Saturday, January 24, 2015


Father, honour, influence, strength, character, power, awareness and compassionate nature is represented by Sun. Our body parts like eyes, heart, brain, head, bones, chest, lungs and stomach are showed by the Sun. It also indicates our ambition, bloodlessness, and self - respect, impressive power, endorsed, dependable, energy, gracefulness and personality.

According to Vedic Astrology if the sun is weak in one’ s horoscope, ill featured or ill placed, it indicates egotism, uncertain temperament, envious and over irritating. The Sun is the lord of Sunday. Its direction is east, house is Leo, glorious in Aries at 10 degree, mool trikona Leo 20 degree and unsubstantial in Libra at 10 degree. Moon, mars and Jupiter are his loving planets, neutral planet is mercury and enemies are Saturn and Venus. It is measured as a male, positive and forbidding in Indian astrology.

The Diseases caused by the weak Sun are weak eye sight, headache, and irregular blood circulation, fevers, and bone weakness, tremble of heart, baldness, epilepsy, heart diseases, lucaria, fistula and inflammatory complaints.

Orange, pusillanimous, brown and gold ensign are represented by Demigod Sun. Sun is the ruler of all planets and called by different names in Hindi but normally known as Surya or Suraj. The Sun is the heart of our solar system that comprises nine planets. The planets turn around the Sun and are dependent on its energy. Sun plays a responsive role for existence of life forms in Earth, the only planet in our solar system with life forms.

According to Indian Astrology, Sun brings success, intellect, wisdom, fame and wealth. Correct succession of Sun in the horoscope can bring fame to a person on his or her area of work, or even in all walks of life. Ill - rule of Sun in the horoscope specifies physical, mental or emotional problems, negative sentiment, dishonour at the hands of others and poor conditions of life. It also makes the identical egotistical, smug and ineffective. The soul in human body and the power of representation authentic services to others have also been mentioned to the Sun - a royal planet of power, authority and pay.

The sun gives incompatible effects on the things associated with the house in which he is placed. So in the 1st house he can create health problems for the native. In the 2nd house he can affect the family and its comforts unconditionally unfavourably.

The Sun in the 6th house will not panoply good results for the sisters and daughters for the native. In the 7th house one may face obstacles in the reliefs of the wife. The sun of the 8th house can save the native from ruin in critical situations.

The Sun of the 9th house can create problems in the comforts of the forefathers and perhaps withdraw the native from their properties. In the 10th house, the Sun can affect the father unfavourably. The sun in the 11th house can rises and grows the income of the native manifold. The Sun in the 12th house can create problems in the comforts in the sleep of the native.

Hindu Mythology says that Sun is a Kshatriya and born to Sage Kashyap and Aditi who is the immense of Gods. Her sons were overcome by the demons. Aditi prayed to the sun to be born as her infant to fight and rout the demons so that the Gods could get back their owing. Sun nifty to it and was born as Aditya. According to Hindu regard that Sun is ever moving in a chariot strained by seven horses. The Sun, is short in height and has a prominent, shining appearance, with two arms, a frizzy hair and shining, golden - brown eyes that are the exact redden of honey. His mind is sharp and he has coppery complexion.

He wears garb of somber saffron. In both of his hands, he has two red lotuses. The trundle of Surya ' s chariot represents the term and its twelve spokes are the twelve months.


According to Vedic astrology, the planets usually affect our life. If planets are weak in the birth - chart, then they can give their reverse effects on our life. We can protect our self through remedies mentioned in astrology.

• If Sun is weak or dark in the birth - chart, then donate a cow with youngster.

• Donate jiggery, gold, copper and wheat for beneficial results.

• Donation of the gemstone of Sun can also give better results.

Consult an expert astrologer for the auspicious time and creditable people so that donation can give good results.

• Consign products of Sun on Sunday noon to a person who is 40 – 50 caducity ancient.

• Mind a fast on Sunday for peace of Sun.

• Support wheat and jiggery to a cow. Feeding kheer of jiggery to a Brahman or a poor person also reduces the unlucky effects of Sun.

• Do Surya Namaskar in early morning to get a relief from the converse effects of Sun.

• Do not eat wheat and jiggery. Also this, you should not wear copper; mismatched you may get problems from its associated field.

• Get up early at the time of Sunrise and proposition water to the Sun. This is a proven specialist remedy as the rays of the Sun are very positive during that time and plenty favorable in the essay of Vitamin D in the body. Mind-set sincere and raise your arms till the shoulder level to proposition water to the Sun. If possible, try that the water that goes down enters in a tulsi install.

• At the time of Sunrise, position in splendor of Sun and look at it for a few seconds and smile. Then close your eyes for a few seconds and keep smiling. Then unbarred your eyes again and repeat the same process. Keep doing this process for about 10 - 15 minutes.

• Having a bath is very important as it helps pleasure positive and helps us get rid of laziness, but if for some ground, you can ' t, don ' t plague.

• Recite Gayatri mantra or " Om Aadityaya namah " or " Om Suryaya namah " 3, 11, 21, 51 or 108 times in the morning looking at the sun. You can sit in a Padmasan or vajra - aasan to do this. Remembering your Ishta Devata during this time of the day can also help you improve your life and fulfil your wishes.

• Congregate some branches of " Bel " Tree and catching them in your hand do any Surya mantra. Gayatri Mantra is best to gain confidence and power to face and gain respect from people of high authority. " Om Aadityaya Namah " is best to win over an enemy who is trying to cause harm to your image.

• Enervating a small piece of the root of " Bel " ( Bilwa or Bel Patra ) tree in white fleece in your smooch, can help you get rid of health problems associated with the impending position of Sun in your horoscope.

• Sufficient and expressive your own father or any other figure like father is the most natural and one of the best remedy to overcome the adverse effects of Sun in your life.

• Do the Mantra based remedies ofttimes for at slightest 42 days, to witness prominent positive effects. You are advised not to think about the results and encircle the considerable mentioned remedies as part of your daily routine and lifestyle. For draggy problems, please consult a well - able Vedic astrologer to help you give the most effective remedies.

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