after some practices.

( b ) Press on your perineum

The perineum is located between your anus and scrotum. During orgasm, the sickly gland expands and then contracts to expel the ejaculation sap. Jeopardous on the perineum will block the flow. You can get your woman to press the joint or you can do it yourself.

( c ) Slow down your breathing

When you are high in bed, either you dominance your breathing or you breath becomes rapid. By controlling your breathing by slowly it down, you are more adequate to hesitate your orgasm.

( d ) Stop and start over again

( i ) When you are getting high and going further will cause you to ejaculate, you quickly pull out to let the sensation pass and do other things to stimulate her.

( ii ) Supplementary way to do this by means of masturbation. When you masturbate, you are in certain ways practicing for intercourse. It is the best time to learn how to subordination your orgasm. You can practice your orgasm government by bringing yourself to the edge of orgasm and then stop and calmly bring yourself back to general. It is very important to keep yourself motionless throughout the whole process.

( 3 ) Communication

Have you ever noticed that if some guys you know tell you that you are doing something erroneous, you will feel it is no big deal and scorn about the matter after two minutes? But if the woman you love operate like the guys do, you feel hurt and embarrassed. Men boost to take suggestions and frankness from their loved ones as a blow to their egos.

That is why it can be onerous for you to build this sexual connection with her. She is terrified of being so completely naked with you for fear of rejection or kissable you. It is only when you enact this connection with her that she is able to totally surrendering herself to you sexually. That is when you can make her orgasm, literally at will.

To achieve this, you have to keep an unbolted mind and not to regard her feedback as criticism. You are not a mind tutor nor should she expect you to be. Encourage unbolted communication at all times, even when you are in the middle of the act. Her feedback is very useful in module you to figure out what you can do to turn her on.

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