Saturday, January 24, 2015

Bullworker: The German Secret Weapon To Build Muscle Mass

Mature Style Muscle Building

Back in the delayed 1960 ' s a German named Gert F Koelbel, pretended an exercise device called the Tensolator which subsequent on was renamed the Bullworker. This device was based on using the familiarity of Isometrics or Static Contraction.

Bullworker sales took off like a turbo animated skyrocket, gate sales of 4 million by the middle of the 1980 ' s.

What ' s remarkable about this is that they never used T. V. advertising. The Bullworker was largely fired from ads in comic books, some wrestling and bodybuilding magazines.

The Greatest

Even the " Greatest " Muhammad Ali used the exerciser and became one of their spokes model. Our current Guide of California Arnold " The Terminator " Schwarzenegger also used and modeled for the Bullworker. As well as Bruce Cover and a host of other celiberties of it ' s day.

Olympic Hope

In addition the German Olympic Power Lifting team of that time trained with the Bullworker and some feel that the incredible results and medals they achieved was mainly due to their Bullworker training. But, The most visible backer of the Bullworker was quite Bruce Cover who at that time was a weight - training militant, until he injured his body doing an exercise called " Good Mornings. "

Warning Will Robinson

If you don ' t know what a " good morning " is, let me write up the movement. Take a barbell and place it behind your canoodle and then bend forward from the waist to till your head is at approximately waist high.

Today no one should do that exercise since it has been recognized as a very dangerous exercise.

So, why altar ' t you heard of this muscle building miracle?

Steroids And Isometrics

Well, even thou Bob Hoffman and many of the U. S. Olympic Power lifting were using the wisdom of Isometrics and achieved many wins. Isometrics fell into disfavor. This is rather common in the fitness mankind. It seems we ' re always on to the next fad or novelty. Today Isometrics, which is one of the few training methods that in reality was backed by science ( Muller, Hettinger Isometric Studies ) has made a resurgence and so has the Bullworker.

Better Than Ever

Because the popular for the product ran out senility ago and a resurgence perhaps due to baby boomers a new " hybrid " Bullworker has recently emerged. It ' s called the Bully Xtreme Home Gym and it offers all the features of the mature Bullworkers and then some.

Of course there has been much more acquainted once-over the proper way to build muscle mass, so their training program has been totally redesigned, including adding the knowledge and expertise of an NPC Nationals Champion and NPC Critic.

Since over 29 different exercises can be done in a seated position this has made the Bully Xtreme a very popular home gym for people that are incapable due to injury, disability or distance to after all get a an incredible muscle building workout in their home. In fact anyone any age can use this portable home gym and besides it ' s a piece of history.

Incredible as it seems this exerciser gets the job done

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