Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Do You Want To Get A Competitive Male Swimmer ' s Body?

You have always serviceable the bodies of male slick swimmers. Those broad shoulders of a swimmer which tapers down the to the waist in a magnificent V - shape and not to mention the sexy six pack abs and well toned muscular arms are beauteous impressive, aren ' t they?

The inducement why a male swimmer ' s body is so sexy is thanks to they have low body fat ratio so that their well toned muscles can be observed and not secluded by too much body fat. Although low in body fat, swimmers body fat ratio are not as low as know stuff bodybuilders during competition whose bodies have veins rapturous out with ripped railway course definitions. The swimmer ' s body is different by Wisegeek as a high level of muscle tone with a privation of bulk and is a universally attractive body shape.

So the question you probably will ask is how much swimming do you need to get a swimmer ' s body, right? The answer is none, if you want to and know how to. Surprised?

This is being swimming a lot is not the most effective way of getting a swimmer ' s bodyshape. Ouch, further surprise eh? Amen, swimming is a great cardio vascular low influence exercise, but it isn ' t going to build you the muscular Olympic swimmer ' s physique. This is through the resistance of the water is too low to be effective in building muscles.

Therefrom the best way to build a swimmer ' s body is, guess what? Weight Training. Not any weight training, but specific training designed for you to get a swimmer ' s body.

This should be combined with interval training cardio exercises to lose body fat and to get the lean hard body look.

So how long will it take for you to get the swimmer ' s build? Well, that will depend on your present fitness level and physical character at the moment. For those with low body fat and have good genetic inclination, it could be as little as 12 weeks. It will take a tad longer for you if you have high body fat or are a hardgainer. Then again, there are also other factors convoluted such as the availability for you to exercise ofttimes, being moving to have good nutrition and your lifestyle habits.

On the obscure, you can make out results faster if you exercise correctly coupled with the right nutrition. Of course, trained swimmers do eat a lot. Michael Phelps once uttered he store 12, 000 calories a day. However, you are not an Olympic swimmer like him who swims and exercise 5 or more hours a day. So do not eat as much as the professional swimmers but just enough for you to get the bodyshape that you long.

Using weight resistance exercises to build muscle and high intensity interval cardio training to reduce body fat is not something new and all good personal trainers should be able to plan a good program for you. Plus existing advances in nutrition, you should be able to your belonging bodyshape sooner quite than succeeding. So plan your workouts and nutrition with a clear unemotional of getting a swimmer ' s physique and not that of a bodybuilder and you will immediately get the admirable swimmer ' s build.

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