Friday, January 23, 2015

Physical Pain: Can Trapped Emotions Cause Physical Pain?

When one experiences some compassionate of physical pain or tension it can be usual to just peer it as the body reacting to something and that some lenient of independent solution is needed to deal with the pain.

And this is a natural consequence of seeing the body as separate from the mind and something that recurrently acts in strange and unexpected ways. Ways that will be forever out of one’ s intellectual grasp and that the pain just needs to be removed or arctic and then word will usually be back to natural.


There is all all heart of options available now to remove this pain; from tablets, to patches, drinks and certain kinds of exercise for instance, as well as many other things. Sometimes these methods will last for a short time and at others they will last even longer.

Perhaps one could remove their pain completely through doing this; it can all depend on many factors. It could also be possible to remove one gentle of pain and as time goes on, extra gentle will spring sometime major; this time it could be a lot stronger and no longer be removed through the usual means.


And as it is human nature to avoid pain and to search pleasure, it is not much of a surprise to flash this approach in the western world. In other societies, in the east for instance, a different approach is recurrently taken.

So as away as the physical pain appears, one will do all they can to put it to an top. One then returns to their normal level of comfort or even feels slightly better. This then enables them, in most cases, to return to their life without the body’ s discomfort.

Health Care

When one goes to their doctor or to a pharmacy to probe assistance for their physical pain, they are not necessarily going to be asked what also is going on for them. The pain is typically going to be experimental in isolation and not as a part of something more.

So the experience one has had at an emotional level up until this point will not be looked into; it will regularly be overlooked. One might be asked what they have been doing physically or what they have eaten recently, but very little major.

The perspective that the body is separate from the mind and so acts however it wants is supported by just about every area of the western world. In recent age, genetics has taken over as being the instigation why the body does the things that it does.


There is then the kinds of thing what someone has eaten or if they have done something that was physically strenuous for paradigm and then there is the genetic component, but other than that, there is very little aggrandized. So it would be natural and even expected for one to foot up excitation debilitated and that they have no might over their body.

One is then blank more than an witness of their body and what it does or does not do. And when one lives in their head and is cut off from their body, there is not much chance of other point of view. Of course one could read about their body being as much as who they are their mind, but this is merely an intellectual understanding.

Emotional Disconnection

When someone has a companion that causes them too much pain or when there is a certain place that causes painful memories, it is common to no longer take notice this person or to go to the place. This is done to protect oneself from the pain and as this person and place is not part of oneself; they can be cut out of one’ s life.

The same approach can be utilized when it comes to emotional pain. Here, one becomes cut off from their body as a way to avoid pain. But while people or places can be invalidating from one’ s life, the body cannot be. This will always be there, regardless of whether one has annulling their awareness from it.

To the mind, this emotional pain could no longer be there, just like the sidekick who one doesn’ t observe or the place one no longer goes to. So the mind can live in this head trip and fundamentally the body is still carrying these emotions and feelings.

Trapped Emotions

These could have built up from what has happened during ones adult second childhood and what took place when they were a child and a baby. Over the caducity they can become pushed into ones vital organs, muscles and bones and while one facility no longer be in touch with them, they will emerge in other ways.

And one way they can pageantry up is through one experiencing some understanding of physical pain or striving. Through one being pattern off from their emotions and feelings for so long, when this does start fireworks up as pain it can be recondite. This is nearly due to the time delay and the gospel that it can take a while for emotional pain to change into physical pain.


So one could experience something or even eat something, and these trapped emotions and feelings will be triggered once more and physical pain will ensue. This is for the body wants to release these emotions and feelings to restore inner balance and harmony.

However, if one is taking tablets or something allied to remove the pain, they are also gone out on what the body is trying to communicate. And this information can be far more profound than the reality the body is in pain.

Areas Of The Body

And different areas of the body can take different feelings and emotions. The chest can relate to the following feelings: rejection, abandonment, grief, betrayal, emptiness and despair. And in the stomach area it can be to do with: fear, powerlessness, jurisdiction, disrepute, fault and feelings to do with survival.

These are just some areas and there are others that can take different feelings and emotions. And what is going on within these vital organs can define how ones legs and arms feel; such as touch cold. Having this emotional build up creates strain on ones organs and this can results the body’ s equilibrium.


Trapped emotions and feelings can be released with the assistance of a therapist or a healer who will let on one to face them and gradually release them. And as this happens, ones physical pain can mount to disappear.

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