Saturday, January 24, 2015

No, Having Muscles Does Not Make You Stupid!

Hey you. Yep you, the guy reading this. I goal I ' m not breaking facts to you here, but the general public doesn ' t have much respect for exercise and physical hustle.

Oh unambiguous, kids are optimistic to play sport and be active, but once they become adults, things change mink quickly. An adult ( especially a source ) who continues to stay active and in great shape is usually viewed as being a little strange and immature. I have lost pathway of how many times friends and people admonished me to, " Grow up and evade all that childish nonsense. "

Linked to this air is the presumption that men with muscular bodies are stupid. Possibly it ' s just sour grapes, but it ' s an philosophy that ' s certainly ubiquitary. We hear it in expressions like " schmo strength " and " brains over brawn. " People go around muttering stuff like, " I ' d moderately have intelligence and personality than muscles. "

But why does there have to be a choice? Why must it be one or the other? The answer is that it doesn ' t. I can give you plenty of examples to block this. Former Mr. Universe, Bob Paris, is an excellent writer, with many engaging books under his belt. He ' s also a brilliant speaker, environmentalist and activist.

And think for a moment about the icons of 1980s game cinema: Dolph Lundgren, Sylvester Stallone and Arnold Schwarzenegger. Dumb musclemen, right? Askew. Lundgren has a Masters nicety in science; Stallone is a high-priced screenwriter and movie adviser ( who do you think wrote the script for the first Oscar - winning Callous film? ); and Arnold... well, you don ' t get to go from poor immigrant to Doyen of California unless you ' ve got some wisdom.

In ancient Greek culture, this leaning didn ' t exist. The heavy metal Greek gymnasium was more than a place to exercise the body; it was also a place to train the mind. Mathematics, politics, philosophy, literature - all of these were topics of discussion. The mind and the body were practical as parts of a whole, not as separate things.

This is certainly true of my own personal experience. I recently transformed my body dramatically through exercise, and it didn ' t make my IQ drop at all. In actuality, I have benefitted from better cynosure, discipline and quiet.

This entire conception of a body / mind dichotomy is a picture recent one. Feasibly it ' s since of the so - called Information or Digital Age we live in. Who knows? But what I do know is this: if circumstance is stupid, it ' s that conception.

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