Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Purple Drink, Cough Syrup Abuse - What " Syrup " Does to Your Body

Racy Drink

Promethazine and Codeine containing cough syrup abuse has become popular in certain circles, especially in Houston and the South. Mixed with soft drinks and soda, it is drank and taken in high doses creating a euphoric sequence that can " slow " people down. This relatively new phenomenon of abuse is different from over - the - counter cough syrups such as Robitussin DM which contains dextromethorphan. The promethazine and codeine cough syrups are available only by prescription, but as with many drugs, people are finding legal and felonious ways to find it.

A Potent Combination

The euphoric precipitate of this cough syrup is achieved in taking relatively large amounts and can be traced to the two ingredients promethazine and codeine. 5 mL of cough syrup generally contains 10 mg of codeine and 6. 25 mg of promethazine.

What is Promethazine?

Promethazine is an anti - histamine and also acts to fight the nausea caused by the narcotic codeine. It can cause respiratory depression and the FDA warns that it can cause lethal respiratory depression in babies. Promethazine also causes serious lethargy and can then make driving very dangerous. For legitimate use, adults much take 25 to 50 milligrams of promethazine for dark hours or presurgical sedation.

Codeine Overdose

Codeine is an opiate derivative with anti - cough properties and the other active ingredient that makes this type of cough syrup sough after. The most popular racy colored and grape flavored romance of this syrup has 60mg of codeine per liquid ounce making it one of the strongest codeine laced cough syrups.

Codeine can enhance the effects of alcohol and in high doses have the same dangers and effects as morphine. It can cause respiratory depression which can lead to the potential touch-and-go consequences of overdose. People can loss consciousness and have convulsions. Those with abbot respiratory problems such as asthma face even higher risks. Codeine is considered toxic at 240 mg for adults. Expanded common side event is the reduction in sex drive and increased complications with erectile dysfunction.


As altruism for the drugs builds, innumerable and expanded doses are required to feel companion effects. In this cough syrup crowd, promethazine can purely double the monetary worth of codeine that affects the body. Also, carbonated drinks make the body absorb even more by pushing it through the stomach lining to the part containing blood vessels.

The major danger of cough syrup abuse is the high potential for addiction. Like morphine or other opiates, regular consumption of codeine can fruit in chemical dependency. Taken over a title of time, the body ' s central nervous system will stop competent pain killers, or endorphins, naturally considering it is getting opiates instead. Then these inactive nerve cells degenerate and when the body no longer produces pain killers on its own, the addiction begins. When a user wants to abandon, it often means a painful withdrawal expression or an unpleasant medically supervised detox. Even then, relapse is always a danger without proper counseling and foundation.

Get off Syrup! Learn how: http: / / www. choosehelp. com / detox / codeine - and - promethazine - detox - cough - syr...

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