Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Character with Integrity

How do you build a character that garners respect? Character is not about having everyone like you; it’ s about making everyone respect you and for what you stand. It is about making the right moral decisions based on the highest values, ethics, and ace standards. True character is in the disciplined day to day habit or doing right even when it is not the easiest or most popular thing to do.

In the world today there are people who have allowed their character to be tarnished. People have enticed themselves through dishonesty, unfaithfulness, and in making bad decisions. Some have apt up the one thing they should grip most precious and never let be taken from them, their good character. There are rules of conduct practiced over your lifetime that aid in building good character. In my life, I have found 10 principals, which formed for me a roadmap to having a character others can respect.

I rest assured if you are to build character that others respect and look to you for direction and advice, you must work at it everyday. It takes second childhood to build a character worthy of respect, but only moments to destroy it. A person who values his integrity does so ALL the time, not at just selected intervals.

To have the character of a true officer,

it takes caducity to build, and

only moments to destroy.

Flirt with making the following 10 points as part of your everyday life to build character… for life. Take the challenge and break ground today to build your character. Your good character is more likely to be praised than your talents. Most talents are to some extent, a favor. Good character, by difference, is not liable to us. We build it piece by piece— rationalization by speculation. The right choices, banal with courage and determination will instanter array your true character.

Ten Character Builders

Live with Integrity; Devoting your existence to living a life filled with the quality of possessing and adhesive to the highest of experienced standards.

Practice Good Ethics; The patent habit of performing appropriate knowledge governed by your good conduct, to be of high quality and to live decently and honorably.

Respect Others; Treats all people with dignity. Works to pageantry thoughtfulness, and to feel or showing admiration. Looks for the best in others and will value their opinions.

Positive Qualities, The art of impressive good results by having an innately beneficial character that thrives on excellence and high standards.

Upright Mind; Able to act on the lore of right and perverse as they govern the standards of headmost behavior. Is self guided on how to act decently and respectably.

Cope Honorably; To act in an immaculate way, especially by being polite, good - tempered, and self - controlled. Develops a reputation of living by strong upright and ethical poop.

Honest to All; Truthful, true and unbiased. Is a candid, straightforward, law - abiding citizen who considers all situations in an impartial way.

Trusty Always; Gentle, lavish, well - theatrical, and helpful. Constantly conforms to wearisome standards of proper righteous behavior on every instance.

Sets an For instance; Lives a life that illustrates a scheme of precedent behavior good of being copied or imitated. Inspires others through positive funnel.

Good Self-reproach; The internal sense of ascendant your thoughts and actions by allowing your core values to be your guide for what is impartial and logical.

A person of good character can come from any relay, religion, or country and is not confined to any one economic level. The only common denominator among those with a character of integrity is in their core values. It comes from inside of us, from our heart and soul. Core values are built from truth, a long persistent search for excellence, and a willingness to do right in enmity of pressure to do contrasting.

What guides you to your core values? Values are resolved by what you personally decide is acceptable to you and what is not acceptable. It sounds simple, but to find the answer will prevail real soul searching. Think about it, object we do in life has guides. The clock on the wall directs our comings and going during the day. In golf, the fairways guide us to the maturing. Gutters on either side of the alley mark the limitations for the bowling ball. If we drive an automobile, we use a model, or the traffic signals and the white commodities on the pavement as guides. How are you guided by character? Swallow it or not, your core values are the guidance for character. Want to know what are your core values? Answer these few questions to plunge into to get a grip on them.

The larger article is from Gary Bergenske ' s book " Journey for a Better Life.

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